Chapter 1 ♦ The wheels are in motion
I wonder how long I have been rocking about with the waves since I’ve been boarded onto this ship. He, who had been dozing off on the ship’s deck, woke up as he was shaken awake.
“From here on, you’ll proceed by swimming over.”
(Swimming? By myself?)
He was perplexed by the abruptness. Because if it was the first time he was out at sea, this would the first time he would be swimming.
“Head straight for the capital. A woman will be there to receive you. You can just follow that person from then on.”
Without being given the chance to ask what kind of capital it was or what kind of woman she was, he was hurried off. When he leaned forward from the deck, he saw that the night seas were dark and the squirming waves appeared like an enormous living creature which was pulsating.
He felt fearful. But he had no choice but to jump into the sea when his master, who had a whip in his hand, gesturing with his chin for him to do so.
His body sank swiftly towards the depths of the sea. At that moment, he learnt that the sea was something which he was perfectly familiar with.
Simply by paddling in the sea waters slowly, he learnt many things. That he was born in the Highlands and that he came thus far by tracing the sea routes used by the Vikings in the past. By slipping into the warm currents and leaving his body to them, he felt by instinct that he was soon approaching Brittany.
The reason why he knew all these was because his blood was the sea itself.
The red-black blood vessels covering the surface of his body pulsated as if they were responding to the waves. His was the blood of spirits born from the heaving violent seas. And his body had no skin. His exposed muscles expanded and contracted each time he paddled through the waters. The lower part of his body which resembled a horse, kicked the rocks at the bottom of the sea powerfully, and as he paddled the waters using the arms attached to the upper part of his body which was human-like, he progressed faster than any other living thing in the sea.
With a single eye which was large and shone in red, he was able to see through the dark depths of the sea and at a great distance. With that demonic eye, he was able to discern ancient ramparts in the depths of darkness.
Those were the ramparts of a capital which sank into the sea in ancient times.
At the same time as his eye fell on it, he recalled his master’s orders.
His master had rescued him from the depths of a dark, damp and humid cave. Although he was happy, his happiness soon shriveled. His master gave him many orders; he made him do dreadful things and when he didn’t do it well, he was lashed.
Even though he was frightened, instinct prevented him from going against that man. That’s why, even at this moment, he headed towards the ‘capital’ as he was ordered to.
His master said: “Destroy the capital of Armorica.” He also said: “Mermaids live there. Eat as many as you like.”
Mermaids are beautiful fairies of the seas. Although he had never seen or been taught about them, he knew. Isn’t it bad to eat something like that?
Yet even such a thought was immediately erased. I wonder how a mermaid tastes like. It must be delicious. Only such a beast-like thought came to mind.
The closer he got to the ramparts of his destination, the more its enormity and sturdiness presented itself. These walls encompassed the capital in one full circle and had probably prevented the entrance of sea water in the past, but now, it was no longer a city of the human realm.
It was a capital where fairies lived; what was here was a magical wall which did not permit the entrance of demonic creatures.
Regardless, he traced the ramparts and kicked at the bottom of the sea as he tried to search for the entrance. As he progressed, the doors of a gate made of the same granite as the ramparts came to view.
The gates which were obviously shut tightly, would probably not open easily even with his strength.
Near these gates, was a lone woman hiding behind scraggy rocks and looking at him.
Her appearance was that of a human female, but he understood with one look that she was a selkie; she must be the woman who would be guiding him.
“You’re late.”
So said the Selkie.
(Mermaid, where)
He spoke with difficulty; he was not used to speaking, and truth be told, he had a mental age similar to that of a child.
Yet there was no way he was conscious of that himself; not knowing who he was, since when he had been in that cave or where he had learnt to speak the human language, he simply followed his master’s orders without knowing a single thing.
“Just follow me.”
(From where, enter)
“From that door there. Put this over your head.”
He was handed the fur coat of a seal. Not that of a selkie’s, but of a real seal’s.
He wondered if he was supposed to be disguised as a seal and infiltrate the place. But his body which was already fully developed, was such that if he stood up tall with the upper part of his body straight, he was large enough to look down at the Selkie which took on a human form. He couldn’t be covered completely by a seal’s coat.
“Transform into a human form.”
When he was confused, the Selkie told him that.
“You can do it right?”
(Only, a short while.)
His master had told him that because the evil magic within him was too large, it was difficult for him to maintain a human form.
“A short while is fine. Just for the time until we get in through that door.”
He did as he was told.
When he took on the appearance of a young boy of around ten years of age, this time, it was his turn to look up to the Selkie.
Each time he took on this form, he felt sorrowful for some reason.
Yet, even that too would be immediately forgotten. Once he returned to being a demonic monster, he would hate all those who trembled with fear at his appearance, chase about those who tried to escape from him by running about, and only experience pleasure as he sank his sharp claws and teeth into them.
He wore the seal fur coat over his head and followed the Selkie. She was probably someone with a status that permitted her free entry and exit to this capital. When she stood in front of the large gates and said something, the heavy-looking granite doors started to open gradually.
On that day, a rare guest visited the Ashenbert mansion in London.
Lydia, who was informed by her lady attendant that the guest was First Lieutenant Ramsey, tilted her head to the side initially, but she soon realized who it was and ran out. When she entered the salon in a hurry, a well-built young man stood up from his chair and revealed an embarrassed smile.
“Lydia? Well, I nearly couldn’t recognize you.”
