Chapter 2: To the Capital, Galtuuk
The days went flying by after Rio and Miharu bought their formal outfits. They stayed busy with dance lessons for the banquet, taking Latifa and the spirit folk girls out to see the city, taking Miharu to meet with Liselotte and plan for the banquet...
Finally, the banquet was only three days away.
One afternoon, in front of the rock house, everyone was seeing off Rio and Miharu as they left to attend the banquet, with Aishia going with them as a guard.
“We’ll be going now. Make sure to listen to what Celia and Sara say, okay?” Miharu said to Aki and Masato.
“Yup. Take care, Miharu. And look for my brother as well,” Aki said.
“No need to worry while we’re in this house. Say hi to Satsuki for us,” Masato added.
“Please look after Aki and Masato while we’re gone. You be good too, Latifa.” Rio said to Celia, Sara, Orphia, and Alma, before addressing Latifa as well.
“Yup, leave it to us!” The three spirit folk girls nodded firmly.
“Got it, Onii-chan!” Latifa said, also nodding energetically.
“Rio, you have to make sure you escort Miharu properly. With her personality, she’s bound to be nervous. Aishia, you look after Rio and Miharu for us,” Celia said.
“Of course.”
“Leave it to me,” Rio and Aishia both replied together.
Celia smiled softly as she gave her words of farewell. “See you later, then.”
“Have a nice trip, Rio, Lady Aishia.”
“I’ll be waiting, Onii-chan, Aishia!” Sara and Latifa followed her lead.
“Shall we get going, then, Miharu?” Rio smiled at everyone in response and prompted Miharu, who was saying goodbye to Aki and Masato a short distance away, to leave. Miharu wrapped up her conversation and approached Rio.
“Thank you, Haruto,” Miharu said with a bow.
“Sure.” Rio nodded coolly. “Let’s go.”
Aishia kicked off the ground and rose into the air first. Her movements were smooth and elegant.
Uh... I was going to ask Aishia to carry Miharu...
She was so confident in her actions, it sometimes — no, it often left Rio at a loss.
“U-Umm, then, will you carry me, Haruto?” Miharu asked Rio. Calling Aishia back now to ask her to do the transporting would be rude to Miharu.
“...Okay. Then, excuse me.” If Miharu herself didn’t mind, then Rio didn’t have a reason to refuse her. Their recent dance lessons had given them more opportunities to stick closely to each other, but while their dances weren’t awkward, this was a different situation entirely. With resolve, Rio approached Miharu with discomfort in every step.
“Uh...” When Rio picked Miharu up in a princess carry, Miharu stiffened her body slightly. For the record, Miharu herself was still nervous every time she had to stick closely to Rio during their dance lessons, but recently, she had been trying to close the distance between them herself.
Seems like Miharu has been aggressively trying to get closer to Rio lately... Having known her since before they came to Strahl, Sara, Orphia, and Alma had noticed that fact and exchanged casual looks with each other.
Latifa must have had her own thoughts about it, as she stared at Miharu intently. “See you later then, Onii-chan! Miharu!” She hugged Rio from behind as he was carrying Miharu.
“Yeah, we’ll be back soon,” Rio replied and chuckled with a smile.
“We’ll be going now, Latifa,” Miharu said. After a while, once Latifa stepped back from Rio, he gently floated up into the air with his wind spirit arts.
“If it’s possible, we’ll try to take Satsuki outside of the castle. Either way, we should be back in a week’s time!”
Rio departed with those words, finally heading to the banquet as Celia and the others watched on.
Several hours later, in Amande...
While the venue of the banquet was at the royal castle in Galtuuk, the capital of Galarc, it had been decided that they would head there by Liselotte’s personal enchanted ship. The plan was to depart from Amande tomorrow and arrive at the capital in the afternoon, which would be two days before the banquet.
The fact Miharu was a friend of the heroes from another world was shared among the mansion’s attendants, and Miharu’s hair was currently her natural color. This was done because it would have been cumbersome to explain why her hair was a different color to Satsuki at the castle. Liselotte was aware of the existence of artifacts that could alter hair color, but Rio offered to lend several of the hair color altering artifacts, and came to an agreement that its existence wouldn’t be revealed to a third party.
After arriving in Amande, Aishia changed into her spirit form while Rio and Miharu headed straight for Liselotte’s estate together.
“Welcome, Sir Haruto.”
When they arrived at the mansion gates, the gatekeeper greeted them respectfully. He was already able to recognize him by sight.
“Good day. I should have an appointment; could you take care of the procedures needed?” Rio said, but before he could explain his business, another soldier went running towards the mansion.
“We have heard already. I shall lead you there, so please follow me.” Thus, Rio and Miharu were led inside the estate grounds. There they were met by the attendant, Cosette, by the mansion door.
“Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu — welcome.” Cosette held the skirt of her uniform in both hands and curtseyed elegantly.
“Nice to see you, Cosette,” Rio replied with a bow. He had met Cosette numerous times already, so he was already familiar with her. Miharu followed Rio’s greeting and bowed too.
“Please, come this way.” Cosette immediately started walking, inviting Rio and Miharu inside. Rio and Miharu followed her lead. Cosette’s way of walking was truly elegant and beautiful.
What a beautiful person. Feeling the allure of a mature woman, Miharu was overwhelmed by Cosette’s appearance and the way she carried herself.
“By the way, if you don’t mind, may I ask you something out of curiosity? It would intrude on your private affairs, so you don’t have to answer me if you don’t feel inclined to do so,” Cosette said with reservation as they walked.
“I don’t mind. What is it?” Rio asked readily. Discussing private matters in business was complicated, but in forming harmonious relationships, it could very well have a positive outcome.
He had met with Cosette many times already, so it wasn’t unnatural for her to ask more personal questions to a degree. However, Cosette’s question far surpassed Rio’s expectations, taking him by surprise. That being said, the relationship between Rio and Miharu hadn’t been explained in detail to anyone but Liselotte, so their situation was one that was very easily misunderstood. It was understandable for Cosette to be curious.
“Are the two of you romantically involved?”
“Huh? No, umm...” Miharu replied innocently, turning bright red.
“Ahaha. We’re not,” Rio denied with a strained smile.
“R-Right...” Miharu had on a slightly conflicted expression, but she nodded along with Rio.
“Why, is that so? I couldn’t help but wonder at all the beautiful women gathered around Sir Haruto, what with Lady Cecilia and Lady Aishia.” Cosette burned Miharu’s reaction into her mind as she spoke with an elegant smile.
“Unfortunately, I do not have such a relationship with anyone.” Rio shook his head, a strained smile still on his face.
Cosette covered her mouth with her hand in a show of refined surprise, choosing not to comment further on Rio’s romantic relationships. “Oh my, that is most unexpected... Oh, do pardon me. This isn’t something for me to pry too deeply into. We’ll be arriving at the guest room for the two of you soon, so please relax there. As you already know, my master is currently out of town, but she should be back by tomorrow morning.”
Afterward, Rio and Miharu soon arrived at the room they were staying in, but that particular day, Rio and Miharu slept in completely different rooms.
Several hours later, in the break room of the mansion for the attendant girls who served Liselotte, Cosette was sitting on the sofa with her colleagues, Natalie and Chloe. She sighed.
“I expected it to an extent, but Sir Haruto’s a more formidable opponent than I thought,” Cosette muttered listlessly as she sipped her tea.
“...You still haven’t given up?” Natalie looked at Cosette in exasperation. Meanwhile, Chloe was looking at Cosette with great interest.
“Of course. I can’t just sit by idly when there’s such a good man in front of me!” Cosette said enthusiastically. A handsome face, refined mannerisms that exuded elegance and high education, and strength that bordered on near-inhuman levels... Cosette had met many men through the Ricca Guild before, but none had been as fine as the boy named Haruto.
“But he’s surrounded by so many beautiful people already, you know? Didn’t you reach the conclusion that he wouldn’t even blink at anyone unless they were as beautiful as Lady Liselotte or Aria?” While the other female attendants of the estate had some form of admiration towards the boy named Haruto, most of them had immediately given up on that fleeting admiration once they saw the extraordinary beauty of the likes of Aishia and Cecilia. While they still enjoyed feasting upon the sight of Haruto from up close, they no longer had any hopes beyond that.
