Chapter 2
“Is Oda in this class?” During breaks, girls from other classes or people recruiting for their clubs would always come to talk to Yuugo. Each time it happened, he would stand and talk to them in the doorway. At the end of April, most everyone in class had decided on a club activity. Since Yuugo was so tall, members of sports clubs always invited him to join, but he hadn't accepted any offers yet.
“I’m Majima from the volleyball club. If you haven’t decided on a club activity yet...” And each time Yuugo would stare at them with that smile on his face, and both girls and boys were always speechless. His almond-shaped eyes could make anyone’s heart pound.
“Yuugo.” Tomoki clapped a hand on his shoulder from behind. “I told you. you shouldn't stare at people you don’t know like that!" Besides looking after him, Tomoki had recently started scolding him. “Don’t pay attention to him, Senpai. He has this habit of staring at people like that. It doesn't mean anything.” Even though Tomoki would explain that, they would always hurry away with their faces bright red.
"If you're not trying to come on to them, you shouldn't stare at people like that! It’s like you’ve never seen a face before!" His tone grew a little angry. Even Tomoki would feel his heart pound when Yuugo looked at him like that. As soon as he found out that it was just a habit, he had secretly felt disappointed. And he also felt a little uncomfortable at the same time.
Ever since the incident at the electronics store, Tomoki had felt like he just couldn't leave Yuugo alone, so he had been going around making sure others wouldn’t misunderstand Yuugo’s behavior.
“Isn’t it weird how people have so many different faces?”
Tomoki guessed Yuugo meant it was interesting how different people looked. “Did you not grow up around a lot of people?”
“Yeah, there weren't many people there."
"What, were you raised by wolves in the mountains of Shikoku or something? There are still people out in the country!”
“Wolves? Hmm...Something like that. Anyway, there weren’t a lot of people around.” Yuugo smiled and lightly stroked Tomoki’s hair, like he was petting a cat's fur. "Have you remembered me yet?”
"Remembered what about you?”
“Never mind.”
“You are so weird.” Tomoki looked away a fed-up expression on his face. Even though Yuugo had touched him in such a meaningful way. he had still evaded Tomoki’s question, as usual. And even though he was growing used to it, Tomoki still blushed furiously when Yuugo got so close to his face.
When he walked around with Yuugo, girls would always come up to them, saying, “Oda-kun!" When they were on their way back from gym after fourth period, girls called out and waved to him. “Over here. Oda-san!" Every time someone called his name. Yuugo would turn towards them and give them his signature smile. Tomoki was obviously annoyed, and walked right past the girls.
“Do you have to be so friendly to everyone?” he asked crossly when they were alone in the locker room. A breeze drifted in from the tall, open window on one side of the room. “You don’t have to smile at every single one of them, you know.”
“It’s not like it’s hurting you, right?" Yuugo said as he leaned against the lockers and looked at Tomoki.
“I-I know, but if your girlfriend lived nearby and found out, I bet she’d be really jealous.”
“She lives really close." Yuugo answered, smiling.
“What? She’s not from Shikoku? I totally thought you were in a long-distance relationship!”
“Nope, the person I love lives here. That's why I moved."
“Don’t tell me she’s older and you guys live together in your condo or something!” Tomoki’s eyes suddenly widened and he leaned in closer. Even though they walked home from school together, Tomoki would always end up going home first.
“Hey, we’re the same age and we don’t live together.”
Hmm. Really? You walk home with me, so I guess she goes to a different school, huh? What is she like? I bet she's way hotter than the girls at our school.” Tomoki was speaking casually, but inside his heart was pounding. “Does she come to your house a lot?” he asked, suddenly feeling nervous.
Maybe that's why he's never invited me inside.
"I see her all the time, but she never conies over. I told you, I've never even held hands before.”
“Seriously? She won't even let you hold her hand? She must be a prude," Tomoki said sympathetically. Once he knew Yuugo’s girlfriend wasn't going over to his house. Tomoki felt a little relieved. Still, Yuugo had someone he really cared about. Maybe Yuugo goes home alone so he can change to go out on dates with her... “Anyway, you should stop smiling like that at everyone you see. For your girlfriend's sake," he said, choosing his words carefully. “If you guys are going out, she probably wants to feel like she's the only special one in your life.”
