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After knowing Ainsley's secret, the three people couldn't see Ainsley as their usual Ainsley anymore. 

But knowing that the one who knew them and interacted with them all this time wasn't the real Ainsley but Ainsworth instead...

They finally didn't feel weird at all. 

After all, the Ainsley they knew was actually Ainsworth, not the original body's soul. 

They only felt a bit uncomfortable because they used to treat Ainsley like a real toddler but she was actually an adult instead. 

Okay, that must be annoying for Ainsley, right?? 

But she acted like a kid so well that everyone was deceived! 

It wasn't their fault if they treated Ainsley like a kid because she really acted like one! 

Jake and the others were embarrassed to mention this but in the end, it was Axelle who mentioned the topic. 

"T-then, master. S-should I treat you normally like how I treated you before, o-or should I change my attitude?" 

Axelle suddenly felt embarrassed when he knew that the one who saved him was not a child but an adult. 

It was hard to act around Ainsley, who turned out to be an adult! 

Even Jake was not an exception. He recalled how he hugged Ainsley and treated her like a kid all the time...

Oh no. If it were him, he would have hated that person who treated him like a playable doll! 

Ahhhh! What if Ainsworth hated him? And it would be awkward to continue babying her when she's an adult! 


The three people quietly peeked at Ainsley and they sighed at the same time. 

But Ain is still too cute! We can't help but think that she's a real toddler instead of an adult! 

Ainsley was tense at first, afraid that Axelle and the others couldn't accept her. 

But when Axelle asked her that question, she couldn't help but laugh. 

"You don't need to treat me differently. Anyway, I am a toddler right now. My usual behavior is also often influenced by this body..." 

Ainsley grinned and tried her best not to scare the three people. 

"Just treat me like before. No need to think that I'm actually an adult.. " 

Anyway, they wouldn't be able to think that she is an adult if they only looked at her behavior and her outer appearance. 

Ainsley was even sure that the three people would forget about her being an adult after talking to her a few more times in the future. 

Axelle gulped nervously and immediately thought that what Ainsley said was true. 

They didn't have to treat Ainsley differently because the baby had been acting like a toddler for about a year, and she was very smooth with her acting. 

Maybe it wasn't an act anymore because she had subconsciously become a real toddler. 

Axelle immediately nodded at Ainsley. "O-okay, then. I'll treat you like b-before, master." 

The same goes for Nalisha and Jake. Both of them looked at Ainsley and smiled. 

"I don't care even if you are a transmigrator. To be honest, I have long known about the transmigrator's existence." 

Jake walked toward Ainsley and casually scooped her before bringing her to the couch. 

Then, Jake sat down with Ainsley on his lap. 

"I know about transmigrators...because some of my ancestors are also transmigrators." 

Jake's casual words were like a bomb for the other three people in the room, especially Ainsley, who was a transmigrator. 

She almost jumped out of Jake's lap. 

"What?? One of your ancestors is also a transmigrator??" 

This is new for Ainsley. 

She knew that Jake could accept the existence of a transmigrator faster than others because he had seen a lot of weird things in this world. 

After all, he often roamed the world as the head of a big businessman family. 

But...but...if Jake's ancestor was also a transmigrator, that's an entirely thing! 

Jake was calm even when Ainsley was shocked to the bone. 

He faced Ainsley and the other two people's questioning gazes and laughed. 

"To be honest, the Billios Family wasn't a big family like it is now when it first started. But the second family head turned out to be a transmigrator, and..." 

Jake paused before continuing his speech under Ainsley and the others' curious eyes. 

"The second family head comes from a much more advanced world than our world." 

Jake smiled as he rubbed Ainsley's head. 

"Using his knowledge of his previous world, he brings the Billios Family to the top in just a few years." 

Ainsley was just an ordinary student back in her original world, so even if she could bring some knowledge from that world to this world, it would be hard. 

She didn't know how to create soaps, weapons or anything important because...she was just an ordinary college student who loved anime and such! 

But the Billios Family's second family head was someone with a deep knowledge of technologies and such. 

All because his occupation in his previous world was special, not like Ainsworth, who was just an ordinary college student. 

"Speaking of transmigrators, only the top elite in this world know about it." 

Jake seemed to reminisce about something as he continued. 

"But they should know that our world can develop so fast thanks to the transmigrators." 

This world was originally a fantasy-like world with no advanced technology such as the internet and such. 

They were just a fantasy world with special abilities rather than magic. 

But the transmigrators a hundred years ago or maybe long before that successfully brought some changes to this world. 

And now, this world has become a mix of modern technology and a fantasy world full of fantasy creatures. 

"The world elites had long known about transmigrators, and to be honest, a lot of famous people in history are transmigrators." 

Jake knew a lot! 

WANT MORE CHAPTERS?! Vote for our little Ain and take her to the top 20 of ReadNovelFull world. 

And don't forget to follow our baby's nanny's Instagram, @Zehell2218. The great nanny will provide you with baby Ain's rare photo shoot sometimes. 

PS: If you guys don't read this on and read somewhere else, Ain will HWUNT u and KWILL you!

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