“I have good news regarding that. At present, I have confirmed that neither Lady Miharu, Aishia, nor Cecilia are in a romantic relationship with Sir Haruto.” Cosette giggled smugly.
Well, I don’t think Lady Miharu feels the same way, though, she thought to herself.
“Did you ask them that directly? How bold...” Natalie looked at Cosette in half-exasperation, half-awe. Meanwhile, Chloe was silently but intently listening to her senior colleagues.
“Well, it’s part of our job description to have a grasp of the guests we come in contact with.” Cosette brushed it aside under the just cause of their job duties, smiling pleasantly.
Natalie glared at Cosette with narrowed eyes. “But Sir Haruto is a particularly special guest of Lady Liselotte. Make sure you don’t do anything to upset her, okay?”
“Oh my, but it’s also our job to be close with the guests, right? There are some relationships that are made more harmonious with more personal questions, you know?” Cosette said, shrugging her shoulders as she took a sip of her tea.
Liselotte’s attendants assisted her in both public and private matters, so they were given comprehensive privileges and dealt with the business matters of the Ricca Guild too. In order to achieve beneficial trade conditions, there was nothing better than forming close relationships with clients, so the attendants were asked to assertively pursue close relationships with the clients if given the chance.
“In your case, the problem is that you often become too intimate, and only with the men...” Natalie muttered.
“You’re always so serious. Don’t you know love burns brighter with obstacles in the way? This is why you’re doomed to be single forever.” Cosette sighed tiredly. At present, Cosette had a very high reputation among the men she was dealing business with, and had a track record of achieving very favorable conditions until now. There had even been heirs that had sent her marriage proposals.
“M-My single status is irrelevant to this. You shouldn’t be one to talk; you’re so picky you can’t keep your relationships going for very long.” Natalie pouted her lips and refuted Cosette’s words.
“Well, I won’t deny that. But I do draw a clear line so that my work isn’t impacted, so you can rest assured in that regard.” Cosette giggled mischievously.
“...You’re actually serious about this, aren’t you? I never expected you’d be so enthusiastic about a younger man.” Natalie pressed her hand to her forehead and sighed heavily.
“He’s younger, but it’s only by three or four years. There’s no age gap too wide for being seriously in love, and unlike those male nobles that only believe in dating younger women, this age gap is more realistic,” Cosette said.
“I’m sure you know this already, but if you prioritize your personal feelings over the necessity of your duties and cause Lady Liselotte trouble, I’m going to report you to her directly,” Natalie said bluntly.
“Of course. That’s why I told you from the start. He’s a more formidable opponent than I thought. First, you have to know the enemy. Then, if the chances are low, you gradually work your way up. ...Or rather, he isn’t the kind of person you can hit on lightly, so you should be careful too.” Cosette nodded with a serious expression, then jested with the latter half of her words. Her words were directed at Natalie, but her gaze flickered over at Chloe too.
“W-Why are you assuming I’d hit on him?” Natalie asked in a high-pitched voice.
“Oh, was I wrong? When Sir Haruto took out that minotaur in a single blow, I saw that you had hearts in your eyes, too.”
“I did not!”
“Really? I was going to give you pointers for winning Sir Haruto over as your close friend, but if you insist otherwise, I guess I won’t,” Cosette said, casually playing the fool.
“That’s fine,” Natalie replied.
“Umm, I want to hear it! Haruto... What kind of person is Sir Haruto?” Chloe had been listening silently until now, when she raised her hand and expressed her thoughts.
“Oh my, oh my — it seems like Chloe is honest, unlike Natalie.” Cosette smiled cheerfully.
“Ah, no, it’s not that I’m aiming for him or anything, it’s just... I did something rude to Sir Haruto in the past, so I want to apologize to him for that!” Chloe explained in a fluster.
“Come to think of it, you were already familiar with him to begin with,” Cosette said, accepting Chloe’s explanation at face value.
“But it didn’t seem like he was bothered by anything in particular, did it?” Natalie asked, digging deeper for Chloe’s intent to confirm the truth.
“That may be true, but I just can’t accept it myself. He even saved my mother and little sister when Amande was being attacked by monsters...” Chloe hung her head in regret.
“Well, it’s the job of a senior to hear out the woes of their junior workers. For Chloe’s sake, I’ll tell you what I have of his profile,” Cosette said.
“I guess we have no choice.” Natalie’s lips loosened into a smile as she sighed in exasperation.
“From what I can see, Sir Haruto is a friendly and easygoing person, but he won’t start the conversation himself. He’s sensitive about his distance to others, and has quite a wide sense of personal space. The way he’s used to women isn’t because he’s a womanizer, but he’s not completely immune to them either. It’s not like he’s without secrets, but I believe he has a very sincere personality. His defenses are probably very high, but he treats the people he’s close to very well. If you can put yourself in a position closer than friends but not quite lovers, you should be able act persistently without being treated harshly in return,” Cosette explained easily, mostly towards Chloe.
“I see you’ve done another detailed psychoanalysis. For a man, no less.” Natalie couldn’t help but smile bitterly.
“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment,” Cosette said with a grin. “By the way, this is my warning insofar as winning him over: because of our positions, even if we become close to Sir Haruto, pursuing him with persistence would be a bad idea. We have to slowly and steadily make contact with him every chance we get, leaving an impression on him of ourselves — to a degree that isn’t rude. If you don’t have much romantic experience, you shouldn’t be aggressive with the way you show your affections. Only make contact with the mindset of waiting for the right chance. That way, luck may fall in our favor someday. See? Isn’t he formidable?” she said smoothly once again, giving a small wink.
“I-I had no intention of winning him over though...” Chloe averted her eyes from Cosette without thinking.
“Really? Well, if you wanted to take aim for him seriously, I’m here to talk about it. You too, Natalie,” Cosette said, smiling pleasantly.
“I’ll pass.” Natalie paid her no mind and shrugged.
“Is that true, I wonder? They say that love is blind, after all. Maybe you’re just not aware of it yet. Your emotions could just explode all at once one day, so be careful.” Cosette met Natalie’s eyes and signaled a look towards Chloe.
“...I guess.” Natalie saw through Cosette’s intentions and sighed with a tired nod. Chloe was still a newcomer that hadn’t been working for that long. She was denying it herself, but there was a fair chance her feelings towards Haruto could develop into romantic ones. As Chloe’s seniors, they had to warn her of such things.
Geez, she looks like she’s talking about herself when she’s actually thinking of Chloe, Natalie thought. Despite looking like she didn’t care about things outside of business matters, the fact that Cosette actually paid attention to the fine details like that made her difficult to hate.
“And so, I’ll be pursuing that lucky chance with everything I’ve got, so make sure to inform me whenever Sir Haruto visits.”
...Nevermind. She was probably only thinking of herself after all; that part of her was detestable. Natalie breathed a small sigh.
The weather was pleasant the next day. After Liselotte returned to the estate that morning, she, along with Rio and Miharu, boarded the enchanted ship heading for Galtuuk and departed at noon.
The capital of Galtuuk was to the northeast of Amande, but the enchanted ship Liselotte personally owned made steady progress through the blue skies instead of the blue seas. They were expected to arrive at the capital by early afternoon.
Enchanted ships were sailing vessels made of wood with an iron plate joined to the hull and wings on both sides for altitude adjustment during flight. These ships were ancient magic artifacts made in the days of the Divine War, but due to their mass production during the war, there were comparatively greater numbers of them compared to other ancient artifacts. Despite that, each ship still cost a tremendous amount of money — enough that a noble daughter who wasn’t even a lord shouldn’t have been able to afford a personal one — so most common folk had never even set foot on one. Of course, this was Miharu and Rio’s first time experiencing such a thing, too.
Once the enchanted ship had departed from Amande and stabilized in flight, Liselotte invited Rio and Miharu to a guest room inside the ship to have a discussion. She had been out of town until that morning and had been on a tight schedule to depart immediately afterward, yet she showed no sign of fatigue at all.