“Billy! It’s been a while.”
Lydia was about to run forth towards him, but Edgar stepped forth from behind her and blocked her by standing right in front of Billy.
“Hey Billy. Didn’t I tell you before? About not addressing my wife in an overly-familiar fashion?”
“… My apologies, Lady.”
Billy addressed Lydia anew with a begrudging expression, and adopted a courteous attitude towards Edgar as well.
“Earl Ashenbert, how do you do too?”
“Not well. If it weren’t for the letter from Madam Oughtred asking me to hear you out, I would have pretended that I was not in.”
Even though he said that, Edgar urged Billy to take a seat.
“Isn’t it about time that you forgot about what happened then?”
“I’ll never forget the rascals who tried to make advances on Lydia for my entire life.”
“Edgar, Billy had only done so because of his duty.”
“If it was for his duty, he could have gone further. Even though it was clearly a misunderstanding and Lydia was completely innocent.”
“You yourself had also done terrible things to Billy didn’t you*?”
“More importantly, what business do you have with us?”
Edgar said so, expressing blatantly that he wanted Billy to leave quickly more than anything else.
“Are you aware of the word that’s been going around about a monster which has been appearing frequently in London and the outskirts recently?”
Billy must have wanted to finish his business quickly as well. He said so quickly while he corrected his posture.
“A monster? I did hear that it could be a beast that escaped from a circus. Moreover, though only bloodstains and torn clothing remained, not a single body was found right? I heard that there’s a possibility of it being a complicated case of missing persons or kidnapping.”
Lydia too had heard of this rumour. The monster, which was said to blend into the darkness of the night and appear, was as large as a bear and as swift as a leopard, but no one had seen its figure clearly. There were people who said that they had heard of its strange frightening roar, but it did not resemble the roars of any beasts.
“I was also in the midst of strengthening the security thinking that it may be a beast on the loose, but Her Majesty will be heading for the villa with her family in the near future, and I have received orders from above to verify the security.”
Billy was Her Majesty’s guard. Understandably, unnerving incidents which causes were unknown would be a cause of concern to the royal palace.
“So, why have you come to me?”
Lydia also thought that was odd. Billy, with a slightly perplexed expression himself, opened his memo pad and showed them.
“There’s an injured person who had encountered the said monster and was able to escape from it. It seems that he has a severe claw wound on his back but according to the experts, it did not belong to any beasts’.”
On the memo pad, was a drawing of a human body and the wound; if the three-fingered scratch mark which extended from the shoulders to the waist was a claw wound, then one would think that it was a rather large beast with four limbs, but simply based on this, Lydia couldn’t judge if the experts’ opinions were correct.
“I heard that there was a thorn-like object which appeared to be from the epithelium of the claws in the wound, but that seemed to be something which no one has seen before.”
On the memo was a note stating that the object had a lustre like that of a fish scale.
“I heard that the victim had said that it was the devil. In any case, I heard that it was not a living thing from this world. But I can’t report such foolishness as it is to my higher-ups.”
“Didn’t you hear from the victim himself directly?”
“He had disappeared in front of his own house a few days later, leaving behind a bloodstain.”
It probably meant that he was attacked twice. Shocked, Lydia and Edgar turned to face each other.
“He must have been quite a delicious meal.”
Ignoring Edgar’s joke with a bitter expression, Billy continued.
“… I happened to have the opportunity to meet Madam Oughtred, and when I spoke to her about this, she advised me to consult Earl Ashenbert on this.”
And then, Billy added on slightly provocatively.
“I heard that your name of Lord Ibrazel isn’t just for show. So you would be familiar even with things like demonic creatures?”
Billy probably did not believe in fairies, but regardless of the kind of foolish views he was told, if it was a charm that was said to be effective in avoiding the monster in question, he would probably execute it for the sake of the Queen.
“Yeah, this is the work of dragons.”
Edgar joked nonchalantly. Not knowing whether Edgar had said it as a joke or seriously, Billy blinked his eyes repeatedly.
“Eh, hang on Edgar, don’t say random things.”
When Lydia interposed, Billy, who was teased, appeared displeased and said sullenly:
“Earl, please answer me seriously.”
“Billy, if you say that there’s no way dragons exist, what did you come here for? What do you expect from us?”
In that regard, Billy himself was probably confused as well. He couldn’t believe in things like demonic creatures, yet it was his job to ensure that the security must be able to handle even the possibility of demonic creatures appearing. Billy furrowed his brows deeply.
“Then, please tell me the way to fend off dragons.”
“That’s impossible. Saint John’s the only one who was able to go against a dragon. So you’ll have to talk to Her Majesty the Queen to cancel her plans to leave for the villa.”
“Are you asking me to tell her that it’s because dragons will appear!?”
No way, said Billy’s expression.
“… It doesn’t seem likely that she’d believe it if I was the one who said it. Earl, could you please be the one to tell her? If it’s from the Lord of Ibrazel, Her Majesty would probably also believe it.”
Billy retorted sarcastically.
“Sure, after I do that, it will just become your job to show Her Majesty that it’s safe by defeating the dragon.”
Edgar even found this amusing.
“That… please, anything but that.”
Lydia thought about this occasionally, that Edgar was the natural enemy to kind-hearted people who were not contrary.
“In any case, whether it’s a beast or a demonic creature, we’ll look into it properly. If it’s a demonic creature, there’d be no meaning in having regular security.”