“It sounds like you're jealous or something." Yuugo said, smiling, and Tomoki immediately blushed. “Are you really that worried about me?" He peered at Tomoki's face, amused. “Do you want to get to know me better?"
“Huh?” Tomoki's heart jumped at the tender tone in Yuugo's voice.
“That’s why you were waiting for me, right?"
“I...” Tomoki couldn’t find the words to answer. He tried to stop himself from blushing at the sensual way Yuugo was staring at him. It was true. He had waited for Yuugo after the bell rang. But that was all. He wasn't jealous, or worried about him, or anything. He wanted to say that, but just couldn't find the words. Why can't I say anything? “I-I'm gonna go ahead back to the classroom now,” he said quietly as he looked away. I'm such an idiot. No matter what Yuugo said to him, he couldn't explain himself. Tomoki was so embarrassed- he had to get out of there.
“I’m sorry, Tomoki.” Yuugo grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “I'll hurry and change, just waitfor me,” he whispered into his ear. His shirt was still unbuttoned. Tomoki felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Just then, the bell for lunch rang. Tomoki felt relieved. He pushed on Yuugo's chest. “Hurry up.” He grabbed Yuugo’s uniform, and they walked out of the locker room even though Yuugo’s shirt was still unbuttoned. He began to button it up on the way to the classroom, and was putting on his uniform when some girls called out to him, and he smiled back at them warmly.
He never learns! As Tomoki walked back to his seat, his head began to hurt. Of course it was Yuugo’s prerogative to smile, but every time he did so, it irritated Tomoki to no end. He had no idea why. Maybe it's because I’m jealous that he gets all the attention...or maybe I just want to monopolize him... or maybe I'm just being childish.
"Can we go home now, Tomoki?” Yuugo called out to him after school.
He had been in a bad mood, but Tomoki felt himself nodding cheerfully as he picked up his bag. No matter how many cute girls invited him to walk home together, Yuugo would always smile and turn them down, then go over to Tomoki. It definitely made him feel good, but Tomoki was always surprised at the jealous glares from the girls.
"Oh, Tomo-kun!”
“Oda, Naruse will take care of it, so don't flirt with the girls anymore!" Ever since Oda became closer with Tomoki’s group of friends, they started teasing him like that. Yuugo gave them a friendly wave and then pushed Tomoki’s back.
“Ohhh, looks like Naruse really likes Oda!” Their classmates laughed after the two boys had left the room. Even though his flirtatious smile hadn't changed, Oda had stopped hanging out with the girls so much.
“Guess we finally have a chance with the girls now!" Tashiro said, his eyeglasses gleaming. They had found out that Yuugo was the type of guy who paid no attention to anyone but the person he liked. After a while, the girls would give up on him and start paying attention to the other boys in the class. If that happened, Tashiro and the other boys thought they would definitely get a chance with the girls.
It was a leisurely fifteen minute walk to Tomoki's house from school. A lot of students took the bus, so they didn't usually see many of their classmates walking around nearby. When they entered the residential district from the main street, cars and other passersbv were also a rare sight.
“I understand you less and less each day." Tomoki quietly grumbled.
Yuugo laughed and shrugged his shoulders.
“The reason I'm so friendly to everyone is because I don't want to cause conflict. My grandma gave me that advice in her will.”
“Oh, come on. 1 bet your grandma's still alive,” Tomoki said in a teasing voice, clapping Yuugo on the shoulder.
Yuugo smiled. “No, I’m serious. It’s true. I’m actually not good at getting along with people. I’m just not interested in others."
“Are you for real? Then, why are you going home with me?!”
“Do you not like it?” Yuugo raised his eyebrows.
“That’s not what I mean. I was just wondering.” When he thought about it. their houses were in the same direction, and Tomoki figured being constantly asked by the girls was annoying, so maybe Yuugo was just walking home with him so he could give them an excuse of “I’m going home with Tomoki.” What exactly do I want him to say ?
Yuugo leaned in and whispered, “As long as you don’t have a problem with it, who cares?”
Tomoki held his ears and indignantly cried. “Will you stop whispering in my cars like that?” He turned bright red and showed his irritation to Yuugo, who had an amused look on his face. “You just do this kind of thing to everyone!”
"Have you ever seen me whisper to anyone else?” Yuugo crinkled his eyes and smiled.
I guess not...but...
Tomoki wasn't sure why he was the only one. "Yuugo, are you teasing me?”
