Leah's mother comes to the village.
It seems that Biesel will send me because Bron at the school of the Demon Kingdom has found it.
Suddenly, you have to be prepared to be rude.
The rears are helping me a lot.
It would be nice to see the rears and their mothers.
Why are the rears preparing for battle?
And it's pretty serious. Tr ans lated b y jp mt l.c om
Do you think that beesels come from the south side of the village as usual?
Build a base on the south side of the village?
It doesn't matter, but it's still winter?
Is it not cold?
I wish I had to wait in the mansion.
Roger that. Tra n sl a ted b y jp m tl .com
Is there a ceremony to greet her mother?
Leah's mother came to say hello to her.
Did the rears do it?
The rears are also tattered.
This tattered state is ... black kids.
I've been watching me sincerely, and I want you to praise me.
After the greeting is over.
"Rigne, Chief of the Riff Clan."
"I'm the village chief. I'm Hiraku."
The greeting ended normally.
It was short because the rears took Ligne to the bath.
Both are tattered.
Let's talk about it at dinner.
T r a n s late d b y jpmt l .com Leah and Ligne headed for the bath, and the children of Kuro came with hope.
But I didn't think Rigne and Marbit were acquaintances.
If you live long, you will know more people.
Did Lou and Tier know each other?
Only rumors?
Is that so.
Perhaps ligne is a famous person?
Oops, sorry.
How to praise was rough.
All right.
Let's start over.
Well done.
I praised him because he wanted to praise him, but why did he decide to fight Rigne?
Trans la t e d by jpmtl.c o m Night.
Dinner eats at the same table as Ligne's mother, Ligne.
Lou, Tier and Rear are present.
I wish Lilius could sit with me.
Speaking of that, Leah has heard of Reese, Lili, Reef, Ricott, Rize, Rita and her sister or cousin.
Is there any other daughter of Ligne?
I asked.
"Liri and Rita also become my daughters, but they are adoptive.
"Is that so?"
Looking at Lili and Rita at a slightly distant table, she sends me a sign that she doesn't mind.
I don't mind if I'm good ...
Well, maybe even at night.
I'll give you alcohol too.
The talk during the meal was mainly ligne and rear.
Tr a n slated b y jpm tl.co m "I've been looking for something about a hundred years. I didn't think I was running into the forest of death."
"I can't help shaking my pursuers. Sorry."
"This is where I apologize. I'm sorry."
I thought it would be a bit heavier, but the rear immediately changed the topic.
"Speaking of which, I heard from Bron that your mother was at an archeological site. Was there such an archeological site in Rita's forest?"
Rita Forest is the northern forest of the school where Bron and others are.
There was a village of Leahs there.
"You don't know because you were a child. It's a ruin managed by the clan. Even so, you've exterminated monsters and monsters so they don't become nests. I don't know.
"Mother has been managing archeological sites there?"
"It's the role of the clan, but it's been about fifty years ago. It's been a long time, and many monsters and beasts have gotten into trouble. It was hard to put it back. ''
"Um. Hair glossy moss"
Lou responded to Ligne's answer.
"If there is no problem, can you tell us about the cultivation environment?"
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