Sympathizing Billy, Lydia interposed once more.
“Lydia, is there a need to go so far to empathize with this guy?”
“We’re from the family of the Blue Knight Earl. Since we’re England’s fairy doctor, we should not be reluctant to cooperate if it’s for Her Majesty’s sake.”
Lydia became a fairy doctor because she wanted to be like her late mother. Her role was to resolve troubles between humans and those who live on the opposite side of the human realm, the spiritual realm, as well as to serve as an intermediary for the two. Even though in this day and age, there were few who still believed in Seelie Courts and the Unseelie Courts which were said to be demonic creatures, they certainly existed and there were many things which could influence the human realm.
And now, Lydia had married Edgar, and as a member of the family of the Earl of Ibrazel, Lydia felt the importance of her role as a fairy doctor even more.
“I understand, Lydia. If that’s what you say, we’ll do it.”
Edgar appeared to pull Lydia towards him in an embrace and kissed her in front of Billy deliberately.
“Well then, this should suffice right, First Lieutenant? We have plans to go out after this.”
“Eh? Edgar, where are we going?”
“Where do you want to go?”
Since he even asked that, there were no such plans to go out to begin with. Regardless, he helped Lydia up and urged Billy to leave.
“Pardon my intrusion. Well then, Earl, please let me know if you find anything.”
Billy, half-exasperated, said that and left quickly. Lydia too, looked up at Edgar with exasperation.
“You are seriously…”
“Today is a long-awaited day when we do not have any appointments and so I had thought that we’d be able to spend time alone with just the two of us, yet such an interruption came in. Isn’t it fine since that matter is settled?”
Letting out a sigh, Lydia calmed herself down. She had always been twirled around by Edgar in this manner but today would be the day when things would not go his way. Lydia thought so as she pulled herself together. I must become a more reliable adult lady. I must become stronger. Recently Lydia had thought that way.
“If so, I want to go to the zoo.”
“Eh, that’s like going to see crowds. Somewhere quiet where we can relax would be good.”
“I want to verify with my own eyes that those claw marks are truly different from that of any beasts’.”
“For that purpose?”
Edgar raised his voice, as he sounded clearly opposed to the idea.
“In any case, let’s forget that and enjoy ourselves today…”
“I’ve never been to the zoo. I want to see animals like elephants and giraffes.”
“Then, next time”
“Edgar, it’ll be Easter soon. The full moon night on which the ship bound for Ibrazel will depart, is three days before Easter right? In order for us to become the real Blue Knight Earl, we must find Ibrazel.”
When Lydia said so strongly, Edgar curled his lips like a child who was admonished.
“You’re strict.”
Oh no, I’ve said something unendearing again.
Although she felt like she was going to be depressed, Lydia was unable to change her attitude. She felt that there’s no point in her staying by his side as a wife who was only adorable, and so felt hurried. However, she herself did not realize that she was feeling hurried.
“But it’s as you said. We have to stay focused.”
Edgar, who said so as he seemed to have changed his mind, turned to face Lydia with earnestness in his eyes, and Lydia patted her chest down in relief.
“See, it’s an elephant! Amazing! It’s huge.”
When Lydia ran forth, her lady attendant Kelly chased after her hurriedly.
“Lady Lydia, please be careful of your footing!”
Holding her bonnet down with one hand, Lydia slipped pass the crowds like a child and came out right in front of the elephant’s enclosure. Lydia fixed her eyes upon the mysterious animal once more. Although it was large in size, it had gentle eyes. And as the elephant swayed its charming long nose, it gazed upon the crowd.
From the elephant’s point of view, humans may be the ones which were more unusual.
“We’ll end up being separated from the Master, since it’s this crowded.”
Kelly who finally caught up with Lydia, looked around their surroundings nervously.
Once she came to London Zoo at Regent Park, Lydia unwittingly ended up being engrossed in the animals which she saw for the first time.
As she gave herself the excuse that she’d look into the ferocious animals properly and turned back towards Edgar whom she thought would probably be fed up with her, she found him raising his arm up lightly.
Relieved that Edgar was not frowning, Lydia turned back towards the elephant once more.
“You mustn’t get too close to it, My Lady.”
“Well, what will happen if this enclosure breaks? If that goes on a rampage and tackles us with its body… I shudder just at the thought of it.”
Saying that, Kelly’s body quivered.
“That’s true, it looks quite strong.”
Lydia glanced at the front legs of the elephant. It did not have claws like those which could claw humans. But since there were still many other strange animals unknown to humans in this world, it was probably premature to put the blame of the said incident on demonic creatures.
“But Lady Lydia, to think that this is your first time at a zoo, hasn’t Master brought you here before?”
Kelly tilted her head to the side in surprise.
It’s true that since before they were married, Edgar had invited Lydia out to various entertainment and she enjoyed them. But the reason why he did not invite her out to a date at the zoo, was probably because it was not quite a place with elegance.
Lydia had also heard that although zoos used to be an entertainment enjoyed by the upper class, ever since zoos became a place where anyone could come and sightsee, people from the upper class started to distance themselves from zoos.
As things are now, it’s exactly entertainment for the masses.
That’s why Lydia had hesitated to tell Edgar that she wanted to go take a look. She was in the midst of working hard to act in a manner that was becoming of a Countess, in these few months after she married Edgar, who held the peerage of an Earl.
