At the end of the crossing gate is a large underground cave.
Optical stones are placed on walls, floors and ceilings, without darkness.
On the contrary, it's too bright.
That's why the size of the underground cave stands out.
The height is about fifty meters.
The left and right widths... seem to be about eight hundred meters even in a narrow area.
I don't know the depth.
Because only when this large underground cave is narrow is a luxurious western-style mansion built. Tra ns lat e d b y Jpm t l.c o m
It's bigger than my mansion in the village.
Standing in front of the gate on the fence surrounding the mansion, you can't see to the edge.
But what I think is a little unnatural mansion is that there are few windows.
Besides, if you look closely, you can see the building is repeated.
Still, the luxurious atmosphere has not been compromised.
Tr an s l a t ed by jp mtl.c om I wonder if it's because there's gold and silver finishing everywhere.
With all that, it's going to feel nasty, but it hasn't...
I get a little pressure.
Don't you remember anything, Initial Ancestor?
No, because you don't have to apologize.
Initial ancestors have been trying hard to remember even when they were trying to dungeon.
Saying you're magically erasing your memories doesn't mean you're blanking your head.
He's just sealing unnecessary memories so he can't remember, so if there's an intense trigger, he can remember.
I want you to do your best, but don't push me too hard.
Because Lou is also worried.
Well, waiting in front of the gate didn't happen anything, so I just have to knock over the gate.
Fortunately, it's not locked.
I said hello when I disturbed you and broke into the premises.
Arrive in front of the mansion door, looking at the garden the size of there.
Lou grabs a knocker and beats it three times.
…… T r an sl a t ed b y jpm t l .com
I'm not responding.
Are you out of town?
Or, like, nobody lives there?
I also hear that the sea species inherited the management of coastal dungeons about three thousand years ago...
I don't like it when you think you're dead in there.
I guess I was right not to bring the kids.
Lou speaks up.
"Excuse me.
We've brought you through the dungeon trials. "
No response, so Lou opened the door.
Looks like this one isn't locked either.
Chro's kids and Zabuton's kids went in ahead of time.
From the way Cro's kids bark, there doesn't seem to be a problem. T r an slated b y jp m
Inside the mansion...... a large entrance hall.
There is a shark under the carpet.
There are dot magic lights...... would you have had the children of Kro come in?
From the way this magic light is lit, we can see that the path is laid down.
I know, but why would the leading Lou try to go somewhere else?
"It's a trap like this."
It seems to be getting deeper in the dungeons of the suspected coast.
I don't know, but I'm trespassing on someone else's mansion without permission.
Let's follow the path.
With my persuasion, travel on the path indicated by the magical lights.
There aren't many straight passages because of the build-up.
It bends to the right and to the left, so the sense of direction goes crazy.
Is the lack of windows to drive our sense of direction crazy?
Was it still a trap, as Lou warned?
Now, when the magic lights go out, I'm not sure I'm going back to the front door. Tr an sl at e d b y jpm tl .co m
Just got a little anxious and told me that Zabton's kid was stretching yarn out the front door.
Oh, you can smell the Chro kids back, too.
All right, all right.
My anxiety seemed useless, the magic lights never went out, and I arrived in front of a luxurious, big door.
Is there someone here?
I want you to stay.
Or absent, please.
I don't want to shy away from corpses.
After Lou knocked three times and waited for a reply...
Open the door a little and the Chro kids and Zabuton kids break in.
When I thought one of Crowe's kids was back, he looked at me with a troubled face.
I wonder what happened?
Inside the cumbersome room...... clearly, it reminds me of the warehouse.
Even though it is a fairly large room, the book is placed in a small place.
Since you can see only a few bookshelves in the back of that book, is the owner of this room a hobby in collecting books?
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