“How are you enjoying the journey via enchanted ship so far?” she asked.
“The ship’s interior is quite comfortable and pleasant,” Rio said cheerfully.
“I agree. It barely shakes at all, I’m shocked,” Miharu replied honestly.
“I’m glad to hear that. I’ll make sure to set aside some free time later, so please enjoy the view from the deck too. For now, I was hoping you’d join me for a chat,” Liselotte said with a gentle smile.
“Yes, gladly!” Miharu nodded happily.
“Then first, let’s go over the plans for the two days before the banquet starts. We’ll arrive in the capital today, with plenty of time before the sun sets. I’ll send an invitation, so please stay at the lodgings in my family home tonight. The plan is to visit the castle tomorrow morning, so if we’re lucky, you’ll be able to see Lady Satsuki the day before the banquet begins.” At present, Satsuki was refusing all outside audiences until the banquet began. Thus, they weren’t sure whether they would actually be able to meet her unless they went to the castle, but with Miharu being her friend, the chances were high. Liselotte was banking on that.
“Wonderful. Also, I don’t know if this is enough to show my gratitude, but I borrowed the kitchen in your estate to make some cakes from my world. Please have some. Although, you may have had similar sweets in this world, and I don’t know if it’ll suit your preferences...” Miharu trailed off, presenting a large basket. She placed it on the table in front of the sofa she was seated on.
“Oh my, thank you very much. I often make snacks for the development of Ricca Guild products, but I have no eye for sweet things. Do you mind if I try some right away?” Liselotte said happily. If it was a cake she didn’t recognize, she was happy to pay for the recipe; even if she knew the recipe of the cake, the taste could vary differently depending on how it was made.
“Of course not — please go ahead. They’re being cooled with a magic artifact, but the sooner they’re eaten the better,” Miharu said with a nod, having brought it out for that purpose.
“Then, let us eat them before they get warm. Aria, please prepare a knife and plates,” Liselotte ordered eagerly.
“Understood.” Aria nodded respectfully and made her way to the cutlery cupboard in the room. In no time at all, enough plates for everyone were lined on the table.
“I’ll open it now, then.” Miharu opened the basket so that Liselotte and Aria could see. As soon as she did, a white wave of cold air came flowing out of the basket. It was the effect of the artifact.
The inside of the basket had been divided into four sections, each with their own entire cake placed inside. They were small in size but large in quantity, making it a difficult amount to eat for just them.
“Oh my, there’s so many! They all look delicious. Oh, how wonderful. To think I’d be able to eat so many cakes...” Apple pie, mille crepe, no-bake cheesecake, Mont Blanc. Liselotte’s eyes sparkled, her joyous words coming from the bottom of her heart. One look at her expression made it clear that she was being sincere.
Aria also seemed to have an interest in the sweets, as she looked at the cakes with deep interest.
“There’s a lot, so please have some too, Aria. If there’s any left over after that, please share them with the other attendants too,” Miharu said, making Aria’s brows twitch in response.
“Thank you for your kindness. No doubt this is more than the three of us can handle. Aria, you can go get a plate for yourself,” Liselotte said, giving special permission for her attendant to eat some too.
“...It’s an honor. Then, I shall prepare more tea as well.” Aria gave a faint smile and immediately began to prepare the tea and a plate.
“I’m going to divide the cakes, then. Lady Liselotte, which one would you like to try first? I’m sure you... might need an explanation, so just let me know,” Miharu said, glancing over at Aria who was preparing tea at the kitchenette in the room.
Liselotte had shared the fact she had memories of her past life with Rio and Miharu the first time they visited her mansion together. That was why, normally, there would be no need to explain the cakes to her in this situation, but it was unclear whether Aria knew of Liselotte’s secret or not. Miharu was being considerate of that.
“You can relax. After the first day I met Miharu, I explained my secret to Aria alone,” Liselotte revealed.
“R-Really?” Miharu tilted her head, her eyes wide.
“Yes. It would save me from a lot of explaining, seeing as I would be meeting with you many times in the future. Aria is generally always by my side, as she’s my most trusted confidant.”
“But... I’m sorry. Because of me...”
“No, now that so many people have been summoned from Earth, it’s more than likely that others will discover the secret of the Ricca Guild, just like you have. That may cause others to attempt to contact me directly. It was the perfect chance to reveal it to her,” Liselotte said, shaking her head with a bit of a bitter smile.
Well, I still haven’t told father and mother yet...
A somewhat guilty look appeared on her face. Her parents would normally be the first people she’d reveal the truth to, but that was precisely why it made the decision so difficult for her.
“At any rate, other people aside, there’s no particular need to be considerate when you’re around Aria, so please speak freely. Several of the cakes here have also been developed as Ricca Guild products with Earth vocabulary as names already. Apple pie, mille crepe, Mont Blanc, and... Is this no-bake cheesecake?” Liselotte smiled brightly.
“...Yes! Which would you like to try first?” Miharu replied in a bright voice, before picking up the knife on the table. She seemed to sense something from the faint changes in Liselotte’s expressions.
“Thank you. Then, let’s try the apple pie first,” Liselotte said cheerily, pointing at the treat.
“Okay.” Miharu went ahead and began to cut the apple pie cake. She placed some on Liselotte’s plate and handed it to her, before asking Rio what cake he wanted to eat. She set it down for him, then finally served herself.
Liselotte used a knife and fork to divide the cake she was served into a bite-sized piece, then brought it to her mouth.
“Mm! Delicious! Is Miharu perhaps a genius at baking cakes?!” Liselotte’s expression brightened. The pie crust on the surface was crispy, like a cookie, yet the inside was moist. The crust matched the sweet flavor of the apple exquisitely, creating a perfect harmony inside her mouth as she chewed.
“It’s not that great. They actually taste the best when they’re freshly baked and still warm, but since I couldn’t give them to you right away, I chilled them as soon as they were done. I hope the crust is still crispy... Yup, it seems okay.” Miharu was relieved to see the approval of a noble and ate some of the apple pie cake herself.
“No, it really is that good. Actually, it’s good enough to sell in my guild — no, to be on my exclusive menu! I would love to try some freshly baked cakes next time, if possible?” Liselotte pleaded with a serious expression.
“Ahaha, I can’t work for you exclusively, but I’d be happy to give you something freshly made,” Miharu agreed readily. Liselotte smacked her lips each time she tried one of the cake types Miharu had prepared.
As Liselotte ate, Aria finished preparing the tea and joined the tasting. Her interest was first caught by the Mont Blanc with a mountain of cream on top, and she served it onto her plate.
“...This is a Mont Blanc, right?” Aria narrowed her eyes dubiously at the dessert on her plate. She set a marron glacé on top of the cake aside to enjoy later and took a bite of the cream first.
“...Wow, this is wonderful.” The sweetness of the chestnut permeated the flavor of the sweet cream that melted in the mouth, making Aria gaze in wonder as she voiced her thoughts. She sipped her tea, then took another bite.
“It’s less sweet than the Mont Blancs we sell in the Ricca Guild, making it less assertive in taste but still rich and moist. I feel like I can keep eating these one after another...” Aria said in admiration.
“Thank you very much. I tried to minimize the use of sugar and maximize the natural sweetness of the chestnut,” Miharu explained.
“So this refined sweetness was actually from the chestnut itself...” Aria took another bite and confirmed that taste, then ate the marron glacé. She closed her eyes.
“...This is a blissful taste,” she muttered earnestly.
“Aria, try this one after the Mont Blanc. It’s a cake we don’t handle in the Ricca Guild,” Liselotte giggled.
“Then, if you don’t mind...” Aria bowed once and served some of the mille crepe cake onto her plate, then took a bite with a smooth and elegant motion. “...Wonderful. It’s so sweet, it feels like my cheeks are melting, and yet it isn’t heavy in flavor at all. The thin layers of baked batter stacked together with cream carefully pasted between... It feels like I could eat this forever. It’s truly magnificent,” Aria said keenly.