In the end, she had forcefully pushed through her wish to go to a zoo when the idea of the zoo came to mind from the issue arising from Billy’s visit, because she may have felt that it was a chance to get Edgar to bring her.
“That’s because while zoos are interesting, if one wishes to romance ladies, it’s a place one should avoid.”
Standing beside Lydia before she noticed, Edgar answered Kelly’s question.
“I finally get to go out on a date with Lydia, yet it’d be meaningless if I can’t romance her. It’s difficult to immerse ourselves in a romantic atmosphere as we are looking at the likes of lion and tigers voraciously eating raw meat right?”
“He doesn’t think of anything other than romancing the missus huh.”
Kelly muttered under her breath, while Lydia was engrossed in the elephant before her eyes instead of paying attention to what Edgar said.
“Ah, hey look! It’s bathing in water.”
Wrapping his arm around Lydia’s shoulders, Edgar whispered.
“If you were to gaze at me with such a glow in your eyes, I’d want to try becoming a rare animal.”
“I think you are a sufficiently rare living thing yourself.”
Looking enjoyably at Lydia who was amazed, Edgar muttered “As I thought, this doesn’t quite work.”
“Well, even if there’s no opportunity for me to present myself, it’s worthwhile to come if you’re smiling; recently, you often have a grave expression on your face right?”
“Eh, i-is that so?”
“Yeah, you were so deep in your thoughts that you don’t quite respond to my jokes.”
Saying that, Edgar handed a paper bag to Lydia.
I wonder if my worries showed on my face. Lydia hurriedly chased that thought out from her head.
“What’s this?”
“I bought this at that stand there. They say that the elephants would be happy if you gave them these.”
“Ginger bread?”
That was what’s written on the bag.
When she tried reaching her hand out towards the elephants’ enclosure with those snacks she took out, the elephant reached its nose out through the gaps in the bar as it sniffed out the smell of its favourite food.
Lydia nervously stretched her hand out even more, and when the elephant snatched the food unreservedly from her hand, Lydia was surprised. But its nose which swept over her fingers were warm and Lydia felt so excited at this first experience of hers that she let out a cry of glee.
“Hey, it ate it! Amazing, what a skilful nose it has!”
“Yeah, its face is saying that it finds it delicious.”
Edgar took her hands with a satisfied expression, and placed it on his arm.
“Well, let’s go see the giraffe next.”
“Ah, but we have to investigate into the ferocious animals.”
“After the giraffe.”
And then, Lydia realized, that Edgar probably took up a joking attitude in order for Lydia to not become too serious; this was his way of showing consideration towards her.
Although if they thought about what would happen from now on they were unable to be optimistic, Edgar was someone who always tried to spend his days positively and enjoyably.
Lydia was still unable to tell Edgar about her worries and the things concerning Ibrazel were still full of uncertainties, but it was thanks to this personality of Edgar’s that she was able to feel happiness in her life every day.
Snuggling up to Edgar and walking with her hand placed on his arm had become a natural part of her daily life. Even now, simply by doing that, Lydia’s heart raced like a young girl who had just become conscious of love.
Rather, it was precisely because this was something natural to her as husband and wife, this made her conscious of the fact that Edgar was the one and only man for her.
For some reason, after she married Edgar, the feelings of yearning became stronger; the feelings were deeper and it felt harder to be separated from him compared to before.
She had probably suppressed her feelings in the past. She was careful not to like Edgar too much, but together with the sense of security that came when that was no longer necessary, she had probably liked him more and more.
I feel happiness, but I’m a little afraid.
Even though these are my own feelings, I feel that I can’t control them anymore.
“Lydia, look, it’s a giraffe.”
Lydia looked up towards Edgar who stopped in his tracks and said that.
Even though she could feel the presence of a shadow as tall as the trees moving in the direction where the crowds of people surrounding them were looking at, Lydia’s eyes were fixed on Edgar’s ash mauve eyes.
“Am I rarer than the giraffe?”
“That… seems to be so.”
I wonder what I am saying. Even though she did not know what was going on, Lydia couldn’t take her eyes off Edgar and when she felt a kiss on her lips, she blinked her eyes in surprise.
He too was gazing at Lydia at a distance that was still close enough for touch. Lydia’s cheeks turned hot in a flash.
“When you look at me with such eyes, I can’t hold myself back.”
It’s true that they were in a crowd of people. There was the presence of many people talking and moving around them.
“The giraffe is all everyone else sees.”
Saying that, another kiss fell on her once more.
Kelly may have stopped him quietly because it felt like they were about to gather more attention than the giraffe.
“Let’s go.”
Edgar took Lydia’s hand and started to walk once again.
Even if they were in a crowd, she did not feel any discomfort if she walked while nestling close to him. As they walked on, even if she was distracted by the cries of the peacock or she was looking up at the seven-coloured balloons floating up towards the sky, she wasn’t worried about bumping into other people.
Lydia thought earnestly, I don’t want to let go of this hand.
But if things are such that I’d cast a shadow on Edgar’s future.
The ferocious animals in the zoo, be it the lions, bears, jaguars or cheetahs, did not have claws that resemble the claw marks in question. The sharp claws of the vultures and eagles were also completely different.
In the end, Lydia and Edgar left the zoo without gaining any clue and were resting at a restaurant beside Regent Park.
“Lydia, there’s the scone and fruit cake left. Aren’t you eating anymore?”
