第13話 黒霊騎士
Chapter 13 Black Soul Knight
After finishing the battle with Cashel, I joined Clotho.
“Clotho seems to be safe”
I advance to the place where Gimuru which is last one of group of 3 falls down to. Gimuru seemed to already cease to breathe.
「めぼしい物は…… カシェルの剣くらいか。クロト、死体を吸収してくれ。あと、MP回復薬も出してくれ」
“The valuable thing…… the sword of Cashel? Clotho, absorb the corpse. And take out also an MP recovery potion.
When appraised, it has been understood, the sword of Cashel is class C weapon “[Mithril Sword]”. Though there is no special effect, the offensive power of the sword is high and considerably good. I will have Clotho keep it. By the way magic robe and cane of jade that I is equipped is class E. In the place where a low request was achieved ten times, there is no reason that can buy quality goods(TLN:doesn’t makes much sense for me).
While Clotho has absorbed remains of Cashel and Gimuru, MP is recovered taking the recovery potion put in Clotho’s storage. Although the fight against Cashel was overwhelming victory and if you look at the results, actually there is no room to spare. Though it fuels and it boiled to the fuel, The part defeated on the status side is many, too, It has become how that relies on the skill to fight(TLN:I don’t get this).
“I have various things to say to Cashel, you have not fought against a strong man that much too?”
“I am going to fight from now on”
So, even here is a skirmish. I confirmed it with appraisal from the gap of the door, after this I have to fight the old castle of evil spirit’s black soul knight – a monster that is higher rank than us.
ジェラール 138歳 男 黒霊騎士長 暗黒騎士
Gerard – 138 years old – Male – black soul knight chief – Dark knight
Level: 53
称号 :憂国の守護者
Title: Guardian of Patriotism
HP :647/647
MP :162/162
筋力(Physical Strength) :478(+160)
耐久(Endurance) :490(+160)
敏捷(Agility) :163
魔力(Magic Power) :112
幸運(Luck) :97
Skills: Loyalty (inherent skill)
剣術(A級) Fencing (Class A)
剛力(B級) Herculean strength (Class B)
鉄壁(B級) Impregnable guard (Class B)
心眼(C級) The mind’s eye (Class C)
軍団指揮(B級) Army corps command(B class)
闇属性半減 Darkness attribute reduction by half
スキルポイント (Skill points):178
“What do you say, I want to make a friend very much!”
“There is not the fragment of the feeling of strain, too”
Let’s leave Tsukkomi of Merufi-na, the other party is a named monster. It is name durability(TLN: Gerard?). According to the information that I investigated beforehand, named monsters are intelligent, it is said that there is an individual that speaks the human speech, too. The typical one is the dragon kind. It is also written that humanoids have high probability to speak.
“Contract with the intelligent monster is not tricky. Only not weakening, but also recognize you”
I need to be recognized? A war does not seem to get off only with victory unconditionally(TLN: even if he won by any means, something like that).
“It is normal to trainers to raise low-ranked monster. Suddenly trying to make a boss into a subordinate.”
“Is it the same as evolve Clotho from the blue slime?”
『クロトの進化は異例なのですが…… その認識でよろしいかと』
“The evolution of Clotho is exceptional … … Is it all right by the recognition?”
“Well, we won’t know wether if it will work if we don’t try”
I turn toward Clotho.
“Clotho, the black soul knight for me, is the first powerful enemy for you. Do not be stingy.” (TLN: sounds like don’t hold back or something)
I piled up reinforcement magic to me and Clotho. With my high level of magical power the effect might last a little bit longer. If it is over; completely. I let Clotho wait in the rear and open the large door. Black soul knight’s attire is exactly the same as earlier. A large sword of the jet black is thrust into ground, and in imposing stance as protecting the throne at the back(I didn’t get this part). The state not to shake is like the genuine knight not a monster.
I walk to throne slowly while staring on the black soul knight. In the area where I came to until the middle of the room, a quiet voice just sounded.
“State your business” (TLN: more of “why are you here?”)
I was surprised at an unexpectedly dandy voice a little. It might be reflected on a face without my skill of the courage.
“Did you finally talk? I was worried because you didn’t moved until I walked”
“Unnecessary care. A lost child came in the deepest part of the castle, state your business”
「お前を討伐に…… ってのが最初の目的だったんだが、気が変わったんだ。俺は召喚士のケルヴィン、お前と契約したい」
“For your subjugation… is what supposed to be my purpose but I changed my mind. I am summoner Kelvin, want to make contract with you.”
The black soul knight hardens for an instant. (TLN: stiffen?)
“…you bastard want me to have contract with and follow you?”
“It is so. ”
Ah, yabe. The black soul knight shakes a body little by little. Have I angered him?
「ク、ククク…… ガァーハッハッハッハ!!」
“Ku, Kukuku…… Gaa;-hahhahhahha.!”
Suddenly, The black soul knight changed completely with a previous image and burst into laughter as if I discharged all the crowded things not to save until now. Naturally I am dumbfounded in my mind.
「止めだ止めた、こんな堅苦しい話し方。それにしても小僧、これだけワシが殺気を向けていたというのに、平気な面をしよってからに! 更には契約しろだと、面白すぎるぞ貴様!」
“Stop, stop it, such a formal speech. However boy/youngster, even though too much bloodlust was directed to you, you remained calm! You want to form a contract, you’re really interesting.”
In a finger snap. The proud knight’s image vanished.
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