"Nah, but you've always liked having your ears touched."
"What are you talking about?!” Tomoki stopped walking and demanded seriously, but Yuugo kept smiling and pushed him forward.
“We’re in the middle of the road, silly.” The stoplight was about to turn red, so Tomoki started to run to the other side. “So, where should we go today?”
“You always dodge my questions like that,” Tomoki said with a serious face as Yuugo put his arm around his shoulders. “Don't you want to answer anything I ask you?" Yuugo was still so mysterious to him. The more he got to know him, the less he understood him. He thought Yuugo probably liked him, which was why they were friends. But even though he was very friendly. Yuugo didn't talk much. Even though they had been friends for a while, Tomoki had never heard about Yuugo's family or private life.
“Do you just want someone to tease until you have to go home or something?” Why am I getting so upset? Among their classmates. Yuugo and Tomoki lived closest to each other. Even if they walked slowly, their houses were only about five minutes apart. They would walk together until the park, then Yuugo would always say, “See ya!” and they would part. “We live so close, but you always go home right away...” His voice sounded so critical, Tomoki clapped his hand over his mouth. He looked down as he felt his face grow hot. “Forget I said that.” he said, waving his hands. He didn't want to sound selfish and like he wanted to spend more time with Yuugo.
“Tomoki, do you wanna come over?" Yuugo asked quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t get your hopes up. I don't have a lot of stuff yet, so it's a pretty boring place. If that's okay with you, why don’t you come over?” His face grew serious, and his usual smile was gone.
Tomoki felt bad about sounding so selfish before, but then felt relieved by Yuugo’s request. He started to feel happy. Maybe Yuugo's room had just been messy and he was embarrassed to have him over.
“I live alone, so there's really nothing in there,” Yuugo repeated, and Tomoki nodded, his eyes wide.
“You’re right...there's really nothing in here,” Tomoki whispered as he looked around Yuugo’s room.
Yuugo had entered a pass code at the entrance of the building, and then they rode a large elevator up to his room. Even though Yuugo had told him not to get his hopes up, Tomoki was imagining a luxurious condo. It was newly built, so the rooms were clean, and it was large for someone to live in alone. But the three rooms were completely empty. He had the bare necessities, but it didn’t feel like someone lived there. There was a narrow bed in the comer of the large living room, and on the opposite side were the computer and television Yuugo had bought with Tomoki, still lying on the floor.
"So, I guess your girlfriend really doesn't come over, huh?” Tomoki felt strangely relieved.
There wasn't a table, so Yuugo set the plastic bags from the convenience store directly on the floor. In the large, empty room, the sound of him rummaging in the bags to get out the drinks they had bought seemed strangely loud. Their voices also echoed, so they both spoke very quietly.
“I think it would be more convenient if you had some furniture here.”
“Will you pick some out for me, Tomoki?"
He was living in this nice condo, so it seemed like a pity that he had no furniture. Yuugo was just using the living room and the kitchen; it almost seemed like he was only living there temporarily. The room was warm from the heater, yet Tomoki felt strangely cold. He sat down and hugged his knees to his chest.
Seeing this, Yuugo handed him a down comforter. “Well, I’m not that cold.” It was almost as if it wasn’t Tomoki’s body that was cold, but the atmosphere of the empty room. “So you really live alone, huh, Yuugo?”
“My grandma was the only family I had. She died about two years ago.”
“I’m sorry. It was true what you said about your grandma...” Tomoki apologized. He had thought Yuugo was just teasing when he had talked about his grandma’s will.
“It’s okay, don't worry about it. My dad died when I was really little, and then my mom left and has another family somewhere. I think that kind of thing happens a lot nowadays.”
He went on to explain that he had lived with just his grandmother in the country, and while they had a few servants for as long as he could remember who fixed meals and such for them, they had rarely talked to Yuugo. He had taken correspondence courses, and an older man had come to tutor him, as well. He hadn’t been outside of his house much since he was about five years old. His grandmother was from a well-known, wealthy family, so the family doctor would come to make house calls. So he never even left the house for medical treatment.
“I was studying at home until last year, so I had never even been inside a school. I’ve seriously never been around other kids my age. It's the first time I’ve gone to school, so I can’t help it if people think I’m weird. My grandma really did give me that advice in her will. She called it ‘the secret to success in life.’ No one feels ill will or doubts towards someone who always has a smile on their face, right? If you smile, things will go well.”