Kelly had gone ahead back first. When it became just her alone with Edgar, Lydia’s worries which had been smouldering in her heart rose up to her mind once more and she lost her appetite.
“Yes… It seems that I wasn’t that hungry.”
Appearing to be worried, Edgar looked at her fixedly.
“Do you feel unwell?”
“Th-there’s no such thing.”
“Are you tired out by the crowds?”
“I’m fine.”
Even as she tried to cover up with a smile, Lydia recalled a lady whom she met about a week ago.
She was a married woman whom Lydia had met numerous times in the social events of aristocrats; she had visited Lydia, saying that she wanted to consult her as a fairy doctor. With a serious look on her face, she asked Lydia if there was any magic for her to conceive a child.
She said that she had tried all kinds of folk remedies and depended on witch doctors but they didn’t work. She was wondering if she could borrow the power of fairies, but this was probably out of desperation; she was clutching at straws.
Yet Lydia was unable to help her. Even if she depended on the whimsical fairies, rather than the fact that she couldn’t be hopeful of the results, it was more likely to bring trouble.
The lady went home despondent.
Somehow after that, Lydia’s feelings tended to be depressed. Even as she thought that there was no use even if she troubled over it, Lydia also felt hurried.
The blood of the clan from her mother’s side, called the Betrothed of the Prophet, may be binding Lydia to the Prophet magically. If that’s the case, she would be unable to carry the child of another man. It was because she was told that.
That happened in late autumn. Nearly three months had passed since then, and even though now was the time when one could feel the comings of spring, Lydia had no signs of pregnancy.
Ahh, this won’t do. If I look depressed, I’ll make Edgar worried.
Changing her mind, Lydia took the teacup in her hand. At that moment, familiar music reached Lydia’s ears. It appeared that the piano piece, which was being performed at a corner of the restaurant, had changed.
“It’s Greensleeves.”
Noticing that Lydia was listening to the music, Edgar said so.
“I like this melody.”
Although this was an old English folk tune which no one knew when it was composed, there were many lyrics which were composed to the tune. The most famous of which is a song of love dedicated to a lady by the name of ‘Greensleeves’.
The melody, which was somewhat melancholic, had the image of a clear crystal inside Lydia.
“It’s a song of a broken heart. The man, unable to forget the woman who left, sang this song for her.”
“But she had no choice but to leave, because she can’t stay on in the human world forever … Green Sleeves is the name of a fairy isn’t it?”
“Eh, isn’t it a euphemism for a wanton woman? I’ve heard that this was a song about Henry VIII and his lover.”
Edgar said that in surprise, but Lydia, who didn’t know of that theory, was the one who was surprised.
“No way, I mean, it’s ‘Green Sleeves’, you know?”
“That refers to a fairy? Now that you mention it, it is said that green is the colour of fairies.”
Lydia nodded fervently.
“Sleeves are a symbol of magic. Magicians have this image of raising up their sleeves right? That’s why existences which can wield powerful magic the way they want are called Green Sleeves, and they have come to be feared and respected. These can be fairies themselves or humans with special powers, and there are various legends about these.”
“Oh, I see. If it was a woman with magical powers, it’s no wonder that men get toyed with. ‘A wanton woman’ is such a vulgar interpretation, when it may originally have been a song about being in love with a woman from the mysterious spiritual world.”
As the pianist repeated the short melody, he modulated the tune he played. Gently, or lightly. Sometimes it was melancholic, other times it was cheerful. Winding through narrow streams, deep springs and spaces within rocks, then fluttering amongst the grass. As she listened to it, Lydia left her body to the images of freedom.
“And also, my mother said that old melodies which composers are unknown, may be melodies stolen by humans who heard the music of fairies.”
“Fairies’ music huh…. That’s why your heart is drawn to it. Don’t people call fairy doctors ‘Green Sleeves’? ”
“I wonder. If one were to be called that, he would be someone who was quite powerful.”
“How about you?”
“I… it’s impossible for me.”
To Lydia, Green Sleeves was a legendary powerful magician, and if she was a woman, she imagined that it’d be someone equipped with sublimity and charisma such that she was able to charm anyone.
The Blue Knight Earl of the past and his consort may had been such individuals.
She wondered if they were able to be close to that level, even if it’s by a little. For that to happen, Lydia thought that she herself must first have an extraordinary ability as a fairy doctor, but she couldn’t think that she did and so she felt like she was going to be depressed.
What should I do if it turns out that I’m practically a useless wife who can’t do anything for Edgar’s sake?
When Lydia placed the teacup down, Edgar suddenly placed his hand over hers. Even though they had gloves on, it was amazingly hot, and so Lydia was taken aback. That may be because his eyes which were looking at her, were tinged with heat.
“That’s great, because I do not want to become a pitiful man, like the one in the lyrics.”
Edgar said so with an awfully serious expression.
“Oh, no…. That tune has a variety of other lyrics as well, and it’s only the melody that I like.”
“Yeah, I know but when you’re feeling down, I get excessively worried.”
“I-I’m fine!”
Edgar had probably seen through Lydia’s distress as she ended up saying so with an unnaturally strong tone. He continued to look at her, but gently let go of his hand without pressing further.
“If so, that’s good.”
It was painful to lie to Edgar. The matter concerning them having children was important to Edgar as well. She also thought that she should talk to Edgar about it properly. But because she was afraid of his reaction, she was still unable to discuss with him.
