Chapter 3: Holy Democratic Republic of Erica
Roughly one week ago...
Northwest of the Galarc Kingdom in the band of minor nations, at its very northernmost end, stood the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica. In a room of the mansion that was being used as the official residence of the head of state was Liselotte.
I’m beat... Truly.
After being abducted, she had been sent to the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica ahead of the others, as Rio predicted. She had been confined to this room for a week now.
Over this past week, she had considered all the ways she could escape from here. But there was no window in the room, the door was locked, there were guards outside, and her magic was sealed with cuffs.
Escape was far too difficult. Even if she managed to slip out of the room, she’d be caught by one of the guards in the mansion or soldiers in the city before making it out. And even if she managed to make it out of the city, she wouldn’t be able to survive with no magic.
Without her magic, Liselotte was just a powerless fifteen-year-old girl. She’d learned self-defense before, but would easily be defeated if attacked by a group.
This was something she understood the day she was brought to this room, and no matter how much she thought about it, her conclusion didn’t change. But that didn’t mean she was giving up.
For one week, she had probed for a chance to escape. But the only contact she had during the week was when someone brought her meals. The person assigned to the task always left without saying anything, so she wasn’t able to gain any information at all, much less probe for an escape route.
The saint had knocked her unconscious back in Amande, and she was already on a griffin headed for the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica by the time she came to, so she hadn’t spoken to anyone since meeting the saint.
The servants transporting her hadn’t received any information from the saint, and she was blindfolded and gagged for the whole trip, so she wasn’t able to gain information or make any protest.
I’ve really been cornered now... I know that kidnapping someone and isolating them for a week is a tactic to make them feel uneasy, but...
Understanding it and actually having it being done to her were two different things entirely. It gave her all the time in the world to think, and to realize she had absolutely no hope. It was the worst situation possible. But Liselotte wasn’t the type to give up easily.
If I’m unable to use magic, escape is impossible. In which case, I’ll have to remain confined. But I must return to the Galarc Kingdom. That’s why I have to think of how I can return to Galarc in the current situation...
If she had all the time in the world to think, she’d just keep thinking about the same thing over and over again. Perhaps she might get a new idea. If there was a way for her to break out of confinement and return to Galarc...
It isn’t realistic right now, but if I can get these magic-sealing cuffs removed, I can steal a griffin and escape. If their motive for kidnapping me is related to the Ricca Guild, I could try using that as a negotiation point. That, or I wait to be rescued.
She could either make a move herself, or wait for someone else to move first.
The best scenario would be to be saved by someone else, but that’s just a convenient dream...
Her abduction was caused by her carelessness. There were probably people like her father, Duke Cretia, who would cry for her rescue, but there would also be people who would oppose it, saying it was her own doing—especially since it would mean opposing the nation formed by a hero. Not even King Francois could ignore the voices of the nobles. It was very likely he would be forced into sacrificing Liselotte for the sake of avoiding war.
The only chance of a rescue team being formed smoothly was if influential people like Duke Cretia asked Francois for her retrieval, and the mission was deemed to have a high chance of success.
However, if her father made such a request, the kingdom would be criticized for acting on personal reasons. She couldn’t rely on her father this time.
There was also the chance people would move secretly in order to save her. However, if they infiltrated the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica in this situation, they would immediately be suspected of moving at the order of the Galarc Kingdom. Acting of their own accord would be seen as a betrayal of the kingdom.
And there’s no one who would risk going that far for me...
There was one person who flashed through her mind, but such a convenient dream was impossible. It would be more realistic for her attendants to make a move.
However, Liselotte’s attendants were smart enough to understand that they would be putting their master in a bad position if they moved without permission. Without King Francois’s approval, they knew they could only watch on silently.
I hope no one feels responsible for this... Especially Aria.
Liselotte recalled the battle between Aria and the saint. Erica used a dust cloud to obstruct their vision and pretended to go after Liselotte while waiting for the moment Aria left the dust. Liselotte predicted her ambush and tried to warn Aria by calling out, but in doing so she alerted the saint to her position.
As a result, Aria reacted to the saint’s ambush by stepping back, and barely managed to avoid the attack. She had an enchantment to enhance her body, so the wound shouldn’t have been fatal. She may have even been unharmed. However...
If I hadn’t called out to Aria...
Aria could have handled it without her help. That was the doubt chewing away at her mind. What if it were true?
It really is my fault...
Liselotte’s beautiful face twisted with regret. When she imagined her subordinates being blamed for what happened, she was filled with apologetic emotions.
She wanted to tell them not to worry about it. They couldn’t cause the Galarc Kingdom any further trouble than this. That’s why...
I must return to Galarc no matter what.
Liselotte discarded her faint hopes of someone rescuing her and strengthened her determination on getting home herself.
Just because the situation was hopeless didn’t mean she could be weak. She had no time for being weak. Until now, she had carved her own path for herself numerous times. This time she would do the same.
The first step is to have a discussion. I have to sound out their intentions and attempt negotiating with them. They won’t isolate me forever, and it’s about time someone made contact.
