Chapter 497: 497
[Currently, BY-9158's picture transmission is in a temporary suspended state . ]
Biyu must've done that voluntarily . It might be because of Bihyung's death, or maybe there was a problem trying to transmit from within the ark itself . Whatever the case might have been, it was a good thing for us .
It'd been so much nicer if only the person before our eyes wasn't there, though .
"Anna Croft . "
I stared at the prophet's blonde hair fluttering in the wind . I also sensed additional presences within the dense forest . They probably were the squad under her direct supervision, the 'Zarathustra' .
- Why isn't this pebble or rock or whatever not working on her?
I didn't reply to Han Su-Yeong . Didn't have enough time now to explain everything that happened in the 'Isle of Reincarnators', anyhow .
Rather than patiently wait for my answer, though, Han Su-Yeong simply gripped my wrist hard . And then, she pointed at Anna Croft with her free hand . Vicious licks of [Black Flame] danced on the tip of her pointing finger .
"Move outta way or die . "
Their gazes collided in the air .
Eerie, bluish ghostly aura permeated within Han Su-Yeong's irises as she activated [Predictive Plagiarism] . At the same time, the eyes of Anna Croft, wielder of [Great Demon's Eye], also swirled in a crimson aura . Faint sparks danced in the air as the gazes of these two capable of reading the future collided .
The latter maintained this tense stand-off for a bit before opening her mouth . "Kim Dok-Ja, do you want to escape from this floor?"
Han Su-Yeong's complexion changed colours and she growled unhappily . "Hey, you . You ignoring me now?"
"I can help you . "
"Weren't you trying your hardest to kill us not too long ago?"
As Han Su-Yeong's words came to an end, I sensed the movements of the Constellations in the surroundings . I even noticed a few that began destroying the terrain indiscriminately in order to locate us .
It would be hard to buy more time here .
"I didn't have a choice . If we sided with you back then, we'd all have been wiped away . "
"And the current situation is different how?"
"Are you really going to waste your time this way? I'm pretty sure it's you people feeling the urgency, not me . "
"Do we have a reason to trust you?"
"Are you the type to trust someone even with a good enough reason?"
In any other circumstances, I'd have gladly accepted her help . However, Anna Croft was someone who signed a direct contract with the whole Nebula .
"You're the Nebula <asgard>'s Incarnation . "
[Nebula, <asgard>'s Great Fables are waking up from their ancient slumber!]
And the current floor just so happened to be the cabin where <asgard>'s Constellations resided .
Anna Croft readily admitted to that and nodded her head . "True . I'm their Incarnation . In that case, don't you find this even more strange? I'm right here, looking at you both, yet why haven't they rushed here yet?"
I too had been keeping an eye on the Constellations loitering around our vicinity . It looked as if they couldn't even hear our conversation . Quite likely, she resorted to some kind of an unknown method to block their gazes somehow .
"What are you scheming?"
I stared into Anna Croft's deep, mysterious eyes .
[Exclusive skill, 'Reading Comprehension', is activating!]
⸢More than anyone out there, the Incarnation Anna Croft places importance in realistic causes . ⸥
In a certain sense, this world's most righteous person could be none other than Anna Croft . If Yu Jung-Hyeok's cause was built upon rage and hatred, then Anna Croft's was built upon the foundation of righteousness .
The survival of the absolute majority .
Her aim was to safely preserve the city of her birth, Las Vegas, the United States of America, and on top of that, Earth itself during the hell of scenarios .
⸢However, America was destroyed during this world-line . ⸥
Her home vanished on the same day that the great apocalypse began . All that remained were the small number of 'Zarathustras' following after her . Even then, her complexion wasn't as gloomy . No, her expression seemed to be filled with a certain fervour, instead . It was an expression of a person getting nearer to the world she wanted to see .
While feeling the gentle vibration spreading within the entirety of the ship, I opened my mouth . "You're thinking of taking over this ark, aren't you . "
Right then, Han Su-Yeong next to me gasped out as if she had reached the same conclusion as me .