“Lady Lydia, well, what a coincidence.”
Although Lydia felt relieved that her conversation with Edgar was interrupted when someone greeted her, Lydia was taken aback when she lifted her face; the one before her, was the lady who came to consult Lydia the other day about charms.
“…Lady Parrish.”
The lady exchanged greetings with Edgar as well. Then she turned to look at Lydia again and smiled. In contrast to how she was the other day with a worried face, she had a smiling face now, as if her worries were gone.
“Thank you for lending me a listening ear the other day. After that, I had a chance meeting with someone who was able to help me and so I had just started to feel a little better.”
“Well, is that so?”
Lydia wondered if that meant that she met someone who knew of a good charm. But regardless of the charm, there should be no guarantee that it’d work.
“This is it.”
Saying that, she showed them a metallic thorn-like, scale-like item kept in a small bottle. Depending on the light, it can appear to be grey or blackish-blue in colour.
And for some reason, Lydia felt a chill down her spine when she looked at it.
“What are you supposed to do with this?”
“That’s a secret. I was told that I must not tell others. Oh, I was also not supposed to show this… Please do not speak to others about this.”
She kept it away hurriedly.
“Well then, I’ll take my leave.”
Throwing an embarrassed glance towards Edgar, she turned back hurriedly and exited the restaurant with her lady attendant.
Lydia wondered exactly what kind of witch doctor Lady Parrish received that item from. She wondered if that item was truly a tool for the charm. Even as she saw the lady off, the ill-feeling of queasiness did not disappear.
“Did she consult you about something?”
“Eh, well, it’s nothing big. …Rather than saying that she was collecting charms for good fortune, she seems to like those kind of things.”
“Hmmm. Speaking of which, there’re rumours about the Parrishes’ getting a divorce.”
“No way! Why?”
Once again, Lydia raised her voice as she reacted excessively.
Lydia understood that the lady’s worry was a big problem for an aristocratic family. That being said, it was the first time Lydia heard of such a rumour emerging.
“Well, I heard that even though the missus is devoted and has a good reputation, recently the mister has been gallivanting with another woman and announcing that he would be getting a divorce.”
That was probably why she was so hurried that she would even depend on charms. If their relationship as a married couple could be mended as long as they had a child, in the event that the scale-like charm failed to work, her husband would probably leave her.
Lydia unintentionally got lost in her thoughts, and failed to notice that Edgar was looking at her worriedly.
At some point in time, the piano performance changed to that of another melody.
The darkness of the night enveloped the surroundings, and the humidity in the air coiled about her skin. The unpleasant breathing that resonated in her ears kept chasing after her no matter how much she ran. Just as she thought that the presence of the party had become so apparent that the beastly stench struck her, Ermine was completely surrounded by a pack of Black Dogs.
The demon dogs glared at her with red eyes and revealed their fangs as their long tongues hung down slovenly. They went after her as they tightened their encirclement.
She dashed through the muddy wetlands as she desperately tried to escape. However, the more vigorously she moved, the greater the pain from the wound in her shoulder and the more she bled.
I may be able to escape them if I can make it to the pond. As long as I can at least dive into the waters.
Although she thought so, she wasn’t able to move her legs as she wished.
The thick clouds covered and hid the moon. In such darkness, only the eyes of the demon dogs flickered about and shone amidst the vegetation. The more she ran the more their numbers increased, and she understood clearly that there was no gap through which she would be able to break through their encirclement.
When she gave up and stopped in her tracks out of fatigue, the demon dogs stepped forth from the depths of the thicket and surrounded her in one full circle.
I can’t be devoured and killed in a place like this. I have still not finished my role. As she thought desperately of a way to overcome this situation, at that moment, she felt the presence of a human being behind the demon dogs and turned her eyes towards him.
“… Master Ulysses.”
The master of the demon dogs, who was also a face which Ermine knew well, broke through the demon dogs’ encirclement and moved towards her. His dull blonde hair and pallid face surfaced through the darkness.
“Ermine, to think that you have forgotten the gratitude you owed to me, the one who had revived you as a Selkie after you died.”
He furrowed his brows with displeasure. He appeared to be a youth of sixteen, seventeen years of age, but the truth was unknown. Obviously, it was not her wish to be revived and Ulysses had only done so to turn Ermine into his pawn.
“I’ve searched high and low for you. I don’t know where you had been hiding, but did you return to London because it was Teran’s order?”
In the past, Ermine had escaped from Prince’s organization together with Edgar, but she betrayed Edgar twice and became a spy for Ulysses, who was Prince’s subordinate. But after she was reborn as a Selkie, she had thrown away her worldly desires. She intended to act with the thought that everything would eventually be for Edgar’s sake.
People with various interests tried to make use of her. Toyed by such intentions, she was filled with doubt about whether it would truly be for Edgar’s sake, but there was no turning back.
“You escaped from me, so that you could support Teran huh? I see, that is a dissenter; he won you over by telling you something like he’d kill that fairy doctor, who is a hindrance to you?”
“It seems that many in the Organization are coming to approve of that dissenter though.”
The ‘Prince of Calamity’, who was the self-proclaimed prince of the Stuarts, schemed to usurp the English throne by using the magic of the Unseelie Courts. The Organization with him at its top, was one which Ulysses was currently holding the actual authority ever since the fourth prince died.