“Indeed,” Liselotte agreed with a firm nod.
“Please, feel free to have another serving,” Miharu urged, smiling bashfully.
After that, they exchanged thoughts about the cakes and held a question and answer session. It wasn’t long until all cakes were sampled, leaving only half of each cake behind.
Rio and Miharu had each been satisfied with their respective slices of cheesecake and apple pie, so most of it had been demolished by Liselotte and Aria.
They do say girls have a separate stomach for sweets, I guess. Rio watched Liselotte and Aria eat in awe.
Liselotte noticed that the amount of cake had decreased quite a lot without her awareness; she sipped her tea to clear the taste from her mouth “...My apologies. It was all so delicious, but I feel like I’ve eaten too much.”
“I am most embarrassed of my behavior.” Aria also hung her head in shame, having eaten all the cakes as Miharu recommended them.
“No, I made them for the purpose of giving them to Lady Liselotte, after all. If you found them to your liking, then I’m happy to hear that,” Miharu said, giggling with a smile.
“...The Ricca Guild endeavors to develop new sweets every day, but progress has stagnated without any remarkable developments. If it’s okay for me to ask, have you had any experience learning how to cook in a specialty school, or something of the sort?” Liselotte asked seriously.
“It wasn’t a specialty school, but my mother used to hold cooking classes, so I was taught a lot from a young age...” Miharu replied honestly, making Liselotte bow her head apologetically.
“I see, your mother did... I’m sorry, I must have made you remember your hometown with that question.”
“No, it pains me to imagine how worried my parents must be, but I’ve made irreplaceable friends in this world too, and I have no complaints about my current life. It’s fine,” Miharu said bravely, shaking her head.
Liselotte’s eyes widened. “...You’re really strong, Lady Miharu,” she said, observing Miharu with a distant look.
“That’s not true. If I had been alone, I would have burst out crying ages ago,” Miharu said with a faint smile.
“Being alone is disheartening. I’ve met lots of irreplaceable people in this world too. That may be the reason why I can live my current life in contentment and not be pessimistic.” Liselotte placed a hand against her chest and spoke as though she was confirming it herself. Then, she glanced at Aria. Aria had a faint smile tugging at her face.
A silence fell over the room for a while. “Oh, it got a bit solemn in here. My apologies. There’s one thing I wanted to ask — would Lady Miharu be willing to offer her cooking knowledge to the Ricca Guild? Preferably exclusively. Of course, we’ll write up a contract and pay you an appropriate amount in compensation.” Liselotte said, suddenly changing the topic. Her determination as a merchant was showing through the way she expressed how undesirable it would be for the knowledge to be offered outside of the Ricca Guild.
“If Haruto thinks it’s okay, I don’t mind...” Miharu’s eyes widened as she looked to Rio for his opinion as her guardian.
“...I can’t say anything without the details of the contract, and it depends on Miharu’s plans for the future, but I think it should be considered. How about we leave the negotiations until after the banquet for now? Of course, until we can have that discussion, there won’t be any contracts formed with third parties.”
Liselotte nodded with a content smile. “I have no objections to that.”
Terrific, as always. He’s quick on the uptake and even considers my side, which makes things go much smoother. After all, Rio had been the one to offer not to negotiate with third parties until they had a chance for negotiation, leaving Liselotte with nothing else to say.
“I’m okay with that too.” Miharu nodded as well.
After the tea party with Liselotte, Rio and Miharu had some free time until they arrived in the capital of Galtuuk. Instead of heading to the guest room they were given, Rio and Miharu decided to learn about the enchanted ship they were on. First, Aria showed them all the facilities inside the ship, then headed to the deck.
“This concludes the tour of the ship. From here, you can enjoy the view of the sky as much as you like. If there is anything you require, do ask one of the nearby attendants. I will excuse myself for now.” Aria bowed respectfully and departed, leaving Rio and Miharu alone on the deck. There was no one else around, making it obvious that they were alone together. Miharu had also fallen silent.
“Shall we walk a lap around the deck for now?” Rio suggested.
“...Okay.” Miharu’s voice was slightly stiff from nerves, but she nodded with resolution. When Rio started walking, Miharu maintained a somewhat diagonal position behind him.
It was afternoon — while it was a little early for the sun to begin setting, it was far too late to be called lunchtime. The weather was pleasant and the sunlight shining on the enchanted ship scattered its rays onto the deck. While the ship flew at a fairly quick speed, the body of the vessel was covered in a special wind barrier sorcery, making the breeze on the deck fairly gentle.
While they walked, Rio called out to Aishia through telepathy. Aishia, are you awake right now?
Yup, I’m awake. What’s up? she responded instantly. His voice must have reached Miharu too, as her body flinched as soon as Rio called out to Aishia. For the record, Rio and Miharu could also communicate telepathically through Aishia.
Nothing in particular, but we can’t talk much when other people are around. I wanted to take this opportunity to talk, Rio explained. Part of the reason was also because he felt a little awkward with just Miharu, not knowing what to say.
Thank you for everything, Aishia. I’m always such a problem for you, Miharu added, her tone concerned.
You’ve been in your spirit form inside me this whole time. I hope it hasn’t been too boring... has it? Rio asked, wondering if she was okay staying in her spirit form.
Yup, I’m fine. If anything, I feel the most comfortable inside Haruto, Aishia replied in her flat voice.
I’m glad to hear that, but don’t hesitate to speak up when you want to come outside, Rio said with a smile.
Got it. But I’m fine for now. You two should enjoy your walk along the enchanted ship instead — the scenery is beautiful. Aishia seemed to be more interested in being considerate to the two of them. They had just arrived at the bow of the ship that overlooked the scenery before them.
Rio suddenly stopped walking. “...The view from this spot is probably the best,” he said to Miharu while gazing out at the vast land sprawled underneath the endless sky. Valleys carved their way between the towering mountains, lakes dotted the areas that weren’t covered in fields, and rivers flowed across the surface to paint the ground like a colorful canvas. Such was the beauty of nature.
“Yes, it’s beautiful.” Miharu stood beside Rio and gazed upon the same scenery, muttering quietly.
“It looks a little different from when I’m flying through the air with spirit arts,” Rio said to fill the silence, too.
“...Yes. It’s a little strange to be flying through the air with my feet on the floor. I’m normally being carried by someone.” Miharu showed a hint of her natural smile as she recalled the times how she was carried by Rio, Aishia, and Orphia’s contract spirit Ariel.
“Even the people of this world rarely have the chance to ride enchanted ships, so this has been a valuable experience.”
Miharu nodded. “Yes. Thank you very much, Haruto,” she said with a soft smile.
“...Why are you thanking me?” Rio asked, looking at her curiously.
“Because it’s all thanks to you... The reason that I’m able to be here, that is.”
“That’s because this was what you wanted and decided on,” Rio said, slightly awkward.
“You granted my wish, Haruto. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything alone. I wouldn’t even have been able to make my wish at all,” Miharu said with a sad smile.
“It wasn’t through my efforts alone, though. It was only because of your own popularity,” Rio chuckled.
A troubled look appeared across Miharu’s face. “Hmm... Then let me change my phrasing a little. Thank you for always helping me out, Haruto,” she said with a gentle smile.
“Not at all. I’ll help you as much as I can, so please don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need,” Rio said with an embarrassed nod.
“Will you do anything I ask of you?” Miharu asked nervously.
Rio mustered a somewhat guilt-ridden smile. “...Yes. If it’s to help send you and the others back to Earth, I’ll do anything that’s within my power.” He had to for a smile because — As far as I’m aware, four years passed without Miharu ever returning to Earth.
Indeed, at the point when Amakawa Haruto passed away, Miharu still hadn’t returned to Earth yet. After turning twenty and becoming an adult, Haruto had met with his mother just once. He’d inquired as to whether or not she still had any connections to Miharu’s family, and found out that she was still acquainted with them, but Miharu herself was still missing.
