Long time no see. Takehaya here. I don’t have much space for the afterword this time, so let’s get right into it.
Volume 40 is finally here! To mark this occasion, BookWalker will be selling a limited Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Heracles! Branch-off Edition. Size-wise, it’s about half the length of this book. It’s also why this volume was delayed by about a month. Poco-san and I wrapped up around the usual time, but there was no way around the 50 percent increase in workload (lol). Not that I have any complaints.
Sorry to keep you all waiting. The special half-volume is a story about everyone going to a summer festival. Nana also gets some time in the spotlight. For anyone interested, check out BookWalker’s website. There’s also a companion quiz project, so check out BookWalker’s, Hobby Japan’s, or my Twitter as well. Incidentally, all of the side stories written for BookWalker will also be bundled and sold digitally too.
And on top of everything, the series has now sold 1.5 million copies (digital, manga, and overseas editions included)! This kind of milestone is usually celebrated at the 1 million mark, but due to a major blunder (lol), neither the sales or editing staff were counting, which is why I’m only reporting it now. We don’t have anything planned, but I’m still happy to have reached this point with all you readers. I am truly blessed to hit this milestone with this level of visibility. Thank you very much. I hope to enjoy your continued support.
By the way, volume 40 happens to be exactly book number 1,000 in HJ Bunko’s serial codes. This means it’s the thousandth book they’ve published. It also means that Rokujouma makes up 4 percent of their entire catalog. We’ve put out a lot of it.
I’ve now run out of space without even touching on the contents of the book, so allow me to say this in brief—this volume contains three short stories previously published on HJ Bunko’s website, and the other half is new material.
Lastly, the acknowledgments. I would like to offer my thanks to everyone at the HJ Bunko editorial department for their help in creating the book; the illustrator, Poco-san, who didn’t complain one bit despite the sudden increase in work; and all you readers out there for picking this up.
Let us meet again in the afterword of volume 41.
March, 2022
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