“I see...” Tomoki looked a little depressed after hearing how Yuugo grew up.
“It’s not a big deal,” Yuugo said, waving his hand. “So anyway, I just don't understand girls. I only understand about half of what they're saying.”
“You’re not alone. Girls always talk in abbreviations and stuff, so even the rest of us guys barely understand them."
“Yeah, I bet half the stuff they say isn’t even in the dictionary!" Yuugo said, laughing.
Even though Yuugo was laughing, Tomoki couldn’t help thinking about how Yuugo was all alone, with no parents or grandmother. He didn't want to blurt out seething that sounded like he pitied him. Tomoki couldn’t imagine what it must be like to live alone.
"But I like living alone. 1 don’t get my inheritance until I'm twenty, but the person who handles my grandmother's estate, my guardian, bought this condo for me, so I don't have to worry about money. If you’re okay with an empty room like this, you should come over more often. But don’t tell anyone about it, because I’m not really very good at talking to other people.”
“It’s okay if I come over? I won’t be bothering you?”
“No, you're always welcome here.”
Tomoki put his hands on his flushed cheeks and tried not to smile. He was happy that Yuugo shared his secrets with him. As he gazed out the dark window, even the bare floor started to feel warm. “My older brother died in an accident at the beach when he was nine. I was only one, so even if 1 look at pictures of him. I can’t remember him," he said quietly as he and Yuugo sat close together.
His family had gone on a trip to the beach, and, as it. was getting dark, his parents had started to gather up their things and had just taken their eyes off his brother for a second when he was swept away by the ocean currents. They never found his body. Tomoki's parents told him the only thing they found of his brother was one of his sandals that had washed up on the beach.
Of course, Tomoki himself didn't remember a thing. When he was young, he thought his “older brother's" room was interesting and he often went in there to play. But as he passed the age his brother had been when he died, it was weird seeing pictures of his older brother looking younger than Tomoki and seeing the elementary school textbooks still in his desk drawers.
“I don't remember anything, so it's not like I'm sad. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if he were still alive. But anyway, I wanna hear more about you.” Yuugo had placed his hand on Tomoki’s shoulder as if to comfort him, so Tomoki tried to quickly change the subject.
“I want to hear about the dreams you've had lately,” Yuugo said.
“What do you mean?"
“Didn’t you say you had a bunch of sex dreams?"
“Y-Yeah...” Tomoki stammered, surprised at the sudden change of topic.
“I waited all this time, but you still can't remember, huh? I guess drastic times call for drastic measures,” Yuugo muttered, as if he was talking to himself.
“Sometimes you say the weirdest stuff. Did we meet a long time ago or something?”
Yuugo put his arm around Tomoki’s shoulders and drew him closer. “Think very carefully about why you’re so drawn to me.”
Tomoki’s head swam as he grew strangely conscious of how Yuugo’s shirt was unbuttoned at the top, his chest exposed.
"And maybe you'll have ‘sweet dreams’ tonight," Yuugo said with his sensual smile.
"I just don't get Yuugo...” Tomoki said to himself as he sat down on his bed. He had been shocked at how closely Yuugo had held him, but even more so at what he had said next. “I only have one bed." He had said it so meaningfully.
Tomoki had thought Yuugo was going to kiss him or something. He thought that, as a friend, he should look him in the eyes and refuse, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to speak if he looked into those eyes. His heart had pounded, and Tomoki had felt his face getting hot. He started to doubt even himself. If Yuugo really pursued him, what would he do? What should he do? His mind raced. But then Yuugo had said, “You should probably go home now,” and stood up, smiling. Then he had walked Tomoki back out to the entrance of the building.
What was that about?! How does he feel about me! Tomoki shouted silently. If Yuugo had asked “Do you wanna sleep together?" Tomoki was pretty sure he'd have mustered up the strength to run away. Yuugo was probably just teasing him again. That had to be it. But if it wasn't, Tomoki was in trouble...
As he lay in bed, Tomoki put his hand over his chest and could feel his heart racing. How do I feel about Yuugo? As he worried about that, his eyelids grew heavy and he dozed off, falling into a deep, deep sleep. It was so deep that when he woke up in the morning he didn't remember anything about how he fell deep into dreams.
