Bad, bad, bad, bad.
How did this happen.
My name is Astra.
I am a little famous bandit leader.
I honestly say.
I am threatened now.
From an unknown partner. T ra ns lat ed b y Jp mt l .c om
The partner told me why.
It's my subordinate's mismanagement.
He seems to have stolen a certain adventurer.
That's a common story.
Then tell my subordinate, not me.
What do you want me to do?
How do you manage your subordinates? Tr a n sl a t e d by jpm tl .co m
If we do it our way, we'll drive that subordinate out of the way ...
I hope it isn't ...
Subordinates ... I'm annoyed with subordinates, so let's call them Manuke.
Manuke apparently sold what he had stolen from adventurers to a merchant.
It's a simple story to pay for it, but what the unidentified partner wants is a stolen one.
In addition, the merchant who has sold it has begun to move, saying he will participate in an auction in a certain city.
An unidentified opponent tells us to pursue the merchant and collect the stolen items.
It is difficult, but I have to do it.
If you don't do that, you'll just be dead.
I know the other person's ability so badly.
Anyway, more than a hundred my subordinates have been wiped out.
However, if you want to retrieve the stolen items, think a little more.
T ran s l ated by jp m tl .co m Perhaps someone who is not thinking about anything?
It's dangerous.
Let's do our best
What a merchant is.
I'll do something.
Well ...
Only thirty people can move besides me.
I left for half of the treatment for my immovable subordinates and I began to take action.
The target merchant is heading to the place where the auction is held, but doing business on the way, so the route can not be predicted.
Since the number of people has decreased, it is impossible to depend on randomness.
But we know where the auction will take place.
Proactive is possible.
Just far away.
Travel expenses are not stupid.
If you run out of money, you just work as a bandit, as usual, but you don't want to do it as much as you're out of turf.
T ra n s l at ed b y Jp m tl.c o m If you do poorly, you will send the bandit to the enemy.
If that happens, you can't sleep.
It is troubled.
So we cut down on the money, sometimes responding to temporary employment, and headed to the place where the auction was held.
It was a long journey of two months.
When we arrived in the city, weird a bit of tears in a strange sense of accomplishment.
But our goal is not to get to the place where the auction will be held, but to get the goods from the merchant who is coming.
First, negotiations.
If that doesn't work, unfortunately they will be stolen.
On a large scale, it would offend the bandits here, but only steal from the merchants living in our territory.
You will be tolerated.
Anyway, we wait for the merchant to arrive.
The auction is more than a month away.
We decided to find a day job to make a living.
T ra n sl at e d b y jp mt l.co m When he previewed the auction site, thought of the stealing method, and became friends with his day laborer, he got used to eating in the city.
Shock news has jumped in.
The auction is to be held in another city.
All the preparations so far have been wasted, and the area in front of me has gone completely dark.
If you're a thief, it's common for goals to behave in unexpected ways.
If you do not panic and do so calmly, you will be able to manage it.
So far, it worked.
Gotachi: If you ask a detailed story, the new auction site.
It's a day away from the town of Shashart.
I've been close to doing day labor.
Should be fine.
However, the auction schedule has also changed.
Held one week later.
no time.
No, if you move right now, you can't.
I thought I was ahead of the auction and booked a day job.
Promises are important, even if they are bandits.
I honestly say.
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