Incidentally, when Haruto asked how his little sister Aki had been, his mother didn’t inform him that Aki was also missing. She only told him that Aki was doing well. He didn’t know what she was thinking when she didn’t inform him of Aki’s disappearance, but as a result, Haruto remained unaware that Aki had gone missing until they reunited in this world.
At any rate, Miharu had come to this world after Haruto died, and Haruto had been reborn into this world with his previous life’s memories before Miharu’s arrival. Rio had yet to tell her this. If he did, he would inevitably have to tell her about his past life.
And yet, he couldn’t remain silent about it forever. Would Miharu and the others really be able to return to Earth? Even if they could find a way back, what time period would it be when they arrived? Considering all those uncertainties, there was a need for Miharu to be well-informed of the situation...
At the very least, after reuniting with Satsuki and Takahisa and discussing their plans for the future, she would need to know by then, Rio thought.
Listening to Rio speak of returning to Earth caused a conflicted expression to appear on her face for a few moments, but she was clear with what she was thinking shortly after. “...It’s not that I don’t want to return to Earth. It’s just... I also like my current life where I can be with everyone.”
“I... see. That’s good, then.” Rio was looking at Miharu in slight surprise.
“Both are very important to me. I don’t want to forget either of them and pretend they never happened... That’s why I still want to be with everyone. I want to be with you, too. Regardless of returning to Earth and so on, that’s what I want right now,” Miharu stated clearly.
Rio was still looking at Miharu in surprise, feeling as though she was acting strangely more assertive and bold than usual. “...I understand. I will respect your intentions as much as possible,” he said nervously.
“Promise?” Miharu stared fixedly at Rio’s face in confirmation.
“Yes.” Rio gave a slightly anxious smile as he replied.
Miharu sighed in relief. “Thank you very much. ...Oh, I might have said something really embarrassing right now,” she said with a pang of realization and turned red.
“No, not at all,” Rio replied, then directed his gaze to the person who approached.
“Umm, Sir Haruto. Do you have a moment?” The one who appeared was Liselotte’s trainee attendant, Chloe.
“I’m fine. Has Lady Liselotte summoned me?” Rio asked, shaking his head in a friendly manner. He was just about to wrap up his conversation with Miharu.
“No. I was hoping you would allow me some of your time to talk, for my own personal reasons,” Chloe said respectfully.
“Your own... What is this about?” Rio cocked his head and asked Chloe.
“When Amande was being attacked by monsters, you saved not only me, but my mother and little sister too. I wanted to thank you properly for that, as well as apologize for what happened when you came to stay at my family inn several years back...” Chloe seemed to be nervous, as her voice came off quite stiff.
“Setting aside the monster attack on Amande for now, what do you mean by what happened when I stayed at your inn?” Rio questioned curiously.
“Umm, I mean when the drunk adventurers kept harassing you in the dining room and ended up picking a fight,” Chloe explained.
“Oh, that incident? You had nothing to do with it, no?” Rio laughed it off lightly.
“That’s not true. I was so scared, I couldn’t do anything. I even ended up afraid of you, even though you were the victim at the time, which was very rude of me. You departed first thing the next morning, and I’ve always wanted to apologize ever since... I’m truly, very sorry!” The more she spoke, the more clearly Chloe seemed to recall her emotions at the time. She bowed her head deeply at Rio.
“It’s fine, I had already forgotten myself, so don’t let it bother you,” Rio reasoned with a gentle smile.
“But I still feel so bad about it...” Chloe continued to bow her head in shame.
Rio got the impression that she was very sincere and decided to encourage her. “...I understand. Then I’ll accept your apologies in earnest. Now, please lift your head,” he said, eyebrows knit.
“Yes, thank you very much.” Chloe slowly raised her head.
“Umm, shall I step away for a minute? If you have anything else to discuss...” Miharu, who had been watching the two of them silently until now, offered to leave the two of them alone out of consideration. She was curious about what kind of past Rio had, but she figured it would be awkward for her to stay if they had anything more to discuss.
“No, I have to return to work now, so I’ll excuse myself here! Please, the two of you should continue to enjoy your time in peace!” As a guest, Miharu shouldn’t be the one inconvenienced, Chloe concluded. She shook her head in a fluster and thanked Rio once more for her mother and sister before departing.
Several hours later, the enchanted ship finally reached the capital of Galtuuk, and it slowly descended towards the lake to the east of the city. As the distance between the lake and the ship gradually closed, the captain’s voice yelled through the pipe speakers. “All hands prepare for splashdown!” After a moment, the enchanted ship landed on the water, splashing waves around the area.
Afterward, the vessel traveled along the water to dock at the harbor, where the ship crew and harbor crew worked together to begin disembarking preparations. A rope was flung to attach the ship to the harbor, and a ramp was immediately installed to allow its passengers to debark.
The ship captain and crew finished their work at lightning speed. “Lady Liselotte, disembarking preparations are complete!” they reported to Liselotte, who was waiting on the deck.
“Thank you, captain, and to all of the hardworking people on the crew. Please maintain the ship until it is time to return to Amande. Meanwhile, you are free to enjoy the capital as you please,” Liselotte said amicably, satisfied with their rapid work pace.
“Y’all heard that, right?! If you want your time off, ya better get your asses to work and finish the inspections!” said the ship’s captain, spurring the crew into action.
“Yeah!” the crew replied energetically, scattering off to work. Liselotte saw them off with a warm smile before turning to prompt Rio and Miharu off the ship.
“Now, Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu. The preparations are done, so please come this way.”
“Right. Thank you for taking us here,” Rio said, and started walking to disembark from the ship, with Miharu following suit. Liselotte also walked with them, while the four attendant ladies — Aria, Cosette, Natalie and Chloe — escorted them as bodyguards.
Once they reached the dock, a middle-aged man stepped forward from the workers and approached them. His muscular and brawny build implied his military skills were not to be underestimated, but despite having a sword at his waist, his outfit was that of a butler instead of a soldier.
“Lady Liselotte, it has been a while,” the man said respectfully.
“Oh, Ricardo. Thank you for coming to welcome us. I know I gave notice of our arrival in advance, but you didn’t have to come to greet me yourself...” Liselotte’s eyes widened as she recognized the man. It was probably a servant from the Duke Cretia family, Rio assumed.
“It was Sir Cedric and Lady Julianne’s orders. A proper welcome must be given to Sir Haruto, who saved Lady Liselotte’s life, and Lady Miharu, our most important guest,” Ricardo said, looking at Rio and Miharu standing beside Liselotte. Rio bowed when their eyes met, and Miharu did the same.
“Father and Mother... I see.” Liselotte seemed appreciative of her parents’ arrangement and smiled.
“The two of them are eagerly waiting to meet Sir Haruto and Lady Miharu. I would love to lead you to the main estate of the Cretia family immediately, but if it isn’t too rude of me to ask, may I be given the honor of being introduced?” Ricardo asked, speaking in a subdued voice.
“Of course. Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu, this man is a butler of the Duke Cretia family who is serving my father Cedric. His name is Ricardo.” He was the butler who was in charge of leading all the servants who served the house, the closest aide of the master of the house. In other words, he was given comprehensive authority as the right-hand man. While his position was technically that of a servant, as the head butler, there was no doubt his origins were from nobility as well. Because someone as important as Ricardo had come to retrieve their guests directly, it was proof that Liselotte’s father, Cedric, did not take Rio’s presence lightly by any means.
“Is that so? My name is Haruto, and this is Miharu Ayase. We have arrived in this land thanks to Lady Liselotte’s exceptional arrangements. We are exceptionally grateful to receive a direct welcome from you, Sir Ricardo,” Rio said courteously. Miharu bowed her head politely when Rio introduced her.
“Why, thank you. As introduced, I am Ricardo. To you, Sir Haruto, I would like to offer my deepest gratitude for saving the young Lady Liselotte during her crisis. I have also heard about Lady Miharu’s situation. Now, please, allow me to show you the mansion. A carriage has been prepared, just this way.” Ricardo had an amicable smile on his face as he returned the greeting, then began leading the way without any further conversation.
Rio, Miharu, and Liselotte followed him. They were silently accompanied by Aria, Cosette, Natalie and Chloe.