He fell down slowly, like a feather. Someone had caught his arm to steady his body. Even though his eyes were still closed, he felt relieved and smiled at the strong feeling on his arm. The sweet scent of flowers drifted in the air.
“Why don't you remember me?" Someone whispered into his ear in the dream. “Why don’t you open your eyes, Tomoki? Don't you want to recognize me?" He only realized it was “him" after hearing his own name. It was a familiar voice. He felt like he had heard the owner of the voice say that line many times before. In his half-conscious state, he recognized that he was dreaming. But in the dream, Tomoki’s eyes were closed. “Are you afraid I’ll look like a monster?" the man said uneasily.
Tomoki felt himself shake his head. “No, that's not it, ”he said, his eyes still closed. He knew he had probably never thought the man was scary. “I’m so tired." He felt the warmth of the other man’s body holding him, and grew sleepy from the comfort of it.
The man kissed him. and as Tomoki answered the moist feeling of his tongue, he wrapped his arms around the man’s strong body. He melted against the man's warm chest and under his kisses. He felt rough kisses along the nape of his neck, and his closed eyelids trembled as his face winced with pain. “That hurts, XXX!" Tomoki called the man’s name and tried to resist a little. But his body grew hot from the man's skillful fingers. He started panting under the man's warm body.
“Listen...when you wake up, look at the marks I made on you in the mirror. And then say my name out loud...”
"Oh...kay...” Tomoki answered, panting. He clung to the man’s sweaty body.
Before dawn. Tomoki opened his eyes and jumped up in bed. “No way..." His body felt like it had just had sex, and he gulped as he looked down at his disheveled pejamas. He went to the bathroom quietly, so that he wouldn’t wake his parents. Turning on the light. Tomoki timidly unbuttoned his pajama top. There were bright red hickeys on his neck. Not only that, but there were faint bite marks and more hickeys here and there around his nipples. He was dumbfounded. “Yuugo..." he said unconsciously. He was astonished at the name he had just whispered.
Tomoki was restless all morning. He couldn’t help but think about Yuugo, w ho sat in his seat near the doorway. Maybe he had just been thinking of him since they had such a private conversation at his place, and that’s why he had said his name? When Tomoki thought of the events that took place between the previous night and that morning, he felt like he had definitely had a dream. Then he remembered—a dream about having sex with his friend...Yuugo. I'm such an idiot! He wanted to scream out loud, but it was a dream so it wasn't like he could control it. It was a dream, but... Why do I have those bite marks and those hickeys?! There was no way he could have given them to himself!
"Listen...whenyou wake, look at the marks I made on you in the mirror. And then say my name out loud..." “he" had said in Tomoki’s dream. The man who always had sex with him in his dreams. So why had he said Yuugo’s name? He wanted to think it was because they spent so much time together. It made him want not to talk to Yuugo that day.
Is the guy from my dreams really Yuugo ? Do I love him and want to have sex with him? No, just calm down!
Tomoki’s head was spinning. The problem here wasn’t if he loved another man. It was that the things that happened in his dreams seemed to be happening in reality.
He was afraid that he had started to believe something very unrealistic. Tomoki spent the whole day at school a nervous wreck. In order to avoid talking to Yuugo, he left the classroom on breaks, and sat hunched over during class. They hadn't even made eye contact until after school was over, but Yuugo made no effort to come talk to him. So when Yuugo left the classroom alone, Tomoki flopped down on his desk and sighed loudly.
When Tomoki opened his eyes in the classroom, it was already getting dark outside. From the window he could see that the setting sun was changing the sky from red to purple, making the familiar classroom seem cold. “Did I fall asleep?” he murmured as he stared at the chalkboard. There didn't seem to be anyone left in the dark hallways. Tomoki felt uneasy at being left all alone, and began to tremble. Even though it was May, it was still chilly, and he started to wish he had brought a jacket to school that day. He didn't think his classmates were so mean as to leave him sleeping there alone...
Tomoki began to feel uneasy as the purple sky took on a blue tint, like the witching hour was approaching. The outlines of the desks and chairs began to become indistinct. Even when he strained his eyes, he couldn’t make out their forms. The darkness began to feel ominous. Tomoki couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed his bag and stood up.
“Are you going home by yourself?” Tomoki jumped at the sudden sound of a voice coming from behind him. When he turned around, his heart pounded as he saw someone sitting in a desk wearing black clothes, alone in the darkness.
