The following Monday, Chiaki and I had agreed to meet up at the train station before heading off to school together. During the holidays, some of the teachers on duty wouldn't be at school that early in the morning, so it was possible we wouldn't be able to grab the keys for our morning practice. Because of that, Chiaki had no choice but to give in to me—who loved lazing around in bed—and agree to meet at a later time.
That morning, we didn't manage to find the key to our club's practice room in the key box.
"...... Senpai took it?"
"It's probably her."
We confirmed that with each other. Over the weekend, we had tried calling Mafuyu, but she never picked up.
The two of us made our way to the back of the school building. When we opened the door, a series of intense piano passages overwhelmed us; I shielded my face with my hands without thinking.
In the middle of the cramped classroom, I could almost see the grand piano, and the long maroon hair behind it, swaying along with the rhythm of the melody. However, it was just a brief mirage—there was only the drum set, huddling in the gloomy corner of the room. In front of the mini-amplifier on the left, was the back of someone with braided black hair.
Kagurazaka-senpai was sitting on the round stool, listening to the piano piece; she was almost sprawled over the speakers. The room was engulfed in heat, as she hadn't switched on the air conditioning.
This—This song is—
"...... Hmm? Morning, my fellow comrades."
Senpai turned around to greet us with a smile, despite her looking all worn out. Chiaki pushed the dazed me aside, walked into the room, and sat down on the chair behind the drum set.
"Senpai, are you okay? You don't look too well......"
"Mmm. I've been listening to this song without sleep since last night. There's absolutely no time for me to relax and rest!"
Then just stop listening to it continuously? I walked into the classroom, then closed the door and switched on the air conditioning.
"What song is this? It's really incredible...... Is it really played by a human being?"
It really was played by a human being. I could tell just by listening to it—the person playing was none other than Mafuyu.
Senpai pressed her face against the speakers and continued listening to the song in silence, so I answered in her place.
"The name of the song is <Islamey>. It's the world's hardest piano piece."
"I see......"
But is that really being played by Mafuyu? I don't remember her releasing that piece.
"This is played by Mafuyu, right? Where did you get your hands on that?"
"Young man, you really recognize immediately if it's a piece played by Mafuyu!"
Because there's no one else who'd play it in that manner! It wasn't the fastest version of <Islamey> I had heard before, but...... In any case, Mafuyu had managed to allow the listeners to clearly discern the section where her left hand was playing notes up and down the scales, and she did this while maintaining a flawless tempo. Since <Islamey> was actually a dance tune, Mafuyu's way of playing might have actually been the correct way of playing the song.
"This is an unreleased recording. I managed to get my hands on it after sneaking into Comrade Ebisawa's house last night."
"What the hell have you done!?" That's definitely a crime, isn't it!?
"I didn't steal this, yeah? It was my second time sneaking into Comrade Ebisawa's house, and this time, I managed to locate her room successfully. Though I didn't expect her to throw this tape at me in the moment of her fury. Seems like she really dislikes being seen by others when she's listening to piano pieces, so I said nothing else and got out of there as quickly as I could."
"Senpai, you should really be sent to jail. I'll bring some tonics when I visit you." Chiaki's eyes were actually wet.
"Thank you. You are not to fall in love with anyone else while I'm serving my sentence, okay?"
"That's not funny at all! Stop fooling around, or I'll really call the cops!"
"Sigh, young man is not the least bit poetic......"
This has nothing to do with being poetic or not! Senpai ignored my protests and picked up her guitar, which was already connected to the amplifiers. After muting her guitar using a palm mute, she began playing notes with almost no intonation to them, using them to gently accompany the chords Mafuyu played through the speakers. It was a sound that made one feel like responding after listening to it.
*Zun*—a heavy sound rang, followed by a brief and delicate triplet. Chiaki's drums joined in as well, and started off with the subtle beats of the ride cymbals, coupled with the snare drums. As the melody of the piano moved into its climax, Senpai's guitar roared in response; at the same time, Chiaki's drums transitioned into a fervent tempo focused on the bass drums.
I see, it does sound like the traditional dances of Caucasus—very passionate, but unrefined. I removed my guitar case from my shoulders and leaned it against the wall, then sat down on the cushion on the floor. If there were no interruptions, the members of this band could jam on nonstop for several hours—well, aside from me that is. But looking at the current situation...... could I include Mafuyu as well? We're talking about something way beyond my ability—don't they get tired at all?
Whatever. The recorded <Islamey> by Mafuyu had to come to an end. I listened to it in a daze—the piece had lightly skipped through the slow section in the middle (the part I loved the most), and went straight to the end, before starting all over again from the beginning. W-Wait a second? That's not how the piece is supposed to be, right?
"What's this? Why's it going on forever?"
I couldn't help but stand up and interrupt their performance. Chiaki stopped moving and stared at me with her face red. Senpai laughed and switched off the mini-amplifiers.