If no one made contact with her, there would be no discussion to have. If they were waiting for her mind to weaken before negotiating, she would just have to turn the tables on them.
In a situation where she had no contact for a whole week, a visit would be her first chance to have a discussion. She wasn’t foolish enough to abandon that chance.
After an imprisonment like this, if she wanted to show that her will was still strong, she should take on a rebellious attitude. Conversely, if she wanted to lure the other side into lowering their guard, she should act obediently.
However, both options had their demerits. Being too rebellious could make the other side unwilling to compromise, and acting too obedient may make them wary. If she wanted to avoid both those scenarios, she had to refrain from suddenly taking a dramatic stance and act neutrally.
For the situation this time, it may be best to seem somewhat fatigued. That was what Liselotte was thinking, but if there was one problem with the plan...
I just hope it isn’t that saint that makes first contact.
It would be Saint Erica forbidding anyone else from making contact with her.
Honestly, I can’t get a read on that person. Whether she’s Saint Erica, or Sakuraba Erika...
Based on her experience in Amande, she would be the worst negotiation partner to have. In fact, her entire impression of her was the worst.
Saint Erica always spoke as though the conclusion was settled, so there was no way of seeing her thoughts. Sakuraba Erika also seemed to be disdainful and hiding her true thoughts. Liselotte wasn’t even sure if she really had any intention to negotiate with her back in Amande.
I’m sure she’ll make contact once she returns to the country, but I hope someone else comes before then.
◇ ◇ ◇
The next day...
That morning, after Liselotte finished breakfast, a man and a woman showed up along with the usual person who took away her plates.
One was one of the people who escorted her to this country, a female swordsman. The other was a man she had never seen before.
Apparently, the female swordsman was there as the man’s bodyguard.
“Hello. I am the prime minister of the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica—Andrei.”
The man, Andrei, placed his right hand over his chest and introduced himself in a high-class manner. However, he seemed to be nervous, as his expression was rather awkward.
He’s rather young for a prime minister. There’s a naivete to him...and it doesn’t seem like an act.
Liselotte analyzed him with that brief introduction, keeping her confusion to herself. A prime minister was an official position that supported the leader of the country, so it was customary for someone well experienced in politics to be appointed.
However, Andrei looked to be in his twenties. He seemed to be an agreeable youth with no sign of experience. The fact his nerves could be seen through by the noble of another kingdom meant he was far too unreliable for such a position.
That being said, this was Liselotte’s long-awaited chance at negotiation. While his unreliable appearance was worrying, his position was high enough to negotiate with.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m sure you know already, but I’m Liselotte Cretia.”
Liselotte put on an air of exhaustion while giving a sociable reply to Andrei.
“Yes, I am well aware of you—or rather, the Ricca Guild. I formerly managed a trading company within this country.”
“Why, I’m honored to hear that.”
“I’ve heard rumors that the Ricca Guild’s president is the daughter of a leading noble family, and Natalia over here informed me that you barely looked of age, but you truly are young.”
Andrei stared closely at Liselotte’s face. He wasn’t underestimating her for her youthfulness, but rather observing her with a mix of admiration and curiosity.
“Err... You came here for business, right?” Liselotte asked, confused.
“Ah, pardon me. I came here today to show you the country.”
Andrei cleared his throat lightly and stated his intent.
“Show me the country?”
“This country is a wonderful nation, and I’d like you to see that with your own eyes. That way, you may understand Saint Erica’s greatness for yourself.”
“You’ll let me out of the room?”
“Are you sure...? You completely isolated me from others for this last week, and now you’re suddenly letting me out?”
“Yes. Everything is as Saint Erica ordered.”
“I see... I’d like to ask what the intentions are behind such orders, but...”
“Saint Erica’s thoughts are as she explained in Amande, she says. She wishes for you to join the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica.”
“I believe I declined that offer repeatedly. I was barely able to speak through my gag, but I told Natalia over there the same on the way here. I begged for her to return me to the Galarc Kingdom,” Liselotte said, glancing at the female swordsman standing behind Andrei.
“Mr. Andrei, this woman is an arrogant noble with no understanding of Saint Erica’s benevolence.”
This was it. Natalia seemed oddly insistent on treating Liselotte as an enemy. It seemed to be caused by her status as a noble, but part of it was probably fueled by her strong loyalty to Saint Erica too.
On the road here, she’d tried to explain what had happened in Amande and how Erica’s actions were a severe international problem, but Natalia had paid her no heed. As a result, she was deemed an annoyance and gagged instead.
“It seems there was a slight misunderstanding...with Saint Erica, and with Natalia.”
Andrei let out a troubled sigh.
“A slight misunderstanding, you say. I was suddenly attacked and abducted by Saint Erica, brought to this country unjustly...” Liselotte objected quietly, questioning how the current situation was “slight” in any way. She kept her voice from harshening, but her expression and tone were stiff with discontent.