“Yuugo?” It took him a while to realize who it was. Tomoki knew even his fingers were trembling as he held his bag. He wished there was some kind of light on. What had he been doing in this dark room, not saying a word?
“It's dark outside, now. It’s dangerous, so I’ll walk you home,” Yuugo said. Tomoki couldn't see his face in the dark.
“Yuugo, why are you still here?” Tomoki finally got up the courage to ask when they neared the shoe lockers. The lights there were still on.
“Watching,” Yuugo said nonchalantly as he changed his shoes.
“Watching what?" Tomoki asked curiously, led on by a false sense of security at the normalcy of Yuugo's voice. “I wish you would have woken me up before it got dark. By the way, have you decided on a club yet? If not, you should soon. You like sports, right?” Tomoki kept chattering on, almost like he was afraid of silence.
They went out the school gates. Even though the road was lit by streetlights, Tomoki felt like it was unusually dark that night. He was glad he didn't have to walk home by himself.
“So what were you watching?”
“Everything getting dark around you.”
“What?” For a second, Tomoki had forgotten what he had even asked him. and suddenly got goosebumps. He felt like the air around them had grown cold, and unconsciously crossed his arms. “What does that mean? You always talk weird, so I misunderstand you a lot. You weren’t watching me, so what were you watching?” He tried to sound teasing, but he couldn't hide his trembling voice.
“I told you, I was watching everything getting dark around you,” Yuugo repeated slowly. The hair on the back ofTomoki's neck stood up.
“Yuugo, explain it so I can understand,” Tomoki said, again trying to sound cheerful. He found himself backing away slowly.
“Tomoki, did you look in the mirror this morning like you were supposed to?” As Yuugo said this, he reached out his hand and unfastened the clasp on Tomoki’s collar. “He" touched a hickey with his finger. "You said my name, didn’t you?”
“H-How did you...?!”
“You remembered everything, didn't you?”
Tomoki looked down and nodded, which made Yuugo smile gently. “I see. I’m glad you remembered. I was worried that once you met me in Reality, you’d fall asfeep too fast in your dreams.”
Fall asleep in my dreams? Tomoki replayed Yuugo’s words over and over again in his mind. Of course he would be sleeping when he was dreaming, but he felt like that wasn't what Yuugo had meant.
"You didn't want to admit in Reality that I was making love to you, right?”
"Making lo Hey, wait a second!" Tomoki said as he heard the truth he had feared.
"I was only able to stay human because I met you in your dreams. Yuugo looked down at him as they walked along the dark road on their way home. Tomoki couldn't believe Yuugo was a bad guy when he saw the kindness in his eyes.
"I...don’t understand what you mean by that," Tomoki said hesitantly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember my dreams." It was half-truth, half-lie. He didn't know if the strange things he had experienced lately were because of Yuugo or not.
Tomoki's house was on the edge of the residential district across from the park which was already lit by the blue-white glow of the streetlights. He and Yuugo slowly walked side by side. Tomoki could see the lights on inside his house. His mother was probably making dinner and waiting for him. He found himself unable to believe that he was walking together with Yuugo on that dark road. But what exactly couldn't he believe? He didn t know, himself. That Yuugo was a normal human being? Or that he was the same person that Tomoki made love to in his dreams?
He didn't understand the meaning of what Yuugo had said about being able to “stay human." If he wasn't human, then what was he? Tomoki’s mind raced. They neared his house, and suddenly Yuugo silently turned the corner of the dark alley.
“Hey, wait a second!" Tomoki cried towards Yuugo. “Why are you going home so quickly? I don't understand anything that's just happened!”
"Why are you stopping me?” Yuugo said quietly, still not turning around. It was the first time Tomoki had ever heard irritation in his voice.
"Because...I just can't accept things the way they...are...” he trailed off. He didn't know what he couldn't accept or why he had stopped Yuugo, either.
"Do you really want to believe me?" Yuugo turned around slowly and stared at Tomoki. There was no smile on his face. Tomoki's chest tightened, as it was the first time he'd ever seen such a cold expression on Yuugo's face.
He was sure this was Yuugo's true face, when he wasn’t putting on a fake smile to please people. His eyes were coldly indifferent.
It was almost as if he was about to say. "I have no use for you anymore," and Tomoki suddenly found it hard to breathe. Until then, he had thought that Yuugo thought he was special.
