Posted on June 28, 2016
<Legend of Legend(LOL)-Progress(2) >
Lee-joonhyuk was lying on a bed with casts on both his leg. Lee-joonhyuk stretched out his hand, and he focused on the cup. However, there was no change to the cup.
“Do I have to do it on a person?”
He was able to transfer his barrier to Kim-oonsuh, and he was able to save her. How did he do it?
The barrier didn’t form right now. However, he had to sure, so he casted it on himself. It formed around him without much effort, but it wouldn’t transfer onto a different target.
Moreover, he couldn’t cast it on a different person.
Lee-joonhyuk let out a sigh, and he leaned against the bed. The bed was in a raised state, so he could lean comfortably against it.
He was in a VIP hospital room, so it was very large and spacious. After being rescued by the rescue party, the helicopter had come to this place. He didn’t want people to think anything was wrong, so he relaxed his muscle before he went into surgery. The doctors were frightened when the blood started to flow out again, but the surgery ended in success.
“I guess the problem is the Director?”
Kim-oonsuh’s thigh bone was broken, and she had some internal bleeding. However, the surgery was a success. The problem was she hurt her back when she hit the tree in the fall. She was paralyzed from the waist down.
If he had been able to transfer his barrier a little bit earlier, she wouldn’t have hurt her back. His inexperience prevented him from saving her.
Lee-joonhyuk let out a sigh, then he tried to cast the barrier once again. However, it was still impossible.
“I guess I’ll have experiment a little bit at a time.”
Lee-joonhyuk eventually closed his eyes, then he focused on controlling the movement of his muscles. Since he could sense his muscles, he could feel the muscles in his legs. Moreover, he was able to assess the severity of his wounds.
Fortunately, he had hardened his muscle like stone, and this caused it to break in the best possible manner. Still, his legs still required casts, and it would take about 3 weeks for the bones to mend.
For the foreseeable future, Lee-joonhyuk knew he had to spend his time in this place.
“When I leave in two weeks, it’ll put me in an awkward position.”
He closed his eyes as he leaned against the bed. He turned his head when he heard a knock on the door.
“It’s open.”
When the door opened, Lee-joonhyuk’s eyes widened at seeing who had entered.
“Father. Mother.”
It was Lee-joonhyuk’s father Lee-sukhoon and mother Kim-haejung, who had entered. Kim-haejung started checking on Lee-joonhyuk’s wounds as soon as she entered the room.
“My Joonhyuk. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.”
“My word. How did you hurt yourself like this?”
Lee-joonhyuk scratched his head.
“I took a tumble down a mountain.”
While Kim-haejung fussed next to him, Lee-sukhoon opened his mouth.
“I heard it’s just a simple break of the bone. You’ll be out of the cast in three weeks, so don’t worry too much about it.”
“I won’t worry about it.”
The ones who were more worried was Kim-haejung and Lee-sukjoon. Lee-sukjoon looked around his surrounding as he asked questioned.
“This hospital room looks expensive.”
“I was hurt during the company’s training course, so the company will pay the entire hospital fee.”
“So that’s how it is.”
Kim-haejong asked carefully.
“You were injured right after you got in, so you won’t be able go to the office. Will they fire you?”
“That won’t happen.”
He clearly got hurt trying to save Kim-oonsuh. Of course, from Kim-oonsuh’s perspective, she might not think Lee-joonhyuk was of any help. From her view, it would seem like he had fallen into the same location with, and they had been rescued together.
He wouldn’t be fired just for that.
“That’s fortunate.”
After smiling, Kim-haejung was gossiping like a storm. Lee-joonhyuk was busy trying to to be agreeable with her. Most of the story was about Lee-joonhyuk being hired by ST Capsule. It basically meant she was the one who started the gossip around town.
“Why don’t you meet with some prospective marriage partners?”
Lee-joonhyuk was taken aback, so he called out to her. Kim-haejung continued to speak, while laughing.
“I bet you don’t remember her. Mr. Park, who used to live in our neighborhood, has a daughter. She was selected to be an elementary school teacher.”