That was because Ulysses had the ability to manipulate the magic of fairies. Yet there was another person in the Organization who was capable of wielding black magic; that person was Teran. That man, who was not given any position of importance under the previous prince, had been raising objections against how Ulysses handled matters recently.
Ermine was ordered by Teran to escape from Ulysses’ side. The infiltration of the Mermaid Country, Armorica, was a suggestion by Ermine to Teran in order for him to trust her.
The fairies of Brittany, had a bond with the family of the Blue Knight Earl since ages past. Ermine told Teran that it was problematic now that the fairies of Brittany had acknowledged Edgar as the new Blue Knight Earl and were willing to lend him their strength.
“What did Teran order you to do? It’s for your own sake that you answer.”
Once Ulysses said so in a threatening manner, the demon dogs started to growl.
“That sorcerer would go so far as to break the soul of that important Lord of yours just to install him in Prince’s throne you know.”
“Your wanting to turn Lord Edgar into Prince is the same isn’t it?”
Ermine moved backwards little by little, but of course, the demon dogs were waiting behind her.
“At the very least, I for one intend for the Lord himself to awaken to Prince’s powers on his own. Otherwise, he wouldn’t become the ‘King’. Teran is dreaming that he’d be in a position to influence the King.”
Ermine thought that it was also doubtful how much Ulysses himself intended to obey Edgar as ‘Prince’. Ulysses hated Edgar personally. Even if Edgar fulfilled the criteria of being ‘Prince’, it was questionable if Ulysses would be able to sincerely serve someone he hated.
As Ermine thought that in this case, she’d rather Teran, who did not have any hidden feelings towards Edgar, to be ‘Prince’s’ close aid, she felt a bitter smile emerge.
Perhaps her faint smile had gotten on his nerves, as irritation spread across Ulysses’ face.
“Do you have no intention to speak? If so, I’ll keep you company until you think that you’ll want to talk. Completely, that is.”
Taking the sign from his raised arm, the demon dogs kicked off the ground all at once.
Ermine set her knife up in order to resist the demon dogs which were coming at her.
However, she wasn’t able to completely parry off the pack of demon dogs which kept coming at her one after another.
Sensing a presence behind her, she was taken aback and she turned around. There were bared fangs right before her eyes. At the moment when she froze as there was nothing she could do, suddenly water started to rise up gradually from the muddy ground at her feet and the demon dogs were sent flying.
The water covered Ermine and dragged her into the muddy waters which was supposed to be shallow.
In an instant, there was an oppressive feeling as if she had trouble breathing but Ermine was released from that feeling immediately. When she opened her eyes, she was standing at the bottom of clear waters.
“Even though you’re a water fairy, you’re dull as usual.”
Right beside her, stood a man she knew.
His black curly hair swayed back and forth in the water. His fearless facial features were so beautiful they were otherworldly, but obviously he was not an existence from the human world. He was Kelpie, an Unseelie Court.
“You, why are you here…”
“What’s with that? To think I saved you and that’s the first thing you say.”
Ermine gave her thanks with a grimace, while Kelpie looked at her with amusement as he lifted the tip of his mouth.
“Well, I guess that’s fine. This is a tributary of Thames River right? That’s my hunting ground, and these wetlands are also part of the river.”
With that many demon dogs gathered by the waterside, it was only natural that Kelpie would pick up on their presence.
Since it was the riverside, there would probably not be any fairy which could overwhelm Kelpie.
Ermine had known this fairy who was close to Lydia, since some time back. They had occasionally exchanged information with each other, and they had a mutual understanding of how Kelpie worked for Lydia’ sake while Ermine worked for Edgar’s sake so perhaps they had a sense of affinity to each other as they were both unsuccessful in their loves.
“I see. Well then, I’ll be going off.”
Ermine felt her feelings wavering simply by meeting someone she knew. As she thought dearly of the earl family and her feelings of doubt towards whether what she was doing was truly for their happiness expanding, she also felt like giving everything up.
In order for things to not turn out that way, Ermine turned her back on Kelpie.
“Oi, that’s it?”
However, Kelpie held her back by simply grabbing her arm. The wound in her shoulder hurt, and she involuntarily winced from the pain.
“Are you injured? You can’t even heal yourself of an injury of this level?”
As Kelpie said that, he placed his hand on her shoulder above her clothes.
When she felt his large hand, the pain gradually receded. Water purified the magic which lurked in her wound. And so, Kelpie probably realized what kind of fairy had inflicted this wound.
“You, why are you even pursued by the mermaids? Isn’t this a graze caused by the harpoon of mermaids?”
Ermine shook off the hand of Kelpie who was trying to cure her wound.
“This has nothing to do with you.”
“Would that be the case? The things you get involved in are things which impact the Earl’s future. In other words, this is a problem concerning Lydia’s future.”
“…In any case, please don’t be kind to me. You understand right? For selkies, kelpies are an unpleasant species.”
The truth is, because I need to steel myself, I don’t want to be treated kindly.
Kelpie snorted with an ‘hmph’.
“Fine. Then let’s cut to the chase. Because even for me, it’s not as if I wanted to be kind that saved you from the demon dogs.”
Naturally, Kelpie had various things which he wanted to ask Ermine. Folding his arms, he stood in front of Ermine, as if he was saying that he wouldn’t let her escape until they were finished talking.
“You, previously you escaped from Ulysses’ side didn’t you. So anyhow, you’d be pursued by the demon dogs, but mermaids are Seelie Courts and should be unrelated to Prince’s organization right?”