"I didn't sleep a wink last night after returning home. After cutting and sampling the piece, I made it repeat on and on nonstop. Now, we can use it as a disco piece! The tempos of Comrade Ebisawa's performances are all very distinct, which makes them suitable for things like this."
"Just stop doing these things and sleep properly! You look really horrible, yeah!?"
"How can I possibly go to sleep when I haven't managed to have a proper talk with Comrade Ebisawa?"
I sank weakly into the cushion on the floor.
That means I was the only one who managed to speak with Mafuyu after the training camp?
"So, what's going on here? We have less than a week before our live performance......"
The actual performance is this Saturday. If this carries on—
"Comrade Ebisawa hasn't even practiced our new piece yet. In any case, let's record it for now! Hey young man, begin the preparations!"
"...... Ah, right."
We burned the whole day recording that song. But since Mafuyu wasn't around, we couldn't decide on the actual arrangement of the piece, so we ended up filling the thirty-minute tape trying out various different arrangements.
"I'll deliver this to her," Chiaki said. "This is for Mafuyu, right?"
"Are you taking it there? Aside from the guards, there are also two Dobermans in her courtyard. I suggest you take the much safer route infiltrating through the underground pipes or something."
"Can't we just visit her normally and openly!?"
"This is the map to the live house. We have a rehearsal on Friday, so remember to ask her to come!"
Senpai completely ignored me and passed the tape, the scores and the live house's handout to Chiaki. Chiaki just stared at the map printed on the handout.
"So..... she may not come here even once till Friday?"
"Mmm...... that's quite possible."
"How could she do that!"
Forget about the rehearsal, she may not even appear for the actual performance—all three of us knew that was a possibility, but we refrained from mentioning it.
Should I follow along as well? Perhaps it'd be better if Chiaki went alone instead...... as it seems I was the one who made Mafuyu angry. Just as I was thinking of that, Chiaki grabbed me by the collar and said, "Nao, you're coming along as well!"
"Uh...... mmm......"
"Don't you want to go?"
"It just feels like...... she'll refuse to see me even if I go?"
"It somehow feels like I've pissed her off or something...... She probably hates me right now."
"Senpai, can I punch him?" Chiaki turned towards Senpai to seek her opinion on the matter.
"If a punch were all it took to solve his denseness, then all the psychologists in the world would be left jobless. Quit your excuses and just be honest with yourself and go along. You have an excuse for meeting Comrade Ebisawa anyway, do you not?"
Senpai shot a glance towards the corner of the room. I followed her gaze and looked in the same direction.
My backpack was stuffed at the very bottom of the shelf, and hanging off of it was the recorder I had borrowed from Mafuyu. It had been there since the training camp was over.
"Yeah...... I guess."
It wouldn't do for us to remain in our current situation. I walked over to pick up the backpack.
Even though the train station closest to Mafuyu's house was on the fringe of the city, quite a lot of passengers still got on and off the trains there, as it was an interchange station that linked the JR and the private railways. In front of the station was a leisurely walkway, paved with red bricks, and a shopping arcade. I had gone to that area a few times before to shop for books as well. When we were about a hundred meters away from the station, we saw a lot fewer people out on the streets. And as we walked on, the houses surrounding us gradually merged in with the scenery of dusk.
We had expected to get lost, but it turned out we had worried for nothing; Mafuyu's house was incredibly large, to the point that we could easily spot it without even needing to confirm with the map.
I originally thought it was a park with coniferous trees in it—but after aligning the surrounding utility poles with the map on her handphone, Chiaki said, "Mmm, this is it." Amid the trees, we finally found a large black arching gate with inverted spikes, and past the arching gate was a building that looked like a museum or something. So Ebichiri's that rich huh......
"Ah, there really are dogs in the courtyard! Ain't those Dobermans cute? There, they're looking in our direction!"
Chiaki slid her hand between the rails of the gate and waved enthusiastically at the black shadows sitting next to the flowerbed. What the heck are you here for?
We then found an intercom, and its associated buzzer, on the doorpost at the side of the gate.
"Will the dogs come pouncing on us with bared teeth if I press this button?" Chiaki asked.
"How's that possible!?"
But even so, we dared not press the intercom buzzer for a long time. What should we do if Mafuyu answers? I wasn't mentally prepared for that yet, and had no idea what to say to her if I ended up seeing her.
"Heh!" In the end, it was Chiaki who pressed the button. It felt like the black silhouettes of the dogs had moved a little, causing me to instinctively hide myself behind the doorpost.
A short while later, a woman's voice came from the intercom.
"...... Yes? May I know who this is?"
That's—not Mafuyu's voice. The female voice sounded way more mature.
"...... U-Urm, well......"
