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The Delunio palace buzzed like a beehive, but that was to be expected. Political unrest had broken out in Soljest during the celebration of its alliance with Natra and Delunio.

The festivities were put on hold, and Delunio’s top leaders frantically debated over a course of action without a moment’s rest.

“Any word from Soljest?”

“We’ll have to rethink our defensive strategy if the alliance fails!”

“Send an ambassador to contact King Kabra! And don’t forget the spies!”

“What about the ceremony? Most of the guests are still lodging in the castle town.”

The pandemonium reigned while everyone panicked over this unforeseen twist.


King Lawrence stared at everyone as he sat like a piece of furniture. Present in body alone, he didn’t add a single word to the discussion. His lack of trust in his vassals was evident in his frustrated expression.

Everyone else was well aware of the king’s mood but paid him no mind. After all, asking his opinion felt like a waste of time. Delunio found itself in a dysfunctional situation where mutual trust and respect between ruler and retainer was nonexistent.

“…Your Majesty.” One person did call out to King Lawrence, however. It was Prime Minister Mullein. “There is one matter we wish for you to approve.”

The request was a courteous one but left no room for debate. Lawrence gulped.

“Wh-what is it…?” Lawrence couldn’t refuse. After all, Mullein was the true leader of Delunio, not him.

The Prime Minister’s lips curled into a smile. “Why, it’s quite obvious—we wish to take advantage of the situation.”

“…Things aren’t going well for us,” Eastern Levetia missionary Yuan groaned in a room of the Delunio palace.

“The ceremony’s postponement was certainly a hard blow. Especially considering the funds spent…” replied an ally who’d accompanied him from the East.

Yuan shook his head. “That’s not the issue. We can repeat the process as long as we raise enough money. If we wish to hold a ceremony, we just have to wait for another opportunity to approach Sir Mullein.”

“Then what troubles you?”


Yuan couldn’t put the foreboding sensation into words, but he knew ignoring it was ill-advised. That was a rule of thumb from his merchant days.

Everything was going so well, too…

Eastern Levetia’s greatest desire was to take control of Levetia rather than the West as a whole. That was the reason it approached Delunio’s Prime Minister Mullein in the first place.

The fall of Delunio. Widespread famine in the West. Mullein, who rejected the former prime minister and wished to carve his own path. Everything came together harmoniously and opened Delunio’s door for Eastern Levetia.

Unfortunately, we’re still outsiders in the end. Coin can do nothing more to earn us a place in this country.

Eastern Levetia’s position in Delunio was like a sandcastle ready to crumble at the tiniest misstep. That’s why Yuan encouraged Mullein to hold a ceremony that would allow Eastern Levetia to unite with Natra and Soljest.

The triple alliance between Natra, Soljest, and Delunio differed from the solidarity among Western nations, and Eastern Levetia intended to weave itself into that framework.

Princess Falanya left a decent impression as well.

Yuan was only referring to her amiable nature. Her brother, Prince Wein, was the one in charge, so Eastern Levetia’s people would need to speak with him if they hoped to spread their doctrine to Natra.

Natra’s rapid development meant an endless demand for manpower and resources. Yuan believed Eastern Levetia could form a solid relationship with the country by filling that void.

Or so I thought until the chaos in Soljest broke out.

Both Natra and Delunio were busy keeping a close eye on Soljest. Eastern Levetia was the last thing on their minds.

But depending on how Soljest fares, we may be able to seize upon the situation.

King Gruyere was a Holy Elite. Introducing Eastern Levetia to his domain was once a daunting task, but now his son Kabra had ousted him.

Would Kabra inherit the title of Holy Elite? He’d certainly try, but there was no telling whether or not the others would accept a usurper. If they rejected Kabra and Eastern Levetia’s message spread to Delunio and Natra, Soljest might follow in its allies’ footsteps. Perhaps that was too tall an order, though.

At any rate, we should get in touch with King Kabra as soon as possible.

Yuan’s mind raced as he calculated the necessary funds.