“That has nothing to do with me. I just got hired, so why are you trying to put me in a marriage interview?”
“You don’t have a girlfriend. How many years have you been single already?”
Lee-joonhyuk was taken aback, and while they were talking, Lee-sukhoon approached Kim-haejung. Then he spoke with his hand on her shoulder.
“Wife. Let’s stop.”
Kim-haejung licked her lips, then she backed off a step. Lee-sukjoon looked at Lee-joonhyuk as he spoke.
” Is there a caregiver?”
“Yes. He vacated his seat for a moment.”
He had hurt both his legs, so he couldn’t move at all. This was why ST Capsule hired him a caregiver. Lee-sukhoon nodded his head, then he turned to look at Lee-haejung.
“He has a caregiver, so we can just visit him.”
“Still, how can we leave him to a caregiver? I’ll come here on the weekends.”
“Then I’ll be alone in the weekends?”
“Just go fishing with your buddies. I’ll stay here.”
Lee-joonhyuk let out a deep sigh, then he looked towards Kim-haejung.
“Please just come here on Saturdays and Sundays.”
If she came on Friday, he would be in an awkward position. The fact that he was in a hospital was a problem, but if he spent time on Friday with Kim-haejung, she’ll find out he had fallen into the Abnormal Sleeping Disorder.
He wanted to avoid that.
As if Lee-sukhoon didn’t have anything more to say, he looked at Lee-joohyuk and he spoke.
“We’ll head back now. Take care of your body.”
“Yes. Don’t worry about me.”
“I’ll be able to fish to my heart’s content, because of you.”
Lee-joonhyuk knew how much Lee-sukhoon liked fishing, so he could only smile. Kim-haejung rose from her seat. She spoke, while she patted his cheek once.
“Just think about the marriage interview.”
When Lee-joonhyuk shouted in embarrassment, she got up from her seat as if it was on fire. Lee-joonhyuk let out a deep sigh when he saw the door close.
“Why a marriage interview…”
Lee-joonhyuk closed his eyes, then he focused on controlling his muscles. If he didn’t use his muscles, his legs would waste away. To rectify such a situation, Lee-joonhyuk continuously fine tuned his muscles.
He couldn’t train transferring the barrier, so the only thing left was to remake his body.
He had learned several things this time. He had learned more about his muscles, and the result of growing his muscles with his life on the line. He had also learned it was possible to transfer his barrier.
His legs were a problem, but the other parts of his body was fine. The next day Lee-joonhyuk went outside on a wheelchair. He wanted to check up on Kim-oonsuh, so he moved two rooms down towards the hospital ward.
When he approached the ward, two men in suits got in his way.
“We aren’t allowing visitors to visit right now.”
At those words, Lee-joonhyuk was about to head back. If Kim-oonsuh wasn’t allowing visitors, then he didn’t have to look for her. At that moment, a man exited Kim-oonsuh’s hospital room. When he saw Lee-joonhyuk, he called after him.
“Mr Lee-joonhyuk?”
Lee-joonhyuk stopped to look, and the man approached him. He spoke, while he smiled.
“Are you here to visit the director?”
“That was the plan until I found out she wasn’t taking any visitors.”
He was very natural in speaking in an informal manner. He also looked very natural as he approached to grab the handles of Lee-joonhyuk’s wheelchair. He spoke.
“Let’s go. As a matter of fact, Oonsuh wanted to see you.”
Before Lee-joonhyuk could say anything, the man pushed his wheelchair into the hospital room. When they entered, he saw a room much bigger than his, and he was able to see Kim-oonsuh in a bed located in the middle of the room.
Her thigh was covered in a cast, and she was lying down with the bed slightly raised. When Lee-joonhyuk and the man entered, she became flustered. She hurriedly put on her glasses she had taken off.
Then she turned back to look at Lee-joonhyuk with a calm expression.
“How’s your body?”
Lee-joonhyuk spoke in a composed manner.
“I heard it was a miracle. I got off with only two broken leg.”
“That is fortunate.”
“How’s your body doing?”
