Chapter 49
With only one umbrella, it’s a bit narrow when two people are underneath it .
But, this way I got to walk while pressing my body against Mina, and I was so glad that my chest became full with feelings of 『Happiness』 . After all, I’m walking together with her, the one who became my 『Lover』, the person that I love the most .
「Ah, it’s this way . 」
「I see, I was about to go down the usual road out of habit . 」
A slightly different road from always .
「Even though I used to go around here during our walks . 」
But right now it’s like a different road, saying that Mina smiled .
…Now that she mentioned it, back then, when Mina was still a cat, there were a lot of things that I didn’t know about . The time when we were together was long but, unlike now, she couldn’t tell me with words . Even with her gestures, whatever she was thinking of, I could only understand it vaguely .
I want to know, about the person I love, even more . Thinking like that, I wonder if it’s wrong .
「Walks? Where did you walk around?」
「Nn~… I walked around a lot of places?」
「Then, next time, can I go with you?」
After I asked, she smiled sweetly .
「Of course!」
Infected, I also smiled . And after saying that, the convenience store that we were going to was already before our eyes .
「Then, let’s go in . 」
「Yeah . 」
Closing the umbrella, I placed it next to the umbrella stand . With my hand becoming free, our fingers naturally connected, in the lover’s patch way .
My heart was beating so fast that I thought the store’s AC was hot . Even though there were other people, our distance remained as 『Lovers』 . Even though we said that it would only be our secret .
But still, me too, I rather love it this way, I’m able to act naturally . It can’t be helped, right? Because, the times when we do this, are the longest, and I love it very much . Well, I wonder just who I was making an explanation to .
While thinking of buying a huge bag of marshmallows, I became a bit anxious about whether we can eat it all . Because I don’t eat many snacks, and also, if we are alone… the things that you can’t do unless you’re 『lovers』, it makes me want to do them .
Choosing a slightly small bag, I brought it to the register . I asked if they could give us waribashi (splittable -wood- chopsticks), the person was having a wondering face while giving it .
After getting out of the store, I asked Mina to put the marshmallows in my backpack . But, this situation where Mina is right behind me, I couldn’t stop my heart from beating fast .
Going under one umbrella once again, we went back to our usual road . I felt a bit relieved . Right now, it’s just Mina and Me .
Just a little bit, I don’t think I can bear it anymore .
Having her this close to me, while being 『lovers』, I have been enduring it, even though we are at a distance where we can touch each other .
Our faces reflexively looked at each other . Her red face, not because of the cold, I’m sure it’s because she is embarrassed .
Stopping our feet, and closing our eyes, I’m sure that we did it at the same time .
Chuu (two cute girls kissing sfx) Leaving that sound, our lips parted from each other . The instant they connected, my mind had turned white, and from there it was filled with something warm and sweet .
Having lost my strength, I entrust my body to Mina, and she gently brushes my head .
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