It’d be a simple enough matter if Princess Tolcheila could act as our liaison, but that might prove challenging. I hear the siblings are political rivals.

Yuan recalled that, prior to the ceremony’s postponement, he spoke with Tolcheila briefly before Falanya. Despite the young woman’s harsh demeanor, Yuan had hoped to find some in with her. Unfortunately, his attempt proved futile.

At least, that’s how it appeared at the time. Yuan wouldn’t have given the encounter a second thought if things ended there, but…

What was that?

Tolcheila had expressed disinterest and cut Yuan off in the middle of his pitch. And when Yuan excused himself, he saw something in the princess’s eyes.

A hunger, like a beast staring at prey.

“…What should we do now?”

The uprising in Soljest forced every nation to rearrange its schedule. The same was true for Falanya’s delegation group.

“I told Wein in my letter that I’d wait here until Delunio came to a decision…but there’s been no action.”

Delunio requested that she remain in the country so everyone could decide on a proper response. Falanya had no objection to this, but it felt as though the situation had come to a standstill. There was a good chance Delunio was stuck in a heated debate, but at this rate, her delegation would be pointlessly waiting around forever.

“What do you think, Sirgis?”

Falanya looked at the man beside her, but her trusted vassal’s mind was clearly elsewhere.


She called out to him again, and the man jolted as he returned to himself.

“My apologies. I was lost in thought.”

“Is something troubling you?”

“Ah, no…” Sirgis hesitated for a moment. “I’m simply surprised to hear Eastern Levetia has entered Delunio…”

“Come to think of it, aren’t you the one who promoted the Teachings of Levetia here?”

“Yes. And I stand by that decision.”

The Delunio Kingdom was a tiny nation bordering the central continent. Surrounded by menacing neighbors on all sides, it had no choice but to vow allegiance to Levetia to save itself.

“But now Sir Mullein is working with Eastern Levetia.”

“It’s not unusual for successive administrations to prioritize feelings over logic, publicly reject a predecessor’s policies, or lead the nation in the opposite direction.”

Politicians rarely relinquished their position willingly. They often fell from power through either the natural cycle of life or government mismanagement. Deviating from a predecessor’s established practices was a simple way for the next generation to set itself apart from older failures.

Thus, it was no surprise that the new prime minister, Mullein, wanted to take the country in a fresh direction after Sirgis was banished.

“An alliance between Delunio and Eastern Levetia is still far too risky…” Sirgis muttered.

A close relationship with Eastern Levetia would mean breaking existent ties with mainstream Levetia. In Sirgis’s opinion, doing so while ignoring Delunio’s unresolved geographic issues was akin to marching toward a cliff.

“Then… Maybe that’s why he’s trying to strengthen Delunio’s relationship with Natra and Soljest?”

Falanya was trying to spare Sirgis’s feelings, but she made a good point. If Delunio intended to step beyond Levetia’s protection, it would need a new shield.

And the hope was that new bulwark would come from the triple alliance. The threat of counterattack from Natra and Soljest would make Delunio untouchable.

“Yes… You may be right.” Sirgis nodded. “Forgive me. I’m supposed to be a loyal servant of Natra, and yet…”

Falanya shook her head. “This is your homeland. It’s only natural to be concerned.”

Sirgis gave an empty smile. “I surprise myself. I always considered my nation’s future when I was prime minister, but never to this extent. Now that I’m here in my homeland as an outcast…”

A far-off look entered his eyes. Falanya wavered at the sight of him.

“Um, Sirgis. You—”


A voice abruptly cut between the two, and they whipped around.

Nanaki appeared from the dark.

“N-Nanaki, you should knock first.”

“It’s an emergency,” he said, brushing off Falanya’s protests. “The situation’s changed. You have to decide again whether or not you want to stay.”

“…What happened?” she asked with growing alarm.

“It’s war.”

The young man’s crimson eyes wavered mysteriously.

“Those Delunio guys are declaring war on Soljest.”

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