Until now, they have been eating crabs purchased from the town of Shashart through the Gorown Shokai.
There is no dissatisfaction with the taste.
In the past, there was a limited number of people who prefer to eat crabs in the village, but in recent years most have reached out.
Such a crab, but I had one complaint.
That is the type of crab that I purchased.
T ra ns lat e d b y jp m t l .c o m Crabs are transported packed in large barrels, but the types of crabs in them are not uniform.
None of them know the name, but you can see the different types.
Nevertheless, it can be summarized in one word of "crab".
Therefore, even if you tell them you want such a crab, it will not work.
Many times a different crab was brought in than requested.
Well, I ate everything.
It was delicious.
It was a pity that my commitment to crabs was not understood. T r ansla te d by Jpmt l .c o m
Well, there is a huge crab in front of you.
That shape.
no doubt.
Snow crab.
The size is completely different but snow crab.
Snow crab called Matsuba crab or Echizen crab in some areas.
Of course edible.
In the past, snow crabs were seen at supermarkets every winter and gave up on the price.
The size is completely different but snow crab.
Better to be bigger than smaller.
Yeah, no problem.
I prayed with nature in my hands in front of my chest.
"I will do it"
"The village chief. T ranslated by jpm tl .c o m
Well, it's better to defeat such things ... "
Pointed out by the Lamia beside me, I returned to my sanity.
That's it.
If it is blurry, you can escape.
I give instructions quickly.
"Kuro children, Zabton children, go into the sea!"
The children of Kuro and the children of Zabton heard my instructions and attacked the crab all at once.
Until now, the Black and Zabton children had not attacked the crab, because I was careful not to enter the sea.
I'm glad you keep it lawfully, but you don't have to keep it when you're being attacked.
Don't forget to add them next time.
Five crabs were killed by the activities of Kro and Zabton.
My restraint was too slow, five ... No, five cups of crab turned into grilled crab ...
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