"I was only able to slay human because I met you in your dreams."
There was no way that the smile Yuugo had given when he had said that so tenderly was false. Tomoki suddenly felt like he was about to cry. He clenched his fists and looked up. "I II listen to wrhatever you have to say." He felt that if they parted like this, he would never see Yuugo s smile again. "So just explain it in a way that's easy for me to understand!"
Tomoki put down his bag in the foyer and explained to his mother that he'd be home late. He saw Yuugo greet his mother behind him, and his face was all smiles, just like normal. Tomoki felt relieved. His mother also seemed relieved that Tomoki had a “friend" that lived so close to them. “Are you sure your friend doesn’t want to join us for dinner, Tomoki?”
"Thank you. Maybe next time,” Yuugo politely declined Tomoki’s mother’s invitation.
“Yuugo, are you sure we can’t talk inside?” The two of them began to walk along the sidewalk by the park. On their right was the dimly lit park and to their left were the mortar bricks of rows of houses. “You should have at least come in for dinner.”
"You're lucky to have a family.”
“What?” Tomoki looked up at the sound of self-derision in Yuugo’s voice.
“We’re the same, but why are our environments so different? Is it because you've been so slow to 'awaken’?” he murmured, sighing. “It’s not fair.” Yuugo brushed his hair back and stared at Tomoki.
Suddenly, Yuugo put his right hand on the bricks and grabbed Tomoki. The streetlights from the park did not illuminate them. Light and darkness were clearly defined. Tomoki tried to retreat back into the light, but Yuugo wouldn’t let his hand go. He couldn't see Yuugo clearly in the shadows; the only thing still illuminated by the blue-white light was half of Yuugo’s face. He was smiling, as usual.
“It’s not fair. You and I are the same... We make love all the time, but when you wake you act like it was only a dream."
“Yuugo!” Tomoki raised his voice, and Yuugo briefly let go of his hand. He stretched it out in front of him. It cast a dark shadow on Tomoki's face.
“Listen. You and I are the same.” Yuugo slowly brought his hand next to Tomoki. When Tomoki looked at it, a shiver went down his spine. Even though there was supposed to have been a brick wall next to him, Yuugo’s hand had penetrated it with no resistance.
Why?! The color drained from Tomokis face as if he had just seen a ghost. He desperately tried to push Yuugo away, but just ended up tripping backwards. “What?” The sensation of the brick wall that he had been pressing his back up against was now gone. Tomoki’s figure was swallowed up by the darkness, as if he had fallen off a cliff.
Tomoki felt an overw helming sensation of vertigo, as if he were actually falling ofTa clifT. He screamed as he clutched fearfully at Yuugo. I'm gonna die! He saw the ground approaching, then squeezed his eyes shut. Before long, they would crash into the hard earth and his bones would be crushed. I'm gonna die, and it's going to be all Yuugo's fault! At that moment, a black flame burst forth. Giant wings spread from Yuugo’s back.
Each one had to be at least three meters wide when he spread them. The jet black wings that sprouted through his school uniform made a loud rustling noise. They vigorously flapped two, then three times. Their bodies, which had been falling, now lightly floated in mid-air. The force of the wings had brought them upright again, and they both touched the ground with their feet at the same time, with Tomoki still holding onto Yuugo.
It took a long time for Tomoki to realize that he was now standing on the ground. He blinked repeatedly and then raised his face, timidly looking at Yuugo. Tomoki thought Yuugo had transformed into some kind of ghost or demon or something. “That was the first time you fell directly into the darkness, right? Were you scared?” Yuugo asked with a calm expression on his face.
Tomoki nodded.
“We fell into the realm of humans' dreams with our bodies intact. Once you get used to it, as long as there is darkness you can travel through it to reach the Depths of Dreams. It’s rare for humans to have this power,” Yuugo explained, but Tomoki had a hard time understanding him.
“ have wings corning from your back!!” He looked up at the wings that were folded against Yuugo's school uniform with a shocked look on his face. They were wings the color of darkness, like a raven’s. Up close, the feathers had a beautiful rainbow sheen to them. Several of them had fallen to the ground, and just one of them was about fifteen centimeters long. Tomoki started to panic. “Where are we?”
