First group.
Migrants gathered in the dry vine.
The transportation method is air transport by Draim, Hakuren and Rusty.
For that purpose, a huge four-legged table was prepared shortly before.
When it became a dragon, it was thought that it would be possible to increase its transport volume by moving it on its table.
It has four legs so that the dragon on its back can stand properly even after it becomes human.
It can be loaded and unloaded even if the drimes are not in the shape of a dragon, making it very convenient and popular.
This time, the rope was hung on the upper surface of the huge quadruped table so that it could not fall down while moving. T r a n sl at ed b y Jpm t l .co m
The three dragons carrying such a table, forming a formation and heading towards the village, were a bit scared to remember Wyvern.
A total of 72 people.
All are tribes called minotaurs.
The Minotaur I know is a cow giant, but the Minotaur in front of me is a normal human face.
However, there are two large horns like a buffalo on his head.
And the Minotaur I know is a male-only race ... a single man, but the Minotaurs in front of me had a woman.
Well, this is a different world from the one I was in. T r a nsl at e d b y jp m t m
I don't care about the details.
I thanked him for bringing it to Dryme, but declined to give it to the Minotaurs.
Does Drym worry about having trouble gathering villagers?
I didn't have to worry because I asked you here ...
Hakren and Rusty have always asked for thanks.
Anyway, we were carried and were saved.
It seems that Draime is with Minotaur who has been carrying it for a short while after this.
"Indeed, it's irresponsible to carry and end.
"I'm Gordon, the representative.
As I say hello, I think of those who are in front of me.
Minotaurs are twenty-eight men and forty-four women.
Among them, the obvious children are eight men and fifteen women.
The other 49 people are said to be able to work immediately ...
All those who could work were slimy.
Tra nslate d by jpm t l .c om You can see at a glance that you haven't eaten for a while.
The child was not so much, so he probably gave up the food to the child.
In such a situation, it doesn't seem very workable.
"What about a meal anyway? I'm preparing now."
The minotaurs were gathered around the place where the fighting party was held.
There, the demon maids prepare meals and distribute them.
I think the food is as gentle on the stomach as possible ... Is there any kind of taboo in the race?
The demon maid told me that I would do without any problems, so I left it.
Later, have Lou, Tia, and Flora see if anyone needs healing.
Is this okay?
No, I hadn't decided on a caretaker.
If you wait for my permission or judgment every time, things are going too slow, so it's a prepared position.
In short, it is a leader of village life.
When he was a beast, he turned to Ramian, a demon, and he still works hard.
The leader for the Minotaurs ... Who can leave it.
I didn't think. T r an s l a te d by jp mtl.c o m
"Mayor. Could you order me to take care of them?"
One of the lizardmen has hoped.
"Are you good?"
"Yes. They're not, but they've interacted with the Minotaur. If no one else knows about Minotaur."
Even if you look around, you will shake your head, and if you wish, you will be motivated enough.
"Lizard Man's Nurse"
At first, I couldn't tell, but I had a long relationship.
It can be distinguished somehow.
Although it is difficult to identify the children who are still born.
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