“Come to think of it, are Pascal and George here too?” Liselotte suddenly asked Ricardo. Pascal and George were Liselotte’s elder brothers.
“Sir Pascal is unfortunately absent, but Sir George has gone to visit his fiancée Lady Colette’s family home. You should be able to meet them at the banquet.”
“I see. It’s unfortunate that Pascal won’t be there, but so be it. Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu. My brothers are not present tonight, so I will be introducing you to just my parents. It sounds like they’re quite eager to meet you two.”
“Yes, of course,” replied Rio and Miharu. As they conversed, they arrived at the carriage waiting by the harbor. Once they boarded, they headed for the main estate of the Duke Cretia family. The two carriages that Rio’s party and the attendants were on rattled their wheels as they moved.
The Duke Cretia estate in the capital city was in the noble district near the enchanted ship harbor. A main street stretched directly from the harbor to the royal castle, and the noble district sat in between. The area also had military related facilities at every turn, keeping the noble district protected under strict security. While the area was quiet, patrolling soldiers could be seen walking everywhere.
Several minutes of travel later, the carriage arrived at the section of the noble district that was closest to the royal castle.
“We’ve arrived at the gate,” Ricardo announced to the carriage from where he sat beside the driver.
“Then please prepare to disembark,” Liselotte prompted, but Rio and Miharu’s belongings were being managed by Aria and the attendants, so they didn’t have anything to prepare. All Rio had was his sword.
The carriage soon passed through an ornately decorated iron gate and entered the estate grounds. They alighted from the carriage before the mansion.
“Wow, what a beautiful estate...” When Miharu stepped down from the carriage with Rio’s assistance, she gazed in wonder at the grand view of the Duke Cretia estate before her. An enormous building composed of stark white walls towered before them. There was also a well-maintained flat-geometric garden on the premises, putting the gate a fair distance from the mansion.
“Hehe, thank you for the compliment. It’s a little too unsettling to reside in, but it’s been an ancient custom in the capital to build a befitting mansion in order to show our pride for our family’s power. One of the annoying aspects of noble society,” Liselotte said with a wry smile.
“The sun has already set today, but you may explore the gardens as much as you wish tomorrow. For now, please come this way. Dinner is ready,” Ricardo said, inviting them inside the mansion.
From the moment they stepped inside, the interior’s decorations showed off its highly artistic atmosphere. Miharu felt like she had wandered into a palace, which made her nervous. Rio was gazing at the engraved designs of the interior with interest.
Thus, Rio and Miharu were first led to the guest room. The door opened to reveal a wide living space before them.
“This is the key to the guest room — please use this room tonight. There are two bedrooms. Both are installed with their own locks from the inside,” Ricardo explained, handing Rio a key. The rooms were styled like a hotel.
“Thank you for preparing such wonderful rooms,” Rio said with a polite bow as he accepted the key.
“A servant will come in roughly 20 minutes to come get you, so please organize your belongings and wait here. Do you have any questions so far?” asked Ricardo.
“What is the dress code?” Rio asked.
“There is nothing wrong with what you’re wearing right now, so not to worry,” Ricardo said with a warm smile.
“Thank you very much.”
“Bring in Sir Haruto and Lady Miharu’s belongings,” Liselotte ordered Natalie and Cosette.
“Understood.” The two carefully carried Rio and Miharu’s bags into the living room.
“Oh, that’s right. As a token of gratitude for being invited to the estate, I brought a gift for your parents. Will you accept it?” Rio offered.
“Why, you shouldn’t have. Just your words would have been enough,” Liselotte said a little apologetically.
“The gift is a special alcohol. There may be similar liquor in some regions, but I don’t believe you’ll find this taste in circulation around the surrounding kingdoms here, at least.”
“A special alcohol, you say?” Liselotte perked up. If it was something that wasn’t available in the Strahl region, then she couldn’t pass that up as the head of the Ricca Guild.
“You can try it yourself, if you so please. I have it on the authority of an acquaintance that it is quite an excellent item.” Rio didn’t elaborate further, but smiled cheekily instead. The alcohol he had brought was one of his own creations from the knowledge he gained in the spirit folk village and the Yagumo region, but its taste was tested and approved of by Celia, so Liselotte should be satisfied.
“...In that case, could we try it at the dinner after this?” It seemed like Liselotte wanted to drink it as soon as possible.
“Of course. There are several types that I’ve prepared, so I’ll select one that goes well with the dinner menu.” Rio nodded as he moved to his bag and opened it, then took out a cloth bag with three stylishly-designed bottles inside.
“...Those containers are lovely. The embroidery on the bag is adorable too,” Liselotte mumbled with interest. She had dealt with many high-quality liquors through her work before, but she had never seen a design such as this.
“Thank you very much. The truth is, I made both the bottle and the alcohol using the knowledge I gained from acquaintances. Miharu made the bag, too,” Rio explained, then placed the bottles back in the bag.
“Why, is that true?” Liselotte was amazed. At the very least, no amateur could have done such a thing.
“Yes — please accept this.” Rio held the bag with the three bottles out and approached Liselotte.
“Then I shall graciously accept your gift.” Liselotte bowed and took the bag from Rio. Aria stepped forward and received it from Liselotte to carry.
“Now, Lady Liselotte, if you’d come this way.” Ricardo placed a hand over his chest.
“Well then, Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu. I have preparations to attend to, so I will excuse myself here. I shall see you again later,” Liselotte said with a grin, leaving the room with Ricardo and the attendant ladies.
After that, Rio parted ways with Miharu and went into one of the bedrooms, where he removed his sword and armor. He wasn’t prohibited from being armed as a guest on the estate, but wearing a sword to dinner didn’t really show good manners.
He was wearing proper clothes already, and had been told there was no need to change into anything, so his preparations for dinner were complete, other than washing his hands and rinsing his mouth. Rio finished up in the bathroom and wandered back to the living room to sit down. Shortly afterward, Miharu appeared in the living room, having finished her own preparations.
“Sorry for the wait, Haruto.”
According to Ricardo, someone would be there to pick them up soon, so there most likely wasn’t any time to pour some tea and relax. In reality, no sooner had they confirmed their plans with Aishia through telepathy, a female servant arrived to pick them up.
“Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu, I have come to escort you to dinner. Are you ready to leave?”
“Yes, thank you for coming for us,” Rio said with a smile. The servant in the maid outfit led Rio and Miharu to the dining room. The space was of a truly extravagant layout. The interior was furnished with antique furniture and the large stained glass window colored the room.
Furthermore, Liselotte and her parents were already seated and waiting inside. When Rio and Miharu appeared, the three of them all stood up at once. At the same time, Ricardo and the other servants of the house were quietly waiting by the wall. Liselotte’s attendant, Aria, was included among them.
“Thank you for coming today, Haruto, Miharu. Welcome to the Duke Cretia family residence in the capital. I’d like to extend my warmest welcome to you. I am Liselotte’s father, Cedric Cretia.” Cedric welcomed Rio and Miharu with a friendly and sociable tone. He was in his mid-forties, but he had a youthful handsomeness to him that seemed fitting as Liselotte’s father.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Haruto. Thank you very much for inviting us on this occasion.” Rio said respectfully, then placed his right hand over his chest.
“I’m Miharu Ayase. Thank you very much for everything today.” Miharu copied Rio and greeted him nervously too.
“I’ve heard a lot about the two of you from Liselotte. Firstly, Haruto: thank you for saving Liselotte in Amande. If you hadn’t been there, the damage would have been unrecoverable. On behalf of the Duke Cretia estate, I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Cedric said, bowing his head deeply.
“No, it was an action I took for my own benefit as well.” Rio shook his head with slight discomfort. It was the undeniable truth that he had acted out of the calculative plan to make Liselotte indebted to him for the sake of Miharu’s future, and his fight with Lucius had been a personal grudge.
“Hahaha. Even so, the fact of the matter is, you saved my beloved Liselotte. As long as your intent wasn’t to do my daughter wrong, the reasons for your actions are not an issue.” Cedric laughed heartily. As expected of a duke, he was a friendly and open-hearted person.