“I was hiding in the mermaid’s country for some time.”
“Yet why were you attacked?”
“Because I betrayed them.”
“Huh, how many times does your master want to make you betray others before he is satisfied?”
“My role is that of a spy. As long as I am ordered to, I will infiltrate any place pretending to be an ally.”
“So, that master, did he tell you to ingratiate yourself with that guy Teran this time?”
Ermine heaved a sigh. It seemed that Kelpie was listening in on her conversation with Ulysses up to the very last moment when she was about to be assaulted.
“That guy, he seems to be a person who is on opposing terms with Ulysses in Prince’s organization. Who on earth and for what purpose, did this person make you distance yourself from Ulysses and join Teran’s faction? Would that be for the Earl’s benefit?”
When she kept silent, Kelpie shrugged his shoulder as he gave up.
“You can’t say huh. Even so, isn’t he pushing you too far? Somehow, you have a weird smell about you.”
She tried to distance herself from Kelpie who had a keen sense of smell by backing away, but he pulled Ermine towards him and placed his face closer.
“This is… You can’t have come into contact with a Nuckelavee* have you?”
“It’s Teran’s monster.”
“Oi, don’t tell me that that’s the monster which had been causing rampage around London?”
Shocked, Ermine lifted her face.
“In London? Is that true?”
“Nico and those small fairies said something like that.”
If that’s the case, then it meant that Teran had released that in London.
A bad feeling arose in her chest. Teran had competency as a sorcerer and on top of that, he was a man who would do whatever it takes to achieve his objectives. In a sense, that made Teran nastier than the crafty Ulysses. That’s all the more reason why it was necessary for Ermine to be close to Teran, but she wasn’t able to get a grasp of Teran’s schemes completely.
“If so, Lady Lydia…. She may be targeted.”
“What did you say!?”
When Kelpie raised his voice, he wrapped his arms around Ermine roughly.
“If so, let’s go quickly.”
At the same moment, he turned around while still holding onto Ermine that way.
“Hang on, where to?”
“Of course it’s to London. We must stop the monster.”
“If it’s you, you’ll be able to lower the Nuckelavee’s guard right? Because it’s not a demon that we can fight head on.”
While still carrying Ermine in his arms, Kelpie dashed through the waters as if he was flying. She, who had no choice but to entrust herself to that speed, felt enveloped by a strange sense of security.
She had always been in a position in which she fought alone. To her, because Kelpie was the faint connection she had with Edgar and her brother, being able to feel Kelpie’s existence as that of an ally may have brought her a small sense of happiness.
“Ahés, what’s the extent of damage?”
The Princess of Armorica, furrowed her brows at that question. She had an ancient castle on a small island along the rose-coloured coast, Côte de Granit Rose, and that island was the only land that connected to the capital under the sea. In one of the rooms, the princess sank her body into her throne which was decorated with jewels, as she looked on at the visitor who asked her that nonchalantly.
“Enormous. Every place was destroyed and it’s a lot of work to restore everything.”
“But, no harm was brought to the mermaids right?”
“Certainly, since I had them evacuated before everything happened, in accordance to your proposal. I had also cast magic in advance to make the regular fishes which were swimming about appear like the mermaids.”
The visitor nodded satisfyingly.
“So, what purpose does this serve?”
“Of course, it’s for Ibrazel’s sake.”
“The mermaids really believe that Ermine is an ungrateful betrayer.”
“That’s fine. Otherwise, Ermine will be doubted by Prince’s organization.”
“Even so, to think that there exists a human who is able to control a Nuckelavee; I have not imagined that even in my wildest dreams. Even without ‘Prince’, that Organization is a dangerous existence.”
“Yes, or rather, the fact that Prince isn’t around may be the problem. Because the individual desires of the people within the organization cannot be controlled.”
“So, what do you intend to do?”
“For the sake of Ibrazel and your Armorica, as well as all the Seelie Courts, I believe that this is the best method. Let’s place our hopes on the possibilities we have left.”
Saying that, he placed his hand on his chest as if in prayer.
“Are you saying that Ermine is the foundation for that?”
“I have made Ermine leave Ulysses, an executive member of the Organization, and join Teran’s faction. As long as Ulysses is unable to suppress Teran, Teran will be the one who is the most dangerous, but getting Ermine to do so also serves to stir up the opposition within the Organization.”
“Are you wishing for their mutual destruction?”
“It will probably not be that simple. Furthermore, if Teran gains power, it may also have an adverse effect on our end. He lacks far more prudence than Ulysses. Even so, this is something that is necessary.”
Ahés sighed.
“The possibility that you are placing your hopes on, in the end, who is it referring to? The Blue Knight Earl who is also Prince himself?”
“The Prophet.”
Ahés’ visitor replied without hesitation.
“The one who inherits the blood of the McKeels of Hebrides…. In the past, I had caught a glimpse of how only that person had the possibility of eradicating the darkness brought upon by the Prince of Calamity. Let’s pray for the fulfilment of that prophecy.”
[1] See Book 11 (Bridal Training in the Rose Maze) Chapter 5: Raven threw Billy into a pit of horse manure after Billy abducted and made advances to Lydia.
[2] The Nuckelavee is a horse-like demon from Orcadian mythology that combines equine and human elements. It has its origins in Norse mythology, and is the most horrible of all the demons of Scotland's Northern Isles. (From wiki)
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