He looked around wildly. As he strained his eyes in the darkness, Tomoki saw a desolate landscape with rocky cliffs pushing up here and there. It was ominous, like Something was lurking in every shadow, and he couldn’t calm himself down. Yuugo explained again slowly, and Tomoki shook his head, his eyes still wide. "So we fell into a dream? So, in other words...this is really happening? It’s reality?”
“Do you believe it?”
“I’m...not sure.”
Maybe he had suddenly lost consciousness by the park or something. Tomoki pinched his cheeks hard. Tears welled up in his eyes from the definite sensation of pain he felt.
“This is a lower strata than the dreams human have.” an archaic-sounding voice said by his ear. He heard the sound of wings flapping. Tomoki felt a weight on his shoulder, and saw that a crow was perched on him. “And if you go even lower, you will find the place where Yuugo saved Lord Tomoki.”
“Is that a crow?” Tomoki pointed timidly to the bird on his shoulder and asked a smiling Yuugo.
“This place is close to the Underworld, so the demons here are strong. If Yuugo hadn’t found you, you would have been eaten alive!” Tomoki suddenly jumped up at the soft sensation he felt coiling around his feet. “How rude! Don't you remember me?” Tomoki blinked at the green eyes that looked up at him from the ground.
“ a cat, right?" He had a look of disbelief on his face, and pointed to the cat with golden fur that was standing by Yuugo’s feet. Its long tail was divided in two.
“Yuugo, has Lord Tomoki forgotten all about us?" The crow flew over to rest on Yuugo's shoulder and whispered in his ear, hiding his beak behind a wing. But he spoke loudly, so Tomoki could hear everything.
“I helped save Tomoki, too. My name is Jade. Don’t you remember?”
“I don’t remember...but that’s a nice name."
“Uh-huh. My first master gave it to me. He said the color of my eyes was the color of a gem called ‘jade,"’ the cat proudly proclaimed. "Human Dark Walkers are always males, but I’m a girl. My first two masters died of old age, so everyone started to call me mean names like ‘monster.' I got lost once in this world, so I haven’t been able to go back to the human world," Jade explained in a bored-sounding voice. She seemed more interested in grooming her golden fur than talking. By all appearances, she seemed like a normal long-haired cat.
“And I!’’ The crow hurriedly flew back to Tomoki’s shoulder. Both his movements and speech were unbelievably fast for a crow. “I am Kurou Myo Oboyoshimasa. I am a crow yaksha, a Buddhist guardian. I used to be a very important tengu, but since Yuugo defeated me and stole my beautiful black wings, I lost my powers and became a lowly crow. Not only that, but I am Yuugo’s slave! One day, though. I’ll get my wings and my powers back!" The crow yelled into Tomoki’s ears, which made him squeeze his eyes shut and hold his hands over them.
“Shut up, you loud crow," Yuugo smacked Kurou’s head from behind, and the crow tumbled onto the ground.
You better watch it! I am a yakshal” The bird quickly righted himself beside Jade and pointed one wing at Yuugo, complaining the entire time. “The power of your beautiful wings is mine! They are mine! I am just waiting for my chance..."
"Yeah, yeah. Do whatever you want," Yuugo said, waving his hand.
"He's such a stupid crow, isn't he?” Jade said in an exasperated tone, and smiled with her proud cat face.
It was true that if he talked this loud, Kurou’s “chance” would probably never come.
“But Kurou, you’re so stupid that Yuugo didn't even think it was necessary to kill you. If he was able to steal your wings, that must mean he was just as strong as you —so maybe you have a problem with intelligence..."
“Why, you rude little—!”
“You don't look strong, so that's why Yuugo decided to fight you. If you let your powers be absorbed you might become a demon, so even Yuugo tries to avoid fighting. I'd be so upset if he got turned into a demon. He's so handsome...”
Listening to Jade and Kurou's exchange. Tomoki was unsure of what he could and could not laugh at.
A cat and a crow were already talking, so he didn't even care anymore. And even Yuugo, who stood next to him, had two giant w ings coming from his back.
“But I am glad you have finally awakened. Yuugo hid you somewhere safe every day. This violent man only treats Lord Tornoki with affection."
“That's right! Because of Tomoki, we've been able to approach Yuugo. Until he found you, he was even scarier than demons!”
“I thought Yuugo was a demon or a monster!" Jade and Kurou both giggled.
It seemed that not only were there demons in this world, but monsters, too.
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