“Regarding the fact you were restrained by Saint Erica and brought to this country... Natalia said those were the orders from Saint Erica.”
Andrei looked at Natalia and accepted a part of the truth—that Liselotte had been moved here by Natalia, who was working in tangent with Erica.
“In that case, I would like to hear your opinion on the present situation, where a foreign citizen has been forcefully kidnapped to your country,” Liselotte asked with a sharp look. However...
“I believe in Saint Erica. And I am unable to answer any further questions regarding the situation on behalf of our leader. Please speak to Saint Erica directly about any ongoing misunderstandings you may have. As prime minister, my words have the risk of becoming the nation’s words, so please understand.”
Andrei clearly stated his helplessness in regards to confirming the facts about Liselotte’s kidnapping.
Erica was the leader of the nation, and Liselotte was brought here from another kingdom. The one in the weaker position was Liselotte right now.
With no trust in Liselotte, there was little chance of the other side believing in what she said. If she presented her claims wrong, they’d stop listening to her entirely.
No matter how much she claimed herself the victim, there was no way Andrei and the others would feel ashamed and regretful, apologize, and send her on her way back.
“I understand... But please understand that I do not view this as a ‘slight misunderstanding’, but rather as a serious international problem.”
Instead of raging with anger, Liselotte gave a warning with a sigh.
It was easy to show contempt for Erica here, but it was just as easy to imagine how Andrei would react to hearing someone he worshiped be insulted. She had to refrain from making enemies while in a situation with no allies.
If she was able to speak to Erica once she returned, she could just save her criticisms for then. That was the decision she made.
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
“So what do you want with me while Saint Erica is away?”
“As I’ve mentioned already, this nation is a wonderful place. I’d like you to see that for yourself. If you are a good person, you’ll surely be willing to cooperate with Saint Erica once you learn about this nation. Then your misunderstandings can be cleared,” Andrei replied with utter conviction.
Did he really just come here to show me around? At a time like this?
Having expected some other form of negotiation, Liselotte felt disappointed.
“I don’t get it. How can you be so certain? I understand that you’re here right now on Saint Erica’s orders, but you’re aware that I’m a foreign noble that has been forcefully brought here. How can you still believe in her so strongly?”
His belief in Erica was so strong, it was like she was looking at a puppet. She couldn’t see Andrei’s own thoughts anywhere, giving her an eerie feeling.
“It’s simple. Please think of Saint Erica’s will as my will,” Andrei answered without any hesitation.
“I...see...” Liselotte murmured, her inner disappointment growing stronger.
She’d had a faint inkling of it to begin with, but it seemed they were rather devout believers of Saint Erica. As long as they remained like that, there was no way they would accept her words. However, there was one thing she didn’t quite understand.
I really...don’t get it. Why is that saint worshiped to this degree?
As far as Liselotte knew, Erica’s image was far from that of a saint, yet the top of this country had intense belief in her.
Just what did she do to be revered so much? Did she have some kind of secret? That’s what Liselotte couldn’t understand at the moment. Which was why...
“Okay... Could you please show me around, then? You’re right; I know nothing. Not about Saint Erica, nor this country.”
If he was going to teach her, then she might as well learn. If he was going to show her this country, then it was the perfect chance to gather information. Being too cautious wouldn’t help her make progress. Taking the first step was vital.
“You are a wise woman. It’s no wonder that Saint Erica found promise in you. Now, please follow me.”
Andrei nodded in satisfaction, then called Liselotte over to the door. Thus, Liselotte left the room for the first time in a week.
◇ ◇ ◇
Liselotte left the mansion with Andrei, Natalia, and several guards that were there to keep her under surveillance.
Andrei stopped outside the front door and turned back to Liselotte. “May I ask how much understanding you have of our nation?”
“The Holy Democratic Republic of Erica was formed after your revolution overthrew the previous monarchy. I am, however, unaware of the events leading up to the revolution itself.”
“There are countless minor kingdoms in the northeast of Strahl constantly at war with each other, but the Rivanoff Kingdom our revolution took place in was unrelated to the fighting. Our major industry was agriculture, yet our lands were dry. We didn’t have other untapped resources, and our lands held no military value, located as they are at the ends of the north. It’s also cold all year round,” Andrei explained with a hint of self-deprecation. “There has never been any benefit to be gained from attacking their country.”
Liselotte neither affirmed nor denied it out loud, but she agreed with him on the inside. The revolution of a small kingdom to the north was impactful, but the long distance from Galarc and lack of military presence caused their information gathering to be postponed.
“All the kings in Rivanoff’s history were terrible at governing. They used the lack of value in our nation to their advantage by joining the Proxia Empire, then lived safely under their protection while making sure only the loyal noble families could live in luxury. The people were oppressed as a result, and the revolution occurred as backlash.”
“In other words, even without Saint Erica, a revolution was inevitable?”
