The civil war in the kingdom of Aruseido has ended. The Wilmington troops allocated to their positions, commanded by Klan, and delivered a sure defeat to Ostia. With no one claiming have lead the movement however, the head of the dukedom's evaded responsibility. The apparent stance of Sacramento was neutral, but there were fishy signs that they had a hand in. Although there remained lots of political dealings behind closed doors, harmony has returned to the capitol Centoria at last. One week after the civil war ended, the streets already overflowed with energy. The resilience of people is greatly admirable. Klancesca's fame became tremendous as a result. The Kingdom has now, a guardian, and is now her spoken designation. I think the reality has become that way. From this war, whether something was gained... "Ne, apprentice! Would you, too, play with Rin?" "Sure I will" "Ok! Come here!" "I understand" In that capital, that park where who knows when a battle had taken. The children of the church were in a circle playing, in the center was the me who was jibed as an angel. That nickname was bestowed by Rin-chan, afterwards the word passed to the kids, and now we have a circle together. That's when I saw, an asymmetrical girl with blue hair, looking this way. Whatever the kids told her, she walked this way. "Hey there, Silver Lightning." "...That way of calling me, I really wish for it to stop, though." "Mm....ja, employer." "A little more." "Former target." "...Normal would be nice." "Ja, master." Umu, the [sniper-helper] deeply consented ―― Aim nodded. How is that ever normal, I will never know. Buut, that Aim really consented to it then, it's not bad. ...the Assassin’s, master, hm. It has a very bad sound to it but, just my imagination, ne. "I am grateful, master. To be granted the privilege of being here with the children." By committing a critical mistake, an assassin's end becomes pitiful. A toll is received; a secret assassin is dispatched for that assassin. The assassin who fails, hands their life over the line. Having the tables turned on their quest is another danger they have. In this case of me and Aim, it was the latter, having defeated Aim I placed my bet in a heal, somehow getting a hold on life, and handing the rest to Ilya. As if the former had died, an ally reborn. "I saw Aim's reason to fight, ne." For the Church, a present of fifty gold coins. With that, the children would starve no more. For that sake, Aim employed for. "I owe it to Master. No longer must I perform incalculable number of handyman jobs. Here on, only for my Master shall I draw bow." "Aim's ability, that would be infamous to all, I look forward to (having) you." I almost died to you. Because I almost died to you! "My charge for work, is one gold coin each." "*Ta-ka*" I will really soon dry out of money, hey!? "Apart from that, I want a fixed monthly salary." "A, to have stability and a fine tomorrow, ne.." Where is my fine tomorrow, da... "Varying various requests, I will await." "Moderately modestly, I will request..." What to say, caring for other people’s lives, me, in front of my eyes, the number of dependents have grown. I felt like a manager of a startup company. For the well-being of my employees, to work, then return to my origins. To gather the smiling faces of everybody, gives me strength! "Summer and winter, is triple-charged, de." "And you're demanding a bonus!" I must work! My guild can't always be going with a rank E, zo. The platinum coin I received from Klan, now 50 gold coins sliced off. A short while after all that, after that ridiculous conversation, I left the park. The completely-exhausted-from-playing Rin-chan was being carried on my back. War memorial. The view of the good outskirts on top of a mound, it stood. The sky was dyed the colour of sunset. Ilya, me, then Saira arrived to it. Shion-san said she had things to do with Elnoire and left. Elnoire-san also came to the capital... I don't ever want to be a maid again, though. "..." It wasn't that we were going one-by-one to the tomb. It was a big monument, words were just minced. Saira held flowers for the monument and garnished them. How long has it been already, the uncountable, flowers flaunted. ...This war killed uncountable soldiers, how many of these things effected how many families. "I..." I was petting the head of Saira whom was moved to tears. She was wearing the headband received from Ilya. The timing was grand, and so I had better not take it off. Prudence. Later, Saira offered prayers in front of the monument and teared up. Probably, it was something deeper than I could understand, that she was carrying within her. I have no intention to be nosy. "――You guys..." Turning around to the voice, it was Klancesca who came along with an escort of knights. Increasingly, the situation has become heavier. "Klancesca-sama..." Saira stood up from the monument, and went towards Klan. The guards started reacting, and Klan's hand extended them to hold them back. "Saira, as what I know you to be called, ne. To have volunteered your body to protect another, I' will not be forget in a lifetime, wa." "That is..." "Tell me of your troubles. I' will oblige." "No, to be here together with Alice, it is my happiness, nya..." Then ―― in this moment, Saira unfastened her hairband. I too, Ilya too, Klan too, parted out of surprised sound. The guards who knew a portion of the circumstance of the war, grew angry. A long, sidelong, glooming stare to the beyond, as if being condemned terribly, Saira lowered herself to the knees. "Klancesca-sama... the person who shot your Father and Mother ―――― was I." "―――" The