Kim-oonsuh’s expression hardened slightly, and she didn’t answer. The man answered instead.
“Her lower body is paralyzed, but if she is lucky, we might be able to treat it.”
Lee-joonhyuk looked back in surprise, and the man continued to speak in a calm manner.
“There is a project we have invested in. Our plan will be a giant step for modern medicine. She’ll be able to become the first beneficiary of the project.”
“That’s fortunate.”
When Lee-joonhyuk replied back innocently, the man let out a laugh.
“Hahaha. I really like you.”
The man spoke, while he grabbed onto the wheelchair’s handles.
“Do you have anything more to say to the director?”
“No. Since I’ve seen she’s ok, I’m satisfied.”
“Then I’ll push you back to your room”
“It’s fine.”
Even though he couldn’t use his legs, his body had already reached the limit of human limitation. Of course, he could move his own wheelchair.
However, the man continued to push his wheelchair.
“Take care of your body, director.”
When the man left, Kim-oonsuh was alone. She let out a short sigh then she took off her glasses again. She thought about the moment she fell off the cliff. Moreover, she thought about Lee-joonhyuk, who ran and leaped off the cliff after her.
His eyes shown with the determination of wanting to save her.
By looking at the people he rescued from the bus, he might be someone who put his life on the line to save others. However, his desperate eyes made her think otherwise.
When she thought about Lee-joonhyuk’s eyes, it made her heart beat faster on its own.
The man didn’t take Lee-joonhyuk to his room, but he headed towards the outdoor terrace. When he brought Lee-joonhyuk there, he took out a cigarette, and he asked Lee-joonhyuk if he wanted one.
“We aren’t allowed to smoke near the hospital.”
“I know. My mouth feels empty, so I’m just asking. I’m also trying to quit smoking.”
After the man smiled, he turned to look at Lee-joonhyuk with a cigarette in his mouth.
“May I ask a you a question.”
“Before you do, I didn’t catch your name.”
At those words, the man lightly tapped his forehead with his index finger, then he took out a business card. Lee-joonhyuk took the card to examine it, and the man introduced himself.
“I’m one of ST Capsule’s board members, Lee-sukhoon.”
“You have the same name as my father.”
“Is that right? Your father must be very handsome.”
Lee-joonhyuk smirked at those words.
“He is a handsome man. If he wasn’t, then he wouldn’t have been able to meet my mother.”
“Hahahaha. Your mother must also be quite the beauty.”
“She is a beautiful woman.”
Kim-sukhoon was amused. He pinched the cigarette with his middle and index fingers, then he imitated blowing out smoke. He turned to look at Lee-joonhyuk.
“May I ask you the question now?”
“Please ask away.”
Kim-sukhoon observed Lee-joonhyuk as he asked the question.
“Why did you do it?”
Kim-sukhoon put the cigarette between his teeth then he asked again.
“I’m asking why you jumped off.”
Lee-joonhyuk thought for a moment. Truthfully, he had thought he could save her. Of course, he recklessly jumped off without thinking about the consequences. He instinctively jumped off when he saw her figure fall off the cliff.
“I just wanted to save her.”
Kim-sukhoon carefully observed Lee-joonhyuk then he smiled.
“I appreciate the sentiment.”
Kim-sukhoon put the cigarette between his teeth back into the cigarette case.
“Take care of yourself. When you are back to good health, I’ll see you at the company.”
Kim-sukhoon waved his hand then he left the terrace. After Lee-joonhyuk looked at his retreating form for a moment, he let out a deep sigh. At the very least, he had found out that he wouldn’t be fired from the company.
“I hope she makes a full recovery.”
If only his ability could have worked a little earlier, he would have been able to save her. The fact that he couldn’t made him feel regret.
However, he felt some relief when he heard there was a possibility of her recovering.
Lee-joonhyuk looked up towards the sky that could be viewed from the outdoor terrace, and he mumbled to himself.
“I thought she looked much prettier with her glasses off.”
Lee-joonhyuk smiled when he thought about her being flustered as she put on her glasses. Somehow, he thought she looked cute at that moment.
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