“Thank you,” Rio bowed his head deeply.
“Now, you two are the main guests tonight. Please have a seat. We have prepared this modest dinner with gratitude,” Cedric said.
Ricardo and Aria quietly walked over to them. “Please have a seat,” the two said, pulling the chairs out for them.
“Thank you very much,” Rio nodded, sitting down in the chair. Miharu also sat down nervously in the chair Aria pulled out for her. The Cretia family also sat down on the chairs pulled out by their other servants.
“Darling, I’d like to greet the two of them too. Introduce me,” the woman seated beside Cedric said. She was Cedric’s wife and Liselotte’s mother, Julianne. Julianne had been watching their exchange with a grin, happy about something as she watched Rio and Miharu.
“Oh, right. Sorry, Julianne. Haruto, Miharu, allow me to introduce you to my wife and Liselotte’s mother, Julianne.” Cedric smiled warmly.
“Hehe, good evening. I’m Julianne Cretia. I hope the two of you find your stay here pleasant.” Julianne chuckled as she spoke to Rio and Miharu. As Liselotte’s mother, she had the same clear sky blue hair as her daughter, with deep blue eyes and an extremely gentle-looking face. There was no clear indication of her age, but she was young enough to be mistaken for Liselotte’s sister to an outsider.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Haruto. I am embarrassed to admit I nearly mistook you for Lady Liselotte’s elder sister,” Rio said with a smile.
“Oh, you flatter me.” Julianne smiled bashfully, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Hahaha, isn’t that right? Julianne is a beauty,” Cedric agreed with a cheerful smile.
“Oh stop, darling...” Julianne placed a hand against her cheek and turned away from Cedric in embarrassment. The gesture was quite elegant and suited her well.
The couple were as innocent as newlyweds. Rio and Miharu watched them pleasantly.
“My apologies, Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu. The two of them are always like this. Embarrassing to witness and so close, there’s practically no space for me between them,” Liselotte said to Rio and Miharu with a strained smile.
“I think it’s wonderful for a couple to have a harmonious relationship.” Rio said with a smile.
“Yes, I’m envious of their relationship,” Miharu agreed with a gentle smile.
“Oh? You think so too? It looks like we’ll get along well, then. Appetizers will be brought in soon, but let’s have a drink first. A toast to this wonderful meeting. Why, this is just a dinner between close friends, so there’s no need for any of that stiff language,” Cedric rejoiced happily.
“Do you drink alcohol, Lady Miharu?” Liselotte asked.
Due to the laws in Japan, minors like Miharu were not allowed to drink alcohol, but there were no such laws in this world. Or rather, people were treated as adults from the age of fifteen, so there was no problem for Miharu to drink here.
That being said, as someone born and raised in Japan, whether Miharu would drink alcohol or not was another matter, so Liselotte had been considerate by asking.
“I barely drink at all, but if it’s just for the first toast...” Miharu replied. Though it was a world where the intake of alcohol wasn’t forbidden, she still felt a bit wary towards drinking. At the same time, she didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere of their dinner.
In reality, she had drunk several times in similar situations at the spirit folk village already. She didn’t have a high tolerance, but getting drunk wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t drink glass after glass.
“There are drink options without alcohol, so I’ll have that prepared for you afterward. That’s right — I’m also very interested in the alcohol Sir Haruto gifted us...” Liselotte noted.
“You may drink it as an accompaniment to the meal, but there is an alcohol that would suit an aperitif too,” said Rio. Cedric was listening in with great interest.
“Then, could we have you select that one for us?”
“Aria, bring the alcohol from earlier,” Liselotte called out to Aria who was waiting by the wall.
“Understood,” Aria nodded, bringing the bag of bottles from the serving table over to the dining table. The bottles inside each had their own color; there was a blue, red, and white one.
“The blue bottle would best suit an aperitif. The acidity helps stimulate the appetite,” Rio said.
“Then I shall have that one,” Liselotte decided.
“How interesting. I wish to try that one, too.”
“Then, me too.”
There were other aperitifs available, but Cedric and Julianne immediately decided on the same alcohol. Since that was the case, Rio and Miharu settled on the same as well.
“Allow me to pour it.” Aria grasped the blue bottle with familiar movements, pouring it into a metal glass. Once the alcohol had been poured out for everyone, Liselotte and her parents peered inside the goblet with great interest.
“It looks similar to beer in appearance, but this scent is... apple?” Liselotte analyzed the alcohol based on appearance and smell. The glass was filled with a clear liquid similar in color to beer without foam, the sharp scent similar to an apple’s acidity rather than sweetness.
“Yes, it is as you have guessed,” Rio nodded.
“I look forward to the taste. Shall we have the toast now? Does everyone have their glasses ready?” Cedric urged, eager to drink the alcohol. Everyone at the table took their glasses in their hands and awaited Cedric’s next words.
“To commemorate this wonderful new meeting — cheers!” Cedric announced.
“Cheers!” Everyone raised their glasses before bringing it to their mouths. Rio was curious about the reaction to his creation and promptly turned his gaze to Liselotte and her parents.
“...Delicious!” Liselotte’s eyes were wide with shock. The appearance was similar to foamless beer, but its taste was closer to an expensive white wine.
It was less sweet and alcoholic than wine, making it an easier taste in the mouth. There was also the acidity of the apple that truly stimulated appetite.
“There certainly is an acidity to it, but it’s very easy to drink. The sweetness of the apple is gone, but that’s precisely what makes it perfect as an aperitif. It leaves a wonderful taste in the mouth,” Cedric commended openly.
“Indeed, I could drink many glasses of this. It would suit the meal too, which leaves me in a pickle. I’m not very tolerant of alcohol...” Julianne said, having also greatly enjoyed the taste and scent of the drink.
“I’m glad to hear it was to your liking.” Rio’s lips turned upwards in relief.
“I’ve rarely encountered such good alcohol before. Where did you obtain this?” Cedric asked curiously.
“Father, this alcohol was made by Sir Haruto himself,” Liselotte said.
“What? This is your creation? The quality is more than enough to be sold as a high-class spirit...” Cedric’s eyes widened in surprise.
Rio shook his head slowly. “The ingredients didn’t cost all that much, and it’s not that hard to make, either. There are two other bottles to try, so please feel free to compare the taste.”
“Hahaha, it looks like I have one more thing to enjoy during this dinner.” Cedric laughed heartily.
Is this something he made with his knowledge from his previous life too? If so, perhaps Sir Haruto’s family home was some kind of brewery... At any rate, I’ll have to negotiate with him to gain this alcohol’s production method along with Lady Miharu’s cakes. A fire was quietly lit within Liselotte’s merchant soul.
“Oh? Now that you’ve introduced us to such a wonderful alcohol, it looks like Liselotte’s thinking about selling it as a product in the Ricca Guild.” As her father, Cedric saw through what Liselotte was thinking right away, and he changed the topic cheerfully.
“...Oh, Father.” Liselotte’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment.
“If you’d like, I’d be open to negotiations just like Miharu’s cakes,” Rio said with a chuckle.
“Would you really? I would love to discuss it further!” Liselotte nodded happily. The appetizers were brought in from the kitchen and placed on the table, and dinner was set to begin.
As dinner commenced, Cedric led the conversation skillfully, helping create a consistently warm atmosphere full of laughter. Julianna laughed heartily, luring Miharu and Liselotte into laughing as well, which Rio watched with a peaceful smile on his face. Miharu also found the alcohol to be delicious, continuing to drink many glasses with Julianne and Liselotte despite saying she would only have one. On the other hand, Rio accompanied Cedric in drinking several glasses.
“Liselotte is a kind and considerate child just like Julianne, but at the same time, she’s grown up to be a strong-willed woman, unlike Julianne.” The alcohol eventually circulated in Cedric’s system, making him feel uplifted as he began talking about Liselotte.
“F-Father?” Taken aback, Liselotte looked to her father in a fluster. However, Cedric was grinning as he continued talking to Rio and Miharu seated opposite him.
“To live as a noble, you cannot ignore this thing called personal connections. You understand this, right?”
