Hello, this is Hiro Ainana.
Thank you so much for picking up Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Volume 18!
As always, it’s thanks to the support of you lovely readers that I can keep putting out more volumes. I’ll do my best to add even more fun and excitement as the story goes on, so I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Since the last volume came out in August, this one is coming out in March, a little sooner than usual.
This March has certainly been a busy one. As a full-time author, my work life wasn’t particularly eventful aside from trying a few new things, but I did encounter some rather difficult things on the personal end. I sincerely hope that I never have to give someone CPR and ride with them in an ambulance ever again, for the sake of my own life span as well.
Now, I think it’s about time to get into the details of this volume as usual.
Satou and Mito were finally reunited in the previous volume, except Satou was the only one who realized it at the time.
As you might realize by rereading older volumes, there were a few pieces of odd information between Satou and Mito. Yes, unlike the web novel, in this version the two of them are actually ______. You’ll know what the rest of that sentence would say once you read this volume.
Mito’s feelings echo in the background as the story continues, focusing on Satou’s efforts to acquire a particular item in the auction. Summarized like that, it sounds just like the web novel, but I rewrote so much that you’d be hard-pressed to find a single scene that remains the same. And of course, there are side stories still going strong.
I overhauled the royal academy arc, which was very popular in the web version, and added plenty of fun new scenes. And of course, there’s Pochi and Tama’s field trip, too!
And Sherin, the new character who appears in the frontispiece illustration for this volume, joins Pochi and Tama in the spotlight, too.
She’s actually the daughter of Mr. Gouen, who was forced into a difficult battle a few volumes ago. You’ll have to read the rest of this volume to find out how she gets involved with Satou’s crew.
I don’t want to spoil too much, so let’s wrap this section up here.
Before the acknowledgments, one quick announcement.
As you may have already seen on the official site or an insert flyer, Death March, Volume 19 (which is scheduled to release next spring) will have a special edition that includes a drama CD—a series first!
In the audio drama, Satou returns from the royal capital to Labyrinth City, where Zena brings him a book that leads to everyone teaming up to go on a quest together. It’s a brand-new short story that I wrote just for this CD.
Please wait for the cast to be announced on the official site. I, too, am excited to find out who’ll be playing Miss Karina.
And now for the usual acknowledgments!
My editors A and I always give such wonderful suggestions and rewriting advice. They get rid of any confusing or long-winded passages and redundant sentences and add more charm and realism to each scene. I hope I can continue to depend on their advice and encouragement for a long time to come. We’ve also got a new addition as of the end of this volume, Mr. S of the editorial department, who will no doubt bring fresh perspective and power to the world of Death March.
And of course, I am eternally grateful to Shri for breathing life into Death March with magnificent illustrations in every volume. I especially adore the pitch-perfect illustration of Sherin for this volume’s frontispiece.
Thank you also to the editorial department at Kadokawa Books, as well as everyone else who was involved with the release, distribution, sales, promotion, and multimedia aspects of this volume.
And finally, my heartfelt thanks to all of you, the readers!!
Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end!
Let’s meet again in the next volume for a tour around various provinces!
Hiro Ainana
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