Left arm flies in the air. Was this calculated and cut, or the other side flew away. Guy ( Yatsuko ) will do it I will not forgive you. Stop now to stop bleeding.
“Mu, I thought I’d settle it with a single sword. As expected, it ’s a king ”
“… Yes, Gerard. No way Mitsukami Kamikama ( That ) I didn’t think I was alive Yeah. I have a little more magical power. What kind of magic did you survive with?
Standing in front of me was Gérard, “Ken 翁”. My blood drips from the magic sword in my hand, demonstrating that it is a spear of my left arm. No, I went there. The armor is almost on the verge of collapsing, and there are many holes that have been shot out by light. However, I am satisfied with my five bodies and am full of energy. It looks much better than me who lost one arm.
“Now, a little bit of good luck overlaps, and after that, it’s a playful combination play”
“Yeah, Angers did your best too?
“Oh, did Angers be safe?-No, it seems not safe …”
Angers, who may have released the covert state, appear behind Gerard. But Angers was bloody. Although barely one leg is safe, there is no other safety. Really barely survived. It was like that.
“Efil-chan, Lion-chan Alex, and Sera-san seemed unusually unlucky. I retired without having time to endure. However, me and Mr. Gérard were not in the middle of shooting, and Kroto’s last resistance was in time. ”
“… I see, I cut my body and became two shields.”
“So. Protected us from obscuring us while absorbing as much magic as possible from the attack. ”
“In addition, the eagle doesn’t work. Relatively safe
“Instead, I’m like this, so I’m retiring with a lot of bleeding. That’s dangerous and dangerous. Rio will be angry again ”
“No, no, Angers wants to do the last job firmly. I sought out the last power and participated in the assault on the king with the eagle. Even if it ’s not a fatal wound, that depth is really big ”
Is it because of Gerrard’s sword that suddenly appeared after the attack? This time he killed his sign with Gerard and was hiding until the attack stopped.
“Let’s leave it up. I did not fulfill my duties as a knight, but let me win the battle. ”
“Okay. I’m too limitable, so it’s too tight … after that, sir– “
No more words were followed. Before finishing, Angers was taken to the balcony by Collet’s esoteric technique. Gerard, who received the last word on the battlefield, stabs the sword in the ground and gently rubs it.
“… This is a true decisive battle, king.” If you look at the place where you don’t treat your arm, the amount of magical power is low. Even if a rainbow is drawn like a collet, I will decide quickly because it looks so good ”
“Thank you for doing so. But Gerard. (19459008] …… Good condition Isn’t it? It looks like it ’s just a chromel. What is driving you there?
Gerrard’s look is certainly tattered, seemingly full-blown. However, the energy that is actually released from Gérard, the spirit of killing, and the overflowing energy has become the strongest to date. Still something new? I thought about it for a moment, but I deny it with my head that it was different. You know, Gerard can be more simply purely stronger.
“The eagle is now madly angry. I understand that this is a celebration of a battle rally, but I don’t feel like an eagle. Oh, the eagle sings. Although it is a shrine maiden state, the work of the king who buried Rion, Efil, and cute feudal grandchildren … Absolutely forgive!
“Oh … I expected this development to some extent. Isn’t it a little unreasonable anger?
“No questions!
“Yeah …”
Although I was invited, the question and answer were made useless. No, I understand. Gerard’s anger is in the spirit of Lions who have been defeated by half, and the other half is to give me the best gift for me who is fighting crazy. It ’s not a long relationship with Date. If we are connected with hard bonds like us, we can guess without talking about everything.
“Oh, the eagle’s preparedness is ready. This time, the eagle will suffer the stigma of becoming a king killing knight. Whether it’s Hannya or Yasha, it’s too warm to hold the anger of the eagle. Preparedness, preparedness, preparedness, preparedness …!
Is there half, too? If I have that feeling even at 30% or 10%, I will be happy.
“That’s also a form of loyalty. Haha, is it okay to have such a happy day?
Do you want something special to receive Gerard’s sword? Just because there are no more MPs, creating a new weapon cannot be bypassed. Since Kroto is not here, it is not possible to get out of the store. So let’s borrow the prototype that Kuroto had released in the early stages. Fortunately, there are a lot of unbroken items.
While paying attention to Gérard, who is about to jump out, repair the weapon that meets my hand. Since there is only one hand, the number of weapons that can be used is limited in the first place. If the slash doesn’t work, the kid who excels in defense and avoidance — I feel like the anger voltage has risen again. I do n’t want to wear a weapon with Rion! ?
“Hoooo, king …” I’m good at stroking the eagle’s nerves!
“What are you answering me, you?”
“… Know the anger of the eagle!”
What was it for now? Nevertheless, Gerard’s bravery continues to increase. If you are attacked even with a single blow, there is a great risk that Collet’s esoteric escape device will operate. A counter that uses a kicking technique that surely pours each sword and gives up white magic in the energy-saving mode. Immediate procurement if weapons are destroyed. This is repeated repeatedly to scrape off the Gerard HP. If you make a mistake at any time, you may end up alone. It’s not a flashy game but a steady battle. But more than that, this thrill inspires my excitement and sharpens my mind to fight more. Go deeper into your concentration. One day we were silent and changed into a strange battle where only the swordsman was spirited.
“Daddy may be the best smile ever”
“… Battle Rally, you planned and were correct”
“Yeah, Kelvin seems to be happy and above all!”
“Gera Grande seems to have a lot of fun. I was angry until a while ago”
“That’s right, Gerard is also a boy. Angers knows it.”
Listening to outside voices unconsciously because of too good ears. It’s nifty and I haven’t heard of it. Now just enjoy this moment. But that’s it.
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