atmosphere, froze. "It is selfish... I plead, for you to please hear the circumstances, Princess." Klan though looking dumbfounded, nevertheless Saira resolutely spoke. "Once there was a time ... the younger me, was a dirty trench that jumped in front of a carriage. Those days, there was nothing to eat, I was hungry... The adults around me would give bread, or so that was said, so I merrily jumped in front of the carriage." Everyone, stayed still. Saira's monologue, was listened to intently. "As it drew to the very edge, the horse drawn carriage stopped... the guards came out to drive the thing away, but mother-sama then decided to go out. "You are, a person starving and suffering, one of our people, seeing it is as if we have kicked you out." she said ... even now it is a vivid memory. From the carriage, she brought out bread for me. A Human like that to exist... this, I remember, nya..." Klancesca had her hand above her mouth, staggering. "I immediately bit down... it was the first time ever having eaten, delicious bread. Mother-sama, to the lowly me, petted my head. This, I remember ... And in that instance, an arrow... Mother-sama was――" "Stop!!" Klan, breathing heavily and cried out. "――From there, I do not remember too much ... from the forest many adults came out, with big voices and lots of noise ... but, mother-sama was downed in front of me, however so with a smile ... I remember this! Down lower than my eye level, she ordered "Lead these beings out, escape. For you in regards to those beings, I forgive, this, is an order." What she said, I will never forget, nya!" "Stop, I said!!" Klan drew out her magic sword. "I, will never ever forget! The nobility that they showed! Their kindness! And ... me, like a stupid brat ―― ts! That's why, I apologize! Klancesca-sama, Princess-sama who is here and can hear, forever my highest apology! Really, my biggest apology..." Saira gripped both hands forming palms to pray, towards Klancesca. "This which is beyond inexcusable, Klancesca-sama ―――― this life, is all given back to you." No one, had words. Saira was kneeled down, in front of Klan's eyes waiting the moments quietly passing with eyes closed. The magic sword that was held trembled. ――っ! Klan rose up her magic sword. My body enveloped with lightning. The eyes, met. It confessed, the purple eyes that were shaking. "っ!" Klan ―― stored the sword into its scabbard. "――Forgiven." I sighed out, at those words. "I, for those deeds I forgive. That is a command. As original, I will not allow the passing of hatred continue ... Retire!" The knights cried out. "The business was just that? Well then, I will go now, wa." Disregarding the astonished surroundings Klancesca turned her back to leave. ... ―――――――っ! "Ilya, Saira is entrusted to you!" "*Yes*, *my*, *lady*." With my body of thunder, I rushed. Passing the surprised knights. With my piledrive, I was able to hug Klan's back ―― "A, Alice! You are!!" The dismayed Klan was ignored, I with all my strength, jumped to the sky. Using the limit of my power, sending us to the yonder, holding Klan, jumped to the sky. The ground beyond was becoming faraway. Ourselves, in wonderment by the height we had jumped. "――Cast release, [Blizzard]" In midsky, icicle footing was summoned. Nothing that will disturb us, the sky in the middle of a sunset, the pair of us, on top of crystal ice we stood. "Alice! What is your intention!!" "You have been showing off too much, Klan." While hugging Klan, an onee-chan action popped up, with a clunk, my head hit with Klan's head. "Do you forgive from your standing? Do you have someone who you can let your guard down with? Do all the eyes around you, demand you to be perfect?" "――" With my weak strength, and all of my might, I hugged Klan. "But, too bad. Right here, nobody's eyes can reach here, this sky of only the two of us." She, at my words, gazed to the sinking horizon, at the direction of the light. Dazzling, brilliant of a sight, her face was lost. "Alice... I'-" "――Crying is fine, yo, in front of me, even lots and lots of tears, I wouldn't mind." "――Alisu, u, uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" It was a much stronger hug than mine, Klan let out a held back sound. That is, must be, from this war and the way it's ended, the first time Klan had explosive feelings, probably. "Klan... you have to let up your loneliness. Even a little, I am here, you know." "――uu, the thought of you dying, I hate it! "It's all right, I, have a long life." "Losing your life in a battle, I would hate it!!" "...Hasn't anyone told you? You are talking to the world's strongest magician! I don't intend to fall behind anyone." "Alice-...! Alice!!" I softly petted Klan with her soft hair. "――You've had it rough, Klan. You've done your best. Now, for a little bit, take a break." Hugging the back of a delicate princess general burdened with the nation's expectations, we spent some time in midsky for a while. The red sky burned harsher, it was somehow melancholic. But, different from the morning sun - this calmness, it pierced and sank into body, it eased the heart. "――Never, wa" "Eh?" Klan muttered something and her face turned around ―― "――んっ" Lips, got locked. Klan's ―― lips. ――Eh? Time passed, several seconds. Me, flabbergasted, my lips separated, and squinting, peeked at Klan. "――I will never let you get away, wa, Alice." This face that Klancesca has, completely changed from before, to sunny, and bright... ...What? Now... what just happened? Klan turned around with a scheming smile, and in front, my confused face that has totally panicked.
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