I carved a united creature in the studio.
The size is more than two meters, slightly larger than a human.
This was because it was ordered to be slightly larger in order to decorate the church in Gomura.
Good work and satisfaction.
What I thought a little failed was the carved place.
The founder looks with enviable eyes.
No, did you give the founder what he had ordered before?
Sex "It's sad for people to want to collect everything" T r anslate d b y jpmtl .com
You're a vampire.
If you can help me transport it, carve it?
It was a prompt decision.
Thankfully, it's not exactly the same.
Because the tree will have the shape you want.
Oops, I said something like an artist.
Fufufu. T r ans l ated b y Jp mt l .c om
"By the way, mayor. What's next to this?"
"Kuro, Yuki, Zabton, Cat and Sake Slime Miniature"
"Everything is dynamic. Do you make it as a souvenir?"
"No way. I'm not a saint of Gomura ... but because I wanted Ceres."
He is careful not to call him a saint, but to call him Ceres.
If you think about it, it's called a position.
A little remorse.
With the transfer magic of the founder and the cooperation of the lizardmen, a statue of creation is set up in the hall of the church in Gomura.
They seem to be in a good place, but are they ok?
The founder says that there is no problem, but the person in charge here is Ceres.
A number of sticks expressing the halo are carried on the back of the statue.
I made a hole for it properly.
It's like a three-dimensional cartoon concentration line.
I thought it was superfluous, but this one is easier to understand.
Tra n s lat ed by Jpm t l.com The founder is surprised, but is it a technique I have never seen?
Do you think that the expression of God's image has been around for a long time?
Kuro's miniature is not in the hall but in the private room of Ceres in the back.
Installed at the base of the flowerpot.
So that's it.
Good place.
After that, we toured Gomura a little.
When I carried the unicorn, I couldn't relax.
Gomura is much more developed than before.
On the hill, the high elves have worked hard, making it a fine village.
The prominent are the mayor's residence built to the north and the church next to it.
A little further away is the village assembly hall, followed by a large ground and a small ranch.
Next to the ranch is a trading post.
Since the representative of Gomura, the acting mayor, is left to Yoko, it seems that the village mayor's residence is called Yoko's residence.
There is a transition gate underneath, which leads to a large tree dungeon.
Tr a nsla t e d by Jpm tl .c om The Yoko mansion is a private space for the mayor of the village, and is treated as an ordinary house.
Currently, about 20 servants selected by Yoko live.
For now, they are secret about the transfer gate.
It seems that the lid keeps the secret, but the servants have never come to investigate.
And the Mercury species is three new.
Working as an assistant to Yoko.
A man who looks like a middle-aged veteran warrior.
He seems to be better at cutting with a sword than he thinks.
In the unlikely event, it will be the center of the army organized in the village.
It seems to be popular among the widows of Gomura, and a lot of gifts are given at noon.
"It's not that big of a belly ...
I eat everything in a lawful manner.
Young civilian youth.
Atmosphere of wearing glasses and being really smart. Tr a ns la te d by Jpm t l.co m
When I first met her, she was cool, but she collapsed as soon as she took over the work she had taken over from civilian daughters.
It is a hot-blooded character.
"Please turn Miyo over here. Indeed I can't do anything alone!"
Sorry, good luck.
At first glance, a normal village girl.
It's rude, but it seems to be everywhere.
However, the ability is great.
Processing ability to extract necessary information from a lot of information, insight not to overlook important information.
Based in Gomura, they will be in charge of collecting information.
The prices and news of the crops in each place are important.
He is currently selecting and training human resources to collect information.
Why is the intelligence gatherer training in knife handling?
Is it for self-defense?
Because Yoko's mansion is a private space, Yoko performs public affairs as a mayor at the village assembly hall.
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