Anna Croft grinned refreshingly . "How wonderful it is that you're so quick on the uptake . "
"It won't be easy to drive out the Constellations and take over the ark . "
"However, it is the last chance given to humanity . "
Her plan was quite clear .
The 'Final Ark' was a Great Fable weapon designed to transport Fable seeds to another world-line . If she managed to defeat the Constellations and acquire the controlling authority of this ark, then she should be able to transport humanity to a brand new world-line .
And everything would begin anew in that place .
"Not one Constellation can be left alive . Even if that includes you . "
While listening to her, I recalled an ancient text from the 'Ways of Survival' .
⸢Anna Croft's ■■ is 'Perfect Night' . ⸥
A world of darkness where not one starlight shined – Anna Croft wished for humanity to live freely again under that darkness . If it was the world she dreamed of, then my companions should be able to survive as well . I felt slightly lonely as I opened my mouth again .
"In that case, we'll be temporary allies . We'll work together until we reach the ark's core . "
"Until then, I shall lend you the power of my [Precognition] . "
Han Su-Yeong next to me sent a message in my direction .
- I've been checking her through Lie Detection, and she hasn't been lying . Doesn't look like she's been using Pokerface, either .
I nodded my head . "Alright . Let's work together . "
While going through the Fable Bihyung had left behind, I read the surrounding topography .
⸢The exit at the outside of the forested area is towards the branch reaching out to the heavens . ⸥
One thing I realised while following after Anna Croft was that our current area was not a plain, but a 'floor' above a certain tree .
- Gotta admit, their worldview setting is pretty slick .
Han Su-Yeong muttered out, evidently impressed by the sight .
Seeing such a detailed recreation of <asgard>'s worldview, I began to fully realise just how long they had been preparing this Final Ark .
This shouldn't be the whole Universe Tree Yggdrasil . It was probably a mock-up . Even then, this tree was more than wide and expansive enough already . Most likely, the <asgard>'s Constellations would live on while enjoying the vested rights founded upon this Fable in the next world-line .
Anna Croft quietly stared at such Constellations, before shifting her head away and focused on the way ahead instead . Han Su-Yeong observed her and spoke to me .
- By the way, will she be alright? The price of betraying a Nebula should be huge, though?
Before I could answer, though, Anna Croft opened her mouth first . "My situation is not something you should be concerned about . "
" . . . . What the hell . You can even eavesdrop on this?
"I only guessed that you were using Midday Tryst since you two haven't said anything for a while . "
"Sounds like you have a trusty backer or something?"
Han Su-Yeong's words caused Anna Croft's expression to harden for the first time . "What do you mean?"
"I was wondering if it's logically possible for a measly little Incarnation to block off the gazes from an entire 'Nebula', that's all . "
Han Su-Yeong's right; no Incarnation could've pulled that off, regardless of who you were .
I quietly glared at the back of Anna Croft's head .
[Exclusive skill, 'Reading Comprehension's', concentration level is rising up even higher!]
I did have my suspicions . The aura of chaos gently crumbled away behind her . And beyond that, I thought I glimpsed a pair of crimson eyes not too dissimilar to Anna Croft's .
From the get-go, there were only two existences in this world capable of interfering with the channels Constellations watched .
It was right then that lightning suddenly went off in the air . The ground split apart and the surrounding atmosphere began quaking ominously . The sounds of incoming storm could be heard next .
[Constellation, 'One-eyed Father', is slowly blinking its remaining eye . ]
Anna Croft's complexion paled instantly .
Even the god of creation 'Ra' we fought back in the 98th scenario didn't possess might of this calibre . As for the Status, it easily exceeded Thor's we encountered earlier by a huge margin .
This worldview's most powerful being had just woken up from his slumber, in other words .
" . . . . . Odin . "
We began running .
Even if <kim dok-ja="" company=""> had grown stronger, it was an act of utter stupidity to fight the Myth-grade Constellation Odin in <asgard>'s turf .
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