“Yes, I am aware.” Rio nodded without hesitation.
“Connections from house to house. In other words, marriage is the best method of forming those personal connections. Marriage is a difficult social phenomenon for nobles to avoid, for the sake of continuing their family line and for the sake of creating personal connections. That’s why nobles have political marriages. They also have arranged marriage interviews for them... Even if the people involved do not want to,” Cedric said, a somewhat troubled smile on his face.
“Liselotte wasn’t an exception to that either. As a duke family, many marriage proposals came from other families. From a very young age, too. In reality, most of them were just introductions, but with how important harmonious relationships are in a noble society, it would have been a poor move to refuse them all,” Cedric explained to a silently listening Rio and Miharu.
“As you can see, Liselotte isn’t exactly hard on the eyes, either. With her good looks, many families came forth with proposals for marriage interviews. Of course, it was difficult to accept them all, so we only chose the ones that were hard to reject and had Liselotte meet them,” Cedric concluded with a nostalgic smile on his face.
“Geez...” Liselotte looked like she wanted to object to Cedric, but at the same time, she was exceedingly aware of Rio and Miharu and blushed red with embarrassment. Julianne was watching her daughter with a pleased smile.
“I believe it was when she was seven years old. After her first marriage interview, and then several more after that, Liselotte came into my office to talk to me. ‘If I graduate early from the secondary division of the royal academy, I want you to listen to my requests,’ she said.”
“F-Father, perhaps you could stop there...” Liselotte had ascertained what her father was trying to talk about and attempted to change the topic with a twitching smile. However, with the guests right in front of her, she couldn’t be too pushy with him.
Julianne stopped Liselotte with a charming smile, after which Liselotte backed down with a small sigh. “There’s no need for that, dear. It’s the perfect opportunity to have Haruto and Miharu know how wonderful you are.”
Cedric huffed with laughter as he gazed upon his beloved daughter. “Liselotte was only seven years old at the time, but I felt something bloodcurdling from her. I wondered what the reason was for such behavior, so I asked her to explain. Do you know what she said in response?” he asked Rio and Miharu with true delight.
Rio exchanged a glance with Miharu beside him before taking a stab at it. “Based on the story so far, did it have something to do with arranged marriages?”
“Exactly. Liselotte said this, sharply and tersely: ‘Father, I do not wish to enter an arranged marriage with a partner I do not desire. I wish to choose who to marry myself. That is why I wish to obtain enough power to decide who I want to marry myself.’ And so, in order to do that, she requested assistance in establishing the Ricca Guild, as well as entrusting her the management of part of my territory. Have I mentioned that she was seven years old during this?” Cedric nodded firmly, holding back his laughter as he chatted away with enthusiasm.
“So she was already exceptionally intelligent at that age.” Rio chuckled, looking at Liselotte.
“Can you understand how I felt, seeing my own daughter so strong-willed and brave in spirit? At that time, I nodded without even thinking twice. Then, she wrote her innovative thesis at the age of ten and graduated from the Galarc Kingdom’s Royal Academy in a matter of a few years. Even I was surprised at her level of intelligence.” Cedric looked at Liselotte with an earnestly proud expression.
Ugh, that’s my dark history. But it couldn’t be helped! I was only seven years old, and old men in their thirties and forties were asking for my hand in marriage. At the time, I was already so busy trying to learn the basic knowledge of this world, and all I felt was cold and bitter fear. Liselotte remembered the past and blushed an intense red.
“That’s why I entrusted Amande to her and had her obtain her independence as the president of the Ricca Guild, but living apart every day leaves me worried. Just the other day, Amande was attacked by swarms of monsters, no? I’ve heard things about a man called Lucius leading a mercenary group behind it all, and the appearance of dragon-like creatures,” Cedric lamented, his tone sad as he spoke. Then he sat up straight and turned to Rio.
“I heard that you are an extraordinary swordsman. Liselotte has said you are exceptionally trustworthy as well. After actually meeting you like this, the impression I received is exactly as Liselotte said.”
“I am not worthy of those words.” Rio bowed humbly.
“Miharu is also a humble and polite, charming and wonderful young lady. I don’t mean to make you feel wary, but I have a small request for the two of you.”
“What do you mean?” Rio tilted his head and gestured for him to continue.
“Due to her age and job, my daughter has very few same-aged friends she can be honest with. There are many who idolize her for her overflowing wisdom, but there are many who don’t feel comfortable because of that. That’s why, if you two don’t mind, could you continue to be her friends in the future?” Cedric said, bowing his head deeply at Rio and Miharu.
“...Of course, if Lady Liselotte also wishes for that.”
“I would be delighted to as well.”
Rio and Miharu both nodded with a smile.
“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that. Now, today is a good chance for you to get to know Liselotte better. She did say such an extravagant thing at seven years old, after all... There are still many more heroic tales to be told of her, so do lend me your ears.” A grin appeared on Cedric’s face as he glanced at Liselotte mischievously.
Even Liselotte could no longer sit by idly and objected. “Please stop teasing me any further, Father!”
“Hahaha, I’ve angered her. That being said, when compared to my seven-year-old self that had no visions of the future, Liselotte just seems so capable. It’s a parent’s duty to brag about their child. Julianne thinks the same way, I’m sure.” Cedric laughed breezily, flattering his beloved wife.
“No no, even when I was seven, all I cared about was growing flowers. It never even crossed my mind to carve my own path in life. I’m sure her intelligence comes from you,” Julianne said happily, giggling to herself.
“I’m sorry, Sir Haruto, Lady Miharu. These two will brag at any chance they get.” Liselotte sighed.
“No, I think it’s wonderful that they’re so close,” Miharu said cheerfully, shaking her head.
“Thank you. Speaking of which, what kind of child were you like at seven years old, Miharu?” Julianne suddenly asked.
“Me? When I was seven...” Miharu’s eyes widened as she recalled when she was seven. She had been seven years old just after she became separated from Haruto. The clearest memory in her mind even now was her farewell with Haruto.
“I wanted to get married to my childhood friend, who was separated from me. We promised to marry each other when we parted ways, so I learned how to cook many kinds of food...” Miharu sent a sidelong glance at Rio to judge his expression as she talked. For a moment, Rio’s face had stiffened, so slightly that even Miharu couldn’t see it. However, he immediately put up a friendly facade to cover his emotions.
“My, that’s lovely. How do you feel about that boy now, I wonder?” Julianne’s eyes were sparkling as she questioned Miharu.
“Huh? U-Umm, we haven’t reunited since then, but I’ve always remembered him, and the memory is still precious to me even now...” The sudden question caught Miharu off guard, making her blush as she answered nervously.
“A precious memory...?” Julianne excitedly urged Miharu to continue. Cedric was watching Miharu warmly, while Liselotte was also listening in with interest.
Miharu placed a hand over her chest and took a deep breath. “...Even when I sometimes remembered him out of the blue, I wasn’t confident whether those feelings were still out of love. But recently, I finally realized it... That I still consider him precious to me and love him even now.”
“Oh my!” Julianne was ecstatic to hear the answer she was hoping for, covering her mouth as she rejoiced.
“A-Ahaha, it looks like I’m a little drunk.” Miharu shot another glance at Rio’s face beside her before she was unable to bear the feelings of embarrassment. She hung her head, blushing bright red.
Rio had a somewhat awkward smile fixed on his face.
“Hehe, I see. Your face is scarlet, after all. But it’s a wonderful story. If only Liselotte could also experience a love as wonderful as that,” Julianne said to Miharu with a merry voice, changing the topic to her beloved daughter.
“M-Must you bring me up at a time like this?” Liselotte’s face twitched at the unexpected change in conversation.
“I feel like it’s still a little too early for Liselotte to fall in love...” Cedric expressed his disapproval with a stern look, showing his overprotective side.
“Oh? Who was it that passionately pursued my hand in marriage when I was fifteen years old again, I wonder?” Julianne looked at Cedric with cute indignation.
“Hahaha, I wonder who?” Cedric shamelessly laughed it off, feigning ignorance.
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