Chiaki pushed my face aside and spoke into the intercom,
"Good evening, I'm Aihara. I am...... Mafuyu's fellow clubmate, from the high school she is attending. She didn't come to today's practice. So, thinking she might be feeling unwell, we have come to visit her. We have some things we want to pass on to her as well."
I was impressed with how fluently Chiaki said all that; there wasn't the slightest hint of stuttering. She's lying about us visiting Mafuyu because we think she's sick, but we do have things we want to pass on to her, so they might actually allow us to enter. Chiaki was probably playing it by ear—as for me, what have I done here? I'll have to buck up as well!
"Please hold on for a moment."
After the woman said that, the intercom fell silent.
"Will Mafuyu come out?" Chiaki mumbled.
"I don't know."
Then again, since Chiaki didn't mention my name just now, perhaps......
I sat down at the base of the doorpost. Even though the sun was below the horizon, the asphalt still felt incredibly hot.
I could suddenly hear the sounds of someone walking on the turf. I stood up immediately.
Someone was walking through the spacious courtyard and towards the door. It was a tall woman with short hair; she was wearing a grey suit and long pants. She patted the Dobermans that had walked up next to her, and made them sit down before she came to the door.
"Sorry for making you two wait."
She was young—probably between twenty-five and thirty years old. Her hair was cut rather short, which made her face look fresh and neat. She was wearing a pair of elegant earrings as well. Who is she? Mafuyu's family? Nope, doesn't look quite like it.
The woman walked out through a small door located at the side of the gate, then bowed to Chiaki and me.
"I am the person in charge of tending to the daily lives of Maestro Ebisawa and the young lady. Despite having both of you travel all the way here, my mistress is unable to meet you."
"Is she feeling unwell?"
Chiaki took a step forward and asked worriedly with her brows furrowed.
"No. My mistress has instructed me to pass on the message that she is feeling unwell, but I am afraid that is probably a lie."
Despite her courteous manners, her words were rather direct.
"Maestro Ebisawa has overly doted on our young lady, which has resulted in her being unable to listen to anything when her tantrum kicks in. I apologize to you two on behalf of my mistress. If there is anything you wish to pass on to her, you can do so through me."
How should we respond when she speaks to us in such a solemn and serious manner? While I was thinking of something to say, Chiaki handed her the live house handout, the scores of our new song and the tape.
"Is that all? Did she not say anything else?"
From the tone of Chiaki's voice, it felt as though she was about to cling herself to the woman.
"No. Nothing at all."
"You should have told her my name, right?"
"Yes. I told Mistress that Miss Aihara and a man had come over to visit her."
She didn't tell her my name—did Mafuyu know it was me? Then again, I don't think there'd be any other guy who would come looking for her, right? And that means...... that she really is unwilling to see me?
"At the very least, Mafuyu can tell us that herself via the intercom, right?" Chiaki refused to give in.
"My mistress has no intention of leaving her room at all."
"Then we will communicate through pen and paper! Miss, please help us to pass our message to her!"
"That's enough, Chiaki."
I grabbed Chiaki by the shoulders and pulled her away before she troubled the woman any further. I then lowered my head and apologized.
"I'm really sorry. Urm...... we have no choice but to trouble you to pass those items on to her. And also, please tell her there's a rehearsal on Friday. Tell her to make her way down to the place marked on the map at three o'clock."
"Yes. I will definitely convey that to Mistress."
She didn't show the slightest smile while answering—what a strange person. As for Chiaki, she was grabbing me tightly by the arm and whimpering softly, just like a dog...... Just give up already!
Just as I was about to make my way back to the station, dragging Chiaki along with me—
"Please hold on a second."
I turned my head in response to her call, and saw the woman walk towards us in quick steps.
"Could it be, that you are actually Mr. Hikawa Naomi?"
"...... Eh? Yeah. That's me."
Chiaki looked at me in surprise, and then, at the woman.
"I see. I am sorry for calling out to you all of a sudden. Mistress always talks about Mr. Hikawa."
Mafuyu—she always talks about me? Mmm, I think Ebichiri said something similar as well, but is that really true?
"...... She always talks about me?"
"Yes. She says you are dense, unreliable and mouthy, and that she always gets angry whenever she is with you."
She sure doesn't mince words!
"Yes, that's exactly how it is!" Chiaki chipped in.
"However, she frequently uses the term 'unreliable' for her father as well. Therefore, I think that might just be her way of showing how dear the two of you are to her."
No, wait, you don't have to put it that way just to console me, yeah? In any case, I'm just a......
While I was acting all depressed, the woman suddenly handed me her name-card.
"I am sorry for introducing myself only now. My name is Matsumura. Please do not hesitate to contact me if it has anything to do with our young lady. Honestly speaking, I am not too sure how I should interact with my mistress as well. I would be more confident in doing so if I had the chance to interact with Mr. Hikawa and Mistress's fellow schoolmates."
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