“You could say the foundations for a revolution already existed. However, there’s no doubt that the revolution wouldn’t have happened without Saint Erica. The despicable noble class were too greedy and cunning, and we citizens were simply too ignorant and uninterested in politics to do anything about it. We were unaware of our country’s situation and never defied any injustice from the monarchy. We allowed ourselves to be exploited without resistance.”
“And the one that changed that was Saint Erica?”
“Status doesn’t matter. Humans are born equal, with equal rights to live. That is the greatest rule of this world, decided by the gods themselves. At the end of the day, royalty and nobility are humans as well. It is wrong for them to create unfair laws and use their power unjustly.”
Andrei started by stressing this, then continued.
“Saint Erica bestowed our ignorant selves with that knowledge. She was the one who got things rolling and gave us the courage to oppose royalty. She saved our people from their despair. In order to prevent the citizens from dying in the revolution, she stood at the front and led the way.”
The passionate tone in his voice was backed by his personal experience, but it was just a second-hand account to Liselotte, who hadn’t experienced it herself.
“I don’t know what Saint Erica did in this country. If you say she saved the suffering people, then I’d say that’s wonderful, but it’s not like I saw it with my own eyes. That’s why I’m struggling to understand why you believe in her so unconditionally,” Liselotte said truthfully.
In other words, she was unable to believe in Erica based on words alone, and the blind faith she was seeing from Andrei just made her impression of the saint more incomprehensible. The main reason for that was what happened in Amande.
“You can simply learn from here on. She takes the initiative for the weak, creating miraculous results with her miraculous power. This nation is one such result. For the time being, I shall show you one part of Saint Erica’s miracle work.”
Andrei chuckled with a proud smile, then started walking towards the gate.
◇ ◇ ◇
Their current position was a several-minute walk away from the building where Liselotte had been confined.
“As you may have heard already, this is Ericaburg, the capital of the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica. It was originally the royal capital of the Rivanoff Kingdom. The building you are staying at is the head of state’s residence at the outskirts of the noble district,” Andrei explained as he walked in the lead.
“So this area would be the former noble district?”
“Yes. Isn’t it a lively area?”
“There are a lot of people, but they’re all workers. There’s construction going on everywhere...” Liselotte looked around at her surroundings in confusion.
Everyone walking on the streets appeared to be either a worker or assistant. There were no ordinary citizens to be seen. They were all energetically calling out to each other and bustling to do their jobs.
“The people marched on the castle during the revolution, destroying most of the noble district. We’re currently in the middle of selecting land and buildings for government buildings, then constructing them in order of priority.”
Most of the buildings in the noble district had been completely ruined. Those along the road to the former castle were in an especially terrible state. The road itself was also gouged in certain places, making the destruction stick out like a sore thumb.
Scars from their revolution, huh? The anger of the instigators is evident.
Liselotte observed her surroundings with a conflicted face. As someone in a governing position, this wasn’t a matter she was unfamiliar with. The rage of the people accumulated before exploding—even Amande could end up like this.
“The traces of destruction are especially bad in this area. See that pile of rubble over there? That’s where the royal castle used to stand.” Andrei pointed in the direction they were walking, to a point roughly one hundred meters away.
“The royal castle?” Liselotte looked doubtful. There was nothing that looked like a castle in the direction Andrei pointed. However, that was the only spot that seemed oddly empty, a mountain of rubble and dirt. It was as though there used to be a building there that was larger than the surrounding structures. The scenery gave off an odd feeling.
“Yes, it used to be there. In the past tense. Saint Erica destroyed the castle during the revolution, burying the royalty inside it,” Andrei stated indifferently.
“What?!” Liselotte was shocked.
“You’ll be able to tell once we get a bit closer. There used to be a hill over there, and the stone castle was built on top...” Andrei said, continuing forward.
“Saint Erica destroyed it by herself?” Liselotte asked, hurrying after him.
“Yes, in one blow,” Andrei answered proudly.
“One...blow...?” Liselotte fixed her gaze on the mountain of rubble. The scale of the castle that once stood there could be inferred by the position and size of the land. It may have been a small kingdom, but it was still a castle for a king. The castle would have been built on a good foundation with sturdy materials. Besides—
There used to be a hill there, and the castle stood on top... And both were flattened in a single blow? That would be impossible even with the highest class of attack magic.
While it wasn’t as resilient as dragon skin, castle walls were often painted with a special material that had high magic resistance. It was unclear if that had been used on the castle that used to be here, but it was an unbelievable feat even if it wasn’t. It was just unrealistic for the castle and hill to have both been destroyed in one blow.
Liselotte managed to ask a question through her speechlessness. “How so...?”
Andrei could sense the disbelief in Liselotte’s reaction and grinned proudly. “I told you already. The Saint has a miraculous power. Every member of the revolution’s army can attest to it.”
“Is it the power of her Divine Arms?”
“Divine Arms?” Andrei looked puzzled.
“They’re the legendary weapons possessed by the heroes summoned to Strahl. Saint Erica had a bishop staff, right? That’s her Divine Arms... Were you unaware she was a hero?”
“Y-Yes, it’s my first time hearing of such a thing. I have heard the rumors of heroes descending in certain kingdoms, but...”
Andrei nodded with wide eyes. A remote kingdom of this size would have difficulty obtaining much information. Judging from his reaction, Erica hadn’t revealed that to them.
“I see...” Liselotte murmured.
That Saint hid her hero status from her own comrades. She said she wanted to keep it a secret just before she snapped in Amande as well...
She had set aside her questions since there was no one to answer them, but what was the reason for that? Her curiosity was piqued anew.
Could Satsuki and the other heroes do something similar with their weapons?
As far as Liselotte could remember, the greatest display of a Divine Arms she’d seen was when Hiroaki manifested the Yamata no Orochi water dragon in his match against Rio. Hiroaki didn’t seem to have complete control over it, but after summoning every water dragon, his power was on par with the strongest class of magic. But even a direct hit from a water dragon wouldn’t be able to destroy a hill.
Legends tended to get more exaggerated over time. When Liselotte saw Hiroaki control the water dragon, she mistakenly assumed that Divine Arms could create phenomena on par with or slightly better than the highest class of magic. Even that was enough to be a formidable power.
Could the true potential of the Divine Arms be even greater than that? Several times the highest class of magic... Enough to blow away a small hill in a single blow, at least?
It wasn’t just a formidable power—it was a threat. It would take an army of ten thousand to have a chance against someone like that. That was how much power the heroes held.
But at the present moment, it was hard to say if the other heroes had that much power. They had the same Divine Arms, so there was no reason they couldn’t do what the Saint could do, but at the very least it was impossible for Hiroaki, who couldn’t even manifest the full Yamata no Orochi against Rio.
Does the Saint know how to draw out the mysterious power of the Divine Arms? Maybe she wanted to hide her hero status to keep it a secret. Even if she ended up at war, a secret like that would be a huge advantage against any enemy.
If an enemy army had no information whatsoever, there would be no way for them to counter such a move. It would be foolish to show off one’s powers in that situation. If the Saint’s power was connected to her Divine Arms, the kingdoms that possessed the other heroes would try to bring out their powers as well. The Saint may have wanted to prevent that.
She had no proof, but that was the conclusion that Liselotte reached. It was a vital piece of information, so it was fortunate that she was able to realize it by being kidnapped. And now she had something to do as a noble of the Galarc Kingdom.
I need to find out more information about the Saint—no matter how trivial.
For example, what happened to the Saint after she came to this world. Why did she decide to become a saint? Just then...
“Miss Liselotte?”
Andrei called out to her. He seemed surprised to hear the Saint was a hero, but how much understanding did he have of the heroes? “Saint Erica is a hero? If that’s true, then how amazing,” was the unconditionally accepting impression he seemed to give off. After calming down from expressing his delight, he looked at Liselotte, who was frozen in place.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I was just so shocked...”
Liselotte awkwardly smoothed over her expression with a smile.
“It was worth bringing you here first, then. Do you understand now?” Andrei asked, smiling in great satisfaction.
“Understand what, exactly?”
“The reason why we follow Saint Erica.”
“I want to say you follow her because of the power she has, but that isn’t the case, is it?”
The power they abided by changed from political power to pure violence. Erica possessed the strength to crush political power itself. Liselotte indirectly pointed out such an interpretation with her question.
“It is not. She is the symbol of justice itself. She thinks of the people more than anyone else. Saint Erica only uses her power for the sake of saving the weak. She isn’t a saint because of her tremendous strength. She has her tremendous power because she is the Saint. That’s why we believe the future lies in the direction she proceeds. We’ll watch her back and follow in her steps. Saint Erica is our guiding light,” Andrei emphasized without a shred of doubt on his face. He had absolute trust in her. Perhaps trust wasn’t the most appropriate word.
“Your faith in Saint Erica almost sounds like you’re worshiping a deity. One on the same level as the Six Wise Gods.”
Yes, it’s faith, Liselotte thought.
There were no religious followers that doubted their god. Saint Erica had established a position for herself as the object of their worship. Her title of “saint” was also being embodied.
“Undoubtedly. That’s what a saint is, is it not? Many of the people in our country see Saint Erica as a prophet that mediates between us and the Six Wise Gods, or even as a reincarnation of the Six Wise Gods. If you say she’s a hero, then it was only natural for her to be worshiped like this. The heroes are the disciples of the Six Wise Gods.” Andrei looked completely confident in his words; his faith for the saint had been backed up by the title of a hero. after all. His emotions seemed to be riding a high after learning that Erica was a hero. He probably saw her as an even more exceptional figure now.
Saint Erica isn’t being worshiped because she’s a hero. The object of their worship just happened to be a hero, so their faith grew even stronger. That faith will only grow stronger from here on out...
A glimpse of that process was happening before Liselotte right now. Considering how Saint Erica was hiding her hero status, there was no way she was acting without a plan.
Did she have some kind of grand plot planned? Was her current status as a figure of worship a part of her plans?
How much of this is all a calculated act? Liselotte swallowed her breath.
She was more curious than ever as to when and why Saint Erica began her movements. There were many things she wanted to ask, but—
“This is merely out of curiosity, but you said Saint Erica did this in a single blow, right? Just how did she go about destroying a castle and the hill it stood on?” She started with an easy question.
“She struck the ground with her staff. That was all,” Andrei answered proudly.
“That’s all she did?”
“Yes. To be precise, she struck the ground and a shock wave ran through it...”
“Like a strong earthquake?”
It didn’t happen frequently, but earthquakes did happen in Strahl. In the battle between Saint Erica and Aria as well, the bishop’s staff had blown up the dirt when it was struck into the ground. Liselotte had believed Erica’s Divine Arms had the power of controlling the earth, so she feigned calmness in order to confirm that now.
“The ground did shake at the impact, but it wasn’t an earthquake. It’s hard to describe accurately, but it was like the ground ripped open in an explosive wave. The shock wave gained momentum and lifted the ground up, and once the ground started collapsing it rose up, swallowing the entire hill, castle and all. Ah, even the memory of it is awe-inspiring,” Andrei explained, choosing his words. Indeed, it must have been difficult to explain a phenomenon that could swallow an entire castle.
“I’m sure it must have been an amazing sight...”
The result of which was laid out before them. If the revolution army was marching upon the castle, there would have been non-military personnel taking refuge inside. Some may have had no will to fight and were just in the castle to work that day. Unless they had evacuated people in advance, there would have been innocent people buried within that rubble. Liselotte gazed upon the destruction with a pained face.
“Yes, it was beyond imagination.” Andrei nodded firmly in praise of the Saint’s great feat.
“But wasn’t it a waste to destroy the entire castle? You could have reused the building, and I’m sure there were food and treasures stored inside.”
If they retrieved the treasures and food first, they would have had a chance to warn the people inside as well. Liselotte asked her question in hopes of that.
“Indeed. I am a former merchant, so I agree with you there. Fortunately, it seems we’ll be able to retrieve the treasures, and the royal castle was a symbol of the evils of the monarchy anyway. A negative piece of heritage, if you will. We couldn’t allow it to remain standing,” Andrei said with a slightly conflicted expression.
“Including the evil royals and nobles inside?”
“They were a necessary sacrifice. There were some of the noble class that agreed with the Saint’s ideas, and the only ones remaining in the castle at the end were those who opposed her with hostility.”
Liselotte didn’t ask any further questions. Instead, she shot a sidelong glance at the remains of the destruction and closed her eyes in silent prayer.
“We didn’t condemn anyone on the grounds of merely being of the noble class. Some nobles are prejudiced by their status, but we know that there are nobles out there who care about the people. If they agree with Saint Erica’s teachings, we are willing to extend our hand to them. How about you?” Andrei turned to Liselotte with a judging look.
“I too dislike any actions of tyranny towards the people. I don’t believe myself to be superior just because I am a noble. However, I was raised on the side that you call the exploiters, as a privileged-class citizen. That’s why I cannot deny that I may view and react to things differently to you, a member of the side that was raised oppressed.”
Liselotte gave her honest opinion without trying to make herself appear perfect.
“What a good and sincere answer. I’ve seen many nobles give hollow agreements that they don’t believe in just to be spared, but you really are different.” Andrei beamed widely, showing off his white teeth.
“I’m honored. Would you be willing to tell me more? I believe a conclusion can only be reached with a proper understanding of this country and Saint Erica.” Liselotte bowed once and stared at Andrei.
“Indeed, it is as you say. I’d like to show you to some other places, so let us talk as we move. First is the area where the general population lives. This way, please.”
In a delighted tone, Andrei began leading the way with a skip in his step.
◇ ◇ ◇
On the way from the castle ruins to the city area...
“In our country, legislation is conducted by the assembly members that participate in congress. They also make some of the political decisions. The leader of the administrative body is the head of state, who acts as the representative of the nation.”
“So you’ve dispersed the legal and administrative rights the king would have had under the monarchy.”
“How are the congress and head of state selected?”
“In an indirect election where the citizens select the congress and head of state voters through elections, then each voter puts forward their vote for the head of state and congress members. In the first election, the leading members of the revolution were selected as the first congress, and the Saint was selected as the head of state.” Andrei explained the governing system behind the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica as they walked.
“Who came up with that selection system?”
“The general framework was made by Saint Erica. However, there are some points that are still at an impasse, so we’re still in the midst of establishing the basic laws around that system.”
Erica’s draft of the system was probably used as a temporary provision to make the election for the first head of state and congress.
“I see...” She couldn’t be sure without reading the actual laws, but to Liselotte it sounded like they were extremely motivated in implementing a democracy.
“What’s important is that participation in politics is widely available, and that the country moves according to the will of the people. The monarchy may have moved according to the will of the noble class, but catering to only the privileged class is what led to the exploitation of the lower class,” Andrei said, emphasizing how the nation ought to be.
“So by expanding the scope of who can participate in politics, you’ll make it harder for the participants to make light of matters... If the result will affect them, they will feel responsibility behind each and every decision. There are many laws that nobles approve of because it doesn’t apply to them, after all,” Liselotte said. There was no need to listen to the opinions of those who didn’t participate in politics, so it was easy to make judgments about things that didn’t apply to oneself.
It was undeniable that a monarchy made it easier for laws to only benefit those who participated in politics. And that the burden tended to be shifted onto the people...
“Ah, how wonderful. Saint Erica told us the exact same. Humans are equal. That is why we must eliminate the laws that are used unequally.”
Andrei seemed pleased with Liselotte’s statement, as his eyes were sparkling with passion.
“I think it’s a good thing for the higher-ups of the country to keep the will of the population in mind. That will strengthen their sense of responsibility towards the people,” Liselotte said, agreeing with the ways of the Holy Democratic Republic of Erica. While her intention was to make Andrei feel good by speaking positively about the country, she did think it would be ideal for such a thing to happen. That’s why she wasn’t lying.
“Yes, yes. It’s important for those elected to have such things in mind. We cannot leave the country in the hands of someone with no responsibility over the people.” He must’ve been enjoying the discussion, as Andrei closed the distance between himself and Liselotte eagerly.
“Y-Yes, I agree,” Liselotte nodded, nearly pulling back.
“The original plan was to show you our congress, but now I can’t wait to do so—there’ll be one held this afternoon to establish the basic laws. We debate every day over it, so it would be a good opportunity for you to see our strong sense of self-awareness. Ah, and please read over the proposed laws as well—I would love to hear your thoughts on them.”
“Why, I’d be very interested in that. I shall look forward to it.” Liselotte put on an unsettled but friendly smile.
It’s not like I’m saying anything I don’t really think, but...
In order to avoid rousing suspicion by suddenly asking about the saint, she was agreeing with whatever he said to obtain information. But Andrei’s reaction was so earnest, it left her feeling a little guilty.
I thought he was a little young for a prime minister, but could they be lacking in people with political experience?
Andrei was a good and honest man. However, an honest man was a bit too unreliable to have as a prime minister. A prime minister shouldn’t believe in others easily—if anything, they should constantly be alert. He would be better off as a scholar than a politician, Liselotte thought, when—
Her eyes met with Natalia’s, who was escorting them without participating in the conversation. Natalia watched Liselotte’s harmonious conversation with Andrei and snorted in discontent. Perhaps she thought he was being swayed by the attention of a beautiful noblewoman.
“That aside, could you tell me more about Saint Erica?” Liselotte ignored the gaze from Natalia she could feel and instead asked Andrei what was most pressing on her mind.
“Sure. What would you like to know?”
“I know nothing about how she came to be called a saint, so if we could start there? Was she already a saint when you first met her?” If she learned of how Erica became a saint, perhaps she would be able to see something new.
“The first time I met her—or rather, the first time I saw her—she had yet to be called a saint. There was no doubt she was already planning the salvation of the people at that point, though... I’ve asked her the same question because I was curious as well.” Andrei looked back on the memory with a fond smile.
“If you don’t mind, would you be willing to tell me her answer? I’d like to hear why she became a saint.”
“All right. Saint Erica did give me permission in advance to tell you if you expressed interest in hearing it,” Andrei said as a preface. “From what I was told, Saint Erica originally lived in a small village with her fiancé.”
“With her fiancé?” Liselotte cocked her head.
But if I recall...
When Erica asked Liselotte if there was someone she loved in Amande, Erica had mentioned that she shouldn’t do anything that she’d regret. Which meant...
“Unfortunately, he has already passed away.” Andrei shook his head sadly.
So her fiancé was dragged into the hero summoning...then died because of some kind of circumstance.
“Saint Erica said some kind of situation led her and her fiancé to the village.”
According to the legends passed down in the Strahl region, there were six heroes that had participated in the Divine War period. The heroes arrived from afar, summoned through the sacred stones, and the kingdoms that possessed those stones kept them under strict security.
It’s hard to believe a sacred stone capable of summoning a hero was kept at a village, but it’s not like the location of every sacred stone was known to begin with. Perhaps it lay undiscovered somewhere near the village. Then, when the time came, the summoning happened, Liselotte hypothesized.
In reality, there were four kingdoms in the Strahl region known to have sacred stones. The one stored in the Galarc Castle that summoned Satsuki, the one in Beltrum Kingdom that summoned Rui, the one the Restoration took from the Beltrum Castle that summoned Hiroaki, and the one in Centostella Kingdom that summoned Takahisa. Out of the remaining two, one that summoned Renji lay untouched by an isolated forest spring. And the last one was, as Liselotte guessed, lying undiscovered on a mountain near a remote village.
“Her fiancé had already passed away, so she didn’t say much about that village, but she said she decided to become Saint Erica because of her fiancé’s death.”
“How did he pass away?”
“A powerful person came to the village. He was killed trying to protect the village from them.”
“Her fiancé must have been a wonderful man...”
“Yes, apparently so. He extended his hand to the suffering people, worrying about others before himself, Saint Erica said. After she accepted his death, she decided to continue his legacy...”
“I see...”
In a world where the lives of royalty and nobility weighed more than those of commoners, unfortunate events like that were bound to happen.
“After witnessing the death of her fiancé, Saint Erica grieved, raged, and sank into utter despair. Why do people stand on top of other people? Why are people not born equal? Why do they use the status they obtain to hurt others? She started to strongly resent the world that created people of power. Then, she received a divine revelation, telling her to save the world.”
“A revelation...?”
What a fishy word to suddenly bring up. Revelation—a word that meant God had granted humans a truth they normally wouldn’t be able to perceive.
“Earlier, by the wreckage of the castle, I said our nation sees Saint Erica as a prophet, didn’t I?” Andrei said with a proud smile.
“No, but... Was it true? When you say revelation and prophecy, you mean Saint Erica received the divine will of the Six Wise Gods?”
Liselotte stared closely at Andrei. She seemed to think it was a made-up story, and strongly implied that he must have been joking with her gaze.
Andrei gave a strained smile at Liselotte’s reaction. “Why, it’s only natural to feel surprised. There were many people who treated her as an oddball at first. The fallen King Rivanoff also treated her as a heretic until the very end.”
Anyone who opposed authority by proclaiming themselves a saint carrying the word of the Six Wise Gods would naturally be treated as a heretic. The people in power would declare her a witch and have her executed. That was probably what happened in reality too.
“Do you have proof? That Saint Erica received the prophecy from the Six Wise Gods,” Liselotte said in a flustered tone, something rare for her.
“No one other than Saint Erica can receive the word of the Six Wise Gods. There is no way of proving such a thing.”
Indeed, that would be the devil’s proof.
“That...may be true...”
But without proof, there was nothing to believe.
“Besides, not even a prophet can continuously be connected to the will of the Six Wise Gods. Prophecies aren’t the be-all and end-all.”
“Then why do you believe in her prophecies?” Liselotte asked.
“There are three reasons for that. The first is because all of Saint Erica’s prophecies have gone exactly as she said; for example, that she would overthrow the Rivanoff Kingdom and establish a new nation in its place, for the sake of the people. That was what she predicted, and that was what she made happen.”
“...” Wasn’t that simply because she had a goal, and the means to make that goal happen? That was the rebuttal that immediately came to Liselotte’s mind, but she held herself back from actually arguing. Instead, she waited for the other two reasons.
“Another is because of her power. Saint Erica said she was bestowed a power humans aren’t meant to use because of the prophecy. Then she used that power to perform miracles wherever she went.”
“Such as destroying the royal castle in a single blow?”
“It wasn’t only destruction. She healed injuries without using magic, converted wasteland into fertile soil, and changed the land to alter the river’s flow.”
Those are all phenomena caused by the Divine Arms... But Satsuki did say she was taught how to use the Divine Arms by someone in a dream when she first came to this world, right? Someone spoke to her one-sidedly in a dream... Could that be the prophecy?
She wasn’t certain, but she suddenly recalled what Satsuki once said and wondered if that could be related to this.
“The third reason is that Saint Erica’s words can be trusted unconditionally. That is how strong the trust is between us. Of course, we don’t just trust her because she is strong—she earned that trust because she’s continuously used her power for the salvation of the weak. Before she was called a saint by the people, she wandered from village to village after the death of her fiancé, performing miracles wherever she went, helping free the weak from the tyranny of the strong without compensation. I met Saint Erica in the middle of that journey.”
There was no one who would doubt the words of who they worshiped. In other words, the fact she had built her position up to the point of being worshiped as a saint was the third reason. However, while everything up to the point of her fiancé being killed made sense, everything afterwards was a little hard to believe. If she had the power of a hero, it wouldn’t have been impossible for her to make people believe she was a prophet.
That’s what Liselotte doubted. However, the dream that Satsuki once told her about also weighed on her mind.
Satsuki said she saw a dream that taught her how to use the hero’s power. Perhaps whoever appeared in that dream was the same one who gave the Saint her so-called prophecy, and taught her how to bring out her Divine Arms’ power even further? But wouldn’t whoever appeared in the dream be the Six Wise Gods?
There was no way of confirming her hypothesis, but that just made her imagination grow more wildly. Liselotte was lost in her thoughts with a mystified look on her face.
She was meant to be in the middle of a tour, but the impact of that information had made her forget that. Andrei took that chance to question her again. “Well? Do you believe in Saint Erica’s prophecy now?”
“Honestly, I’m half-dubious,” Liselotte answered truthfully.
“Haha. You truly are a sincere person. Your excellent upbringing and righteous values allow you to have a careful outlook of the world. That’s why we’d like you to lend our nation your strength. Now, we’re almost at the central area.”
Andrei seemed to have felt their conversation up until now had been worthwhile, as he gazed at her passionately while